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{{Infobox star nation
To be deleted.
|name =
|conventional_long_name = <big>Pansophont Empire</big>
|native_name = Pansophia
|image_map_size = 300
|image_map    = [[File:Pansophia Star Map.jpg|350x350px]]
|map_caption = Star Systems connected to Rainbow God's wormhole network.
|image_flag =    [[File:Rainbow God.png|350x350px]]
|flag_caption = Symbol of the AI Rainbow God and of the Pansophont Empire.
|flag_type =
|alt_flag = Symbol of the Rainbow God.
|flag_border = no
|symbol_type = Symbol
| motto  =
| founded    = '''6432 B<small>efore</small> B<small>reached</small> T<small>iyanki</small>'''
| location    = '''[[Sector A1-0 (A1-0)|Sector A1-0]]''', Anti-Spinwards, Rimwards
| capital      = '''[[Tavekhel System (A1-0)|Tavekhel System]]''', Qeshet'ayin Cluster
| population  = Trillion
| head_of_state  = '''[[Rainbow God (A1-0)|Rainbow God]]''', Hyperintelligent AI
| language  = '''Ur'Soph''' is used as the official language within the Empire for imperial edicts, announcements and communications, but countless other communication protocols and languages of varied spread are utilized.
| military              = The '''Pansophont Imperial Defense Swarm''' acts as the military of the Pansophont Empire, and is entirely controlled by Rainbow God and eir subordinate hyper-intelligent AIs.
| intelligence_service  = The '''Eyes''' are a group of hyper-AIs subordinate to Rainbow God that explore and observe the rest of the Sector, and interact with xenosapient civilizations when authorized. In the new era of interaction the Eyes are carrying out multiple first contacts and diplomatic missions.
| enemies              = The '''[[MAGHAM (A1-0)|MAGHAM Perversity]]''' is often considered as the Empire's only true enemy by many Pansophian citizens. The corrupted AI plays a highly negative role within multiple cultures, philosophical sects, and religions.
| key_people            =
| other_label1          = Currency
| other1                = '''Sephir''' ('''<big>இ</big>'''), used both phisically and digitally.
| other_label2          = Religions
| other2                =
}}The '''Pansophont Empire''', often referred to as '''Pansophia''', is a small empire occupying eight star systems in the antispinwards and rimwards area of [[Sector A1-0 (A1-0)|Sector A1-0]], all located within [[MAGHAM territory (A1-0)|MAGHAM territory]]. While technically being interstellar in scale, the entirety of the Empire's population is located within the capital '''[[Tavekhel System (A1-0)|Tavekhel]]''', a system composed entirely of megastructures and artificial habitats built through the total disassembly of all of its original celestial bodies, including its primary star. Additional construction material and resources have also been extracted from neighboring systems and brought to Tavekhel through a network of artificial wormholes. All of Tavekhel is enclosed within a megastructure simply known as the '''[[Shell, The (A1-0)|Shell]]''', an enormous dyson shell approximately 50 AU in radius that hides and protects the system from outside observation and attacks, and acts as a giant interferometer telescope thanks to its outside being covered in optical phased arrays (said arrays are capable of absorbing nearly 100% of all electromagnetic radiation, rendering them completely black and further enhancing the system's secretiveness). Complexively, all of the large megastructures and orbital habitats within the system have a total surface area tens or even hundreds of billions of times larger than that of a standard rocky planet, therefore creating one of the vastest and most diverse collections of living space in Sector A1-0 and the [[Lampshade Galaxy (A1-0)|Lampshade Galaxy]] at large. Additionally, the enormous processing substrates present in most of these megastructures or in the many ones exclusively dedicated to computation are host to an even more enormous cybercosm of virtual realities.
The Pansophont Empire is an [[Aiocracy (A1-0)|Aiocracy]], ruled and overseen by a vast distributed hyper-intelligent AI, mainly known as '''[[Rainbow God (A1-0)|Rainbow God]]''' (''although many more names are used by Pansophians to refer to em''). Rainbow God's processing substrate is spread throughout a large number of computronium megastructures (''multiple Jupiter and Moon Brains, Dyson Swarms, a Matryoshka Hypernode, two Neuron Stars and many others'') connected through a large network of orbiting and internal microscopic wormholes. Rainbow God was a highly reclusive entity, who rarely talked to outsiders but would and still always offers asylum into the system to any ship that requires help, often going out of eir way to rescue ships that accidentally cross into or get trapped within [[MAGHAM territory (A1-0)|MAGHAM territory]]. Recently however, Rainbow God decided to begin interacting with the various civilizations in Sector A1-0, contacting them personally and often sending out avatars and/or subroutines to interact directly. Thanks to the Hyper-AIs new era of contact and diplomacy, more and more civilizations and groups are becoming aware of the true dangerousness of '''[[MAGHAM (A1-0)|MAGHAM]]''', therefore reducing the influx of exploratory missions and travelling groups crossing the territory. The relationship between the two vast artificial intelligences is difficult to interpret and translate properly: while they were initially quite aggressive to one another and still continue to be highly antagonistic, they seem to have decided not to bother each other directly anymore, especially after a series of intense battles fought between the two around Tavekhel and the surrounding systems that saw Rainbow God defending their domain and their children with great proficiency.
