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The War of 1919 (Alman: Krieg von 1919, Clashonian: Krig vén 1919) was an armed conflict between the Weissersteiner Empire and the Union State of Bannarsia and Transclarvia, which lasted from 1919 to 1923. The war started over territorial dispute, namely the territories of Blubach and Bischofgen, both of which had a zinc spar mine. The war brought the end to the existence of the Union State and saw the rise of the First Clashonian Republic. (Full article...)
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Established in 1976, this sovereign nation is a union of diverse provinces, each contributing to the Federation's cultural, political, and economic mosaic. Rooted in the principles of federalism, the Krauanagaz Federation embodies a delicate balance between central authority and provincial autonomy.
As a central player in regional dynamics, the Krauanagaz Federation engages in diplomatic endeavors, trade alliances, and military collaborations, shaping the geopolitical landscape of its surroundings. Governed by a constitutional framework, the Federation cherishes its commitment to democratic values, promoting the rights and well-being of its citizens. (Full article...)
Did you know...
 Pelinai's state emblem, featuring the cherry blossom.
- ... that the Father States fell due to internal revolution rather than an allied invasion?
- ... that Sallodesia has 9 overseas military bases?
- ... that the national flower of Pelinai is the Cherry Blossom, as depicted in many of its symbols?
- ... that the Alman Group was originally founded to foster a relationship between Weisserstein and Gianatla?
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