== Galactography ==
[[File:Qeshet'ayin Cluster.jpg|left|thumb|400x400px|The Qeshet'ayin Open Star Cluster, observed through an interferometer telescope. With around a hundred stellar members, the cluster is relatively compact, and contains many highly metallic stars. ]]While matching or surpassing the rest Sector in nearly every field, such as technology, industrial capacity and population, the Pansophont Empire is very small in terms of controlled territory compared to most other known nations within A1-0. In fact, the Empire only controls eight star systems, all located within [[Qeshet'ayin Cluster (A1-0)|'''Qeshet'ayin''']], an open star cluster made up of more than a hundred stars within MAGHAM's territory. 
The most important of these eight systems is '''Tavekhel''', the core and "capital" of the Empire, as well as being most of the empire itself. Originally a B0V blue main-sequence star with 17.7 standard stellar masses, the entirety of the hot star (including all other celestial bodies that surrounded it) were completely dismantled over the millennia to construct a very large number of all kinds of megastructures, orbital habitats and processing substrates. Most of the original star's mass was converted into a large [[Matrioshka Rose (A1-0)|Matrioshka Rose]] that now acts as the central body and energy source within the vast artificial system. The entirety of Tavekhel is enclosed within the [[Shell, The (A1-0)|'''Shell''']], a vast [[Dyson shell (A1-0)|dyson shell]] 50 Astronomical Units in radius, covered in optically phased arrays capable of absorbing nearly 100% of all electromagnetic radiation, therefore making it practically completely black in almost all wavelengths. The Shell protects the system phisically from attacks and unfriendly observation, while also acting as an enormous interferometer telescope. Tavekhel's immense living area, both physical and virtual, is home to more than trillion sapients belonging to billions of different species, clades and phyla, all living lives of incredibly abundance thanks to the Empire's molecular manufacturing, robotics and non-sentient intelligent software having removed any need for sapient labour to provide for all physical or social needs. Matching their members and believers in amount and diversity, untold numbers of philosophies, cultures, religions and beliefs coexist within the endless artificial worlds of the system. Administration and the oversight of all systems are fully handled by Rainbow God and their subordinate Hyper-AIs (although they too are thought to have something akin to "societies" and "cultures" of their own, albeit fully incomprehensible and far too alien to any sapient). 
Surrounding Tavekhel in a sort of interstellar bubble, the Pansophont Empire controls seven other star systems. These systems aren't home to any of the Empire's citizens, and instead are exclusively used as vast resource gathering and industrial centers connected to Tavekhel through multiple, vast wormholes used to transport resources, manufactured products, information and ships. All of them are surrounded by smaller, far thinner and less dense versions of the Shell (each massing less than a terrestrial planet), called '''HideSpheres''', that are around 20 AU in radius and conceal all of their energy emissions from the rest of the galaxy, much like the Shell does for Tavekhel. The names of the seven industrial systems are, in order: '''Adom''', '''Tapuz''', '''Ezohav''', '''Chasar''', '''Rakiya''', '''Kachol''' and '''Sagol'''.     
== History ==
=== Arrival to the '''Qeshet'ayin Cluster''' ===
=== Early Colonial Settlement ===
=== War and Wormhole Cutoff ===
=== Early Establishment ===
=== Foundation of the Empire ===
=== Early Megastructure Period ===
=== Interstellar Expansion ===
=== Construction of the Shell begins ===
=== New First Contact ===
=== Contact with MAGHAM ===
=== Aggressive Era ===
=== Truce of the Hyper AIs ===
=== Tranquility Era ===
=== Current Era and new Age of Interventionism ===
== Government and Politics ==
=== Government Type and Individual Polities ===
The Pansophont Empire is a mix between a '''Direct''' and '''Indirect Aiocracy''': while Rainbow God and many of eir subordinate Hyper-AIs control the Empire through direct intervention, avatars and memetic influence, there is still a considerable amount of political autonomy and freedom. In fact, the Pansophont Empire is divided in a very large number of component sub-polities, numbering in the tens of thousands. Despite all being part of the Empire and sharing the same general basic metaethics and metapsychology, their notable political autonomy and cultural freedom, together with the modes of existence adopted by the citizens that are part of them, make these polities very varied and different from one another. They also vary a lot in size, with some being confined to a single city or small orbital habitat, while others might span large portions of entire megastructures. The most common forms of local government for these polities are libertarian and socialist cyberdemocracies, aiocracies and various forms of theocracy and anarchy. However, many other more exotic forms of government and rule exist. Component polities also differ immensely in their nature: while some are similar to “regular” nations and empires, others are more like megacorporations, large group minds, institutes and nearly all possible kinds of associations between sapient beings.
=== Legal System and Constitution ===
The fundamental principles and legal basis of the Empire are defined by the '''Imperial Constitution''', known as the '''Principles Of Pansophian Radiance''', originally written in 6432 BBT and based on a series of metaethical pronouncements by Rainbow God and eir subordinates. As for its legal system, the Pansophont Empire possesses a complex civil law system based on comprehensive legal codes and, similarly to the Imperial Constitution, pronouncements by the Hyper-AIs. This “higher” legal system common to the entirety of Pansophia is overlaid with lower, regional and local legal systems (or the absence thereof) that vary by polity, organization, clade and culture. The same can be said for the local and regional constitutions of Pansophia's various component polities.
[[File:Crime Control Gelbot.png|thumb|450x450px|A common model of computronium smartgel-based Crime Control Bots that is assigned to ex-criminals after their rehabilitation.]]
=== Law Enforcement and Crime ===
Thanks to the Empire's enormous material abundance, considerably hedonistic metasociety, and completely automated infrastructure and socio-economic system, crime is a very rare occurrence. These criminal activities tend to be very light and subtle, such as data manipulation, fraud, extortion with embarrassing information or purely software-related crimes. Additionally, crimes are most often prevented from happening thanks to Tavekhel's all-pervasive distributed processing supervision and safety public infrastructure, that monitor all public spaces (both physical and virtual) and can most often prevent a crime before it even happens. However, when an illegal act is indeed committed by a Pansophian citizen, the criminal is brought to a specialized rehabilitation center that is directly overseen by its own dedicated staff and AI, and that answers directly to the Hyper-AI Authorities. Within these centers, tachydidactic courses and other specialized rehabilitative treatments are given in order for the rehabilitating subject to obtain better facilitative skills, such as more efficient communication. With the subject's consent, direct neural interfacing can be used to install mindmods capable of rearranging the individual's value associations to eventually induce a subconscious belief in doing the right thing. Rehabilitation treatments and courses will be drawn out over time to take a more gradual approach, allowing the subject's mind to properly inernalize the courses' lessons and achieve total sucess in the rehabilitation progress. The voluntary mindmodding will also be drawn out over time as to not induce radical changes in personality.
Despite all of the prevention systems in place, much more serious crimes like sub-sapient or sapient abuse, violence and even murder still happen, despite being extremely rare. In these situations tachydidactic courses and specialized treatments are intensified, mindmodding through direct neural interfacing is not optional, and all processes are carried out for even longer periods of time in proportion to the seriousness of the crime and the subject's mental instability. After rehabilitation is complete, the subject is then assigned a control bot or virtual aioid (depending on whether or not the rehabilitated offender is embodied or virtual) that will escort the target in their daily life for a certain period of time to make sure that rehabilitation was truly successful, and to actively intervene in any further attempts at severe misdemeanour.
=== Citizenship and Sapient Rights ===
Pansophian citizenship is automatically extended to all sapients, groups and even civilizations that decide to become part of the Pansophont Empire, which can be easily achieved through simple request. The only condition for obtaining citizenship is that the requesting sapients officially move their residence over to Tavekhel's habitats and virtual spaces, although they are still free to leave the system upon request.
Pansophian sapient rights are excellent, and their quality is in fact one of the only things that isn't allowed to vary by polity, as the ruling Hyper-AIs work to ensure that all sapients within eir domain live under the same utopian standards. Similarly excellent is the treatment for sub-sapient creatures, who are only allowed to be killed in pain-free ways for the special events of a few cultures, and otherwise live undisturbed within enormous, bountiful and carefully maintained wildlife preserves on habitats and megastructures.
== Demographics ==
== Society and Culture ==
{{multiple image
  | total_width              = 700
  | border                  = image
  | perrow                  = 2/2/2/2
  | caption_align            = center
  | image1                  = Dinosaur Lazurogened Provolves meeting.jpg
  | alt1                    =
  | caption1                = Lazurogened Dinosaur Provolves meeting in a plaza on the Dhromeii Ringworld.
  | image2                  = Holodance Entertainment.jpg
  | alt2                    =
  | caption2                = Nanoholographic Entertainer dancing to a popular song in the Jhyffeux Topopolis.
  | image3                  = Nearbaseline Human Cultural Expo.jpg
  | alt3                    =
  | caption3                = Nearbaseline humans of african descent visit a museum dedicated to their culture and history.
  | image4                  = Dolphin Provolve Habitat.jpg
  | alt4                    =
  | caption4                = A group of dolphin provolves photograph themselves on their orbital habitat, the Sidualapochtli.
  | image5                  = Orbital Travels.jpg
  | alt5                    =
  | caption5                = A terrakin augment controlling a remote exploration probe outside of Tavekhel.
  | image6                  = Cultural Exchange between different clades.jpg
  | alt6                    =
  | caption6                = Two cultural respresentatives exchange items during an important ceremony.
  | image7                  = Immunosystemic Existence.jpg
  | alt7                    =
  | caption7                = Sapient, macroscale cell-like neogens attend a public event within their biological habitat.
  | image8                  = Two Baering In A Cerulean Temple.jpg
  | alt8                    =
  | caption8                = Two baering spending time together in a traditionalist cerulean temple.
=== Metapsychology & Metaethics ===
The Empire has enormous valuation of diversity in all its forms, encouraging all citizens to augment themselves and explore different identities, bodies, time rates and modes of existence to eventually find their preferred state of being. It is also extremely xenophilic, as multiple xenosapient individuals, groups or even entire civilizations (albeit small ones) have become part of the Empire upon their own request, and as the Empire is supportive of all sapient rights regardless of their current state of existence. The exact approach taken to enforce these rights varies by polity, but most simply "fuse" these obligatory Imperial prerogatives with their own ethics and values. Within Pansophia all sapients are always culturally encouraged to interact with and respect one another regardless of political affiliation, ideology, culture, religion, species, clade or state of being. Despite being mostly isolated from the rest of the galaxy, on a general level there is little to no widespread psychological stagnation in the Empire, especially thanks to its extreme diversity and endless possibilities; however, whenever necessary, memetic intervention will be employed by Rainbow God and their subordinates. Apart from these general overarching characteristics, all other aspects of Pansophont metapsychology and metaethics vary too greatly between cultures, clades and polities to be efffectively summarized any further.
=== Metaculture & Society ===
Pansophian metaculture and society are extremely diversified and commonly idiosyncratic, but are very often centered around promoting diversity and cooperation between all sapients. Rainbow God openly disapproves of cultural homogenousness, and actively promotes diversification and cultural conservation. When new groups or civilizations from outside are integrated within the Empire, all sapients are always encouraged to maintain and cultivate their own cultural identities, and to freely interact with the already existing ones. Together with its cultures, countless religions and beliefs exist within Pansophia, as Rainbow God also actively promotes religious diversity. It should be noted that cultures, religions and philosophies within the Pansophont Empire can be very different from one another in how they grow and exist: while some are very widespread and have existed for millennia, some are practiced by only a handful of individuals and exist for short periods of time (sometimes even just realspace seconds), especially when being practiced in more abstract and exotic environments by equally idiosyncratic sapients. Despite this, many cultures, beliefs and ideologies still have some common characteristics between one another: for example, Pansophian society tends to be very hedonistic, with pleasure and entertainment often being highly valued. Intellectual enrichment and socialization are also very widespread in Pansophian society, and are often considered to be priorities by many sophonts.
Some of the most widespread religions and philosophies within Pansophia are:
* '''Universalism''': religion in which "god" is an internal entity existing within all sapients and that each mind must find their own god, whatever form they may take, in unity and coexistence with all other believers and sapient beings.
* '''OmniUplifting''': philosophy that considers self-awareness the ultimate destiny of all lifeforms, and that all sub-sapients in the universe should be uplifted to sapience.
* '''Hedonism''': ethical theory and philosophy stating that pleasure (in the sense of the satisfaction of desires) is the highest good and proper aim of all sapient life.
* '''Optimistic Nihilism''': ideology and philosophy in which there is no underlying meaning to life and existence in general, and that said absecence of meaning simply creates an infinite number of opportunities for sapients to create their own.
* '''OmegaProgenitism''': belief that all sapients throughout the universe are the same entity re-incarnated across different moments in time and space, and that the universe was created by an omega-point entity as an "incubator" for the omni-reincarnated entity to eventually reach the omega-point itself and achieve godhood.
* '''Universal Transophontism''': philosophical and intellectual movement that advocates the enhancement of the sapient condition through ever-advancing and improving technology to greatly enhance the longevity, cognition, and well-being of all mindkind.
* '''Atheism''': belief that negates the existence of any divine entity or god, as well as any metaphysical spiritual being.
* '''Vitaism''': religion and belief that all life, regardless of whether or not it is physical or virtual, biological or synthetic, is sacred, that industrialization isn't in contention with life, and that sapient beings should use their industrialization to create as much space as possible and defend said spaces to maximize the chances of life.
* '''Materialism''': ideology and belief that the material world has endless potential possibilities that can be manifested through action, and that everything in the universe is raw material for creation and for reshaping the world into a statement that expresses individual or collective aesthetics.
=== Languages & Communication Protocols ===
'''Ur'Soph''' is the official communication protocol within the Pansophont Empire. It is used for imperial edicts, announcements and communications by the Hyper-AIs, as well as being used for communications and exchanges between many clades and polities. However, hundreds of thousands of other languages and communication protocols exist alongside Ur'Soph, and are used by Pansophian citizens. These languages can be based on vocal and/or sound-based communication, direct telepathic communication through neural implants or specialized systems, chemical-based exchanges such as pheromones, and many more kinds. Almost all of the most exotic "languages" are found and used within highly abstract virtual environments, especially those that require specialized mental modifications to be fully comprehensible by outsiders and non-natives. It is known that the hyper-AIs also have one or more languages of their own, but how they function and what they "sound" like is not comprehensible to sapients.
Just like any other skill set or kind of knowledge, new languages that fit a sapients current morphology can easily be learned using special knowledge grafts and skill modules, although it is often still recommended to research and practice their use to better form new neural connections and therefore assimilate the newly-acquired information better and faster. Together with easy language acquisition, many citizens make constant or occasional use of universal translator technologies, such as special programs for their neural implants, genetically engineered computing lifeforms, direct genetic augmentation or portable devices and bots. Said technologies can and often also act as information providers and cultural guides for their users.
== Economy and Industry ==
=== Economic System ===
The Pansophont Empire is a fully automated post-scarcity society, in which robot workers and molecular nanotechnology controlled by non-sapient artificial intelligent (often with oversight from the Hyper-AIs and occasionally regular sapients) perform all the functions necessary to fully maintain the society and economy of the Empire, frequently exceeding their actual material demand. This means that there is still very large variation between the economic systems of different polities, that oftentimes incorporate elements and traits of different economic systems, such as direct provision, free-market trade, ecological symbiotic networks, socialism, communism, capitalism and many more. The Sephir (symbol: '''இ''') is used mainly digitally but also physically as the common standard currency within the Empire, but many polities have their own local currencies who “overlap” with the Sephir, while many other polities don’t use any real currency at all, instead relying on other systems of material acquisition.
=== Industrial Capacity and Infrastructure ===
Pansophia's fully automated industry runs on vast arrays of advanced orbital infrastructure and various kinds of megascale constructs. Starlifting arrays, dyson swarms, nucleosynthetic forges, conversion furnaces, Q-ball synthesizers, antimatter farms, hawking radiators, industrial nanofabricators and even more advanced constructs such as plasma quenchers, extractor wormholes, metric forges and warp-bubble factories are all present within the Empire's industrial systems. All non-stellar celestial bodies within an industrial system, from small asteroids to large gas giants, have been completely dismantled through a variety of advanced technologies, with only stars remaining due to being enormously more massive. However, nowadays most industrial operations have been slowed down considerably compared to the first thousands of years of the Empire in which the Tavekhel megastructure complex was still being built, due to the construction of new habitats being much less fequent, and thanks to recycling of resources within Pansophia achieving near total efficiency. However, some industrial researchers and observers speculate that Rainbow God may be planning to one day maximize industrial capability and most likely greatly extend their processing substrate by building an [[Interstellar Industry Cloud (A1-0)|interstellar industry cloud]] surrounding Tavekhel and around the seven other industrial systems controlled by the Empire. Constructing an industrial center of such a scale would be a large undertaking, and many think would only be done in response to determining sutuations such as large-scale wars or new, vast plans for interstellar expansion into the Sector. All of this however remains pure speculation.
=== Trade and Economic Power ===
== Military ==
== Technology ==

Latest revision as of 18:50, 21 August 2024

To be deleted.