List of current heads of state and government (Pacifica)

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This is a list of current heads of state and heads of government in Pacifica. In some cases, mainly in presidential systems, there is only one leader being both head of state and head of government. In other cases, mainly in semi-presidential and parliamentary systems, the head of state and the head of government are different people. In semi-presidential and parliamentary systems, the head of government role (i.e. executive branch) is fulfilled by both the listed head of government and the head of state.

The list includes the names of recently elected or appointed heads of state and government who will take office on an appointed date, as presidents-elect and prime ministers-designate, and those leading a government in exile if internationally recognized.

State Head of state Head of government
 Aberstopia King - Philippe IV Prime Minister - Renaud Beaufort
 Andrendia Emperor - Andrea Oloto VII Prime Minister - Giacomo La Greca
 Anserisa President - Columbo Septimum
 Emerald-Denver King - Joshua VII Prime Minister - Galen Hughes
 Esfalsa President - Kristen Northrop Chancellor - Levi Herdes
 Gianatla President - Harald Schmidt Chancellor - Marja Sanddorn
 Holy Free King - Trinal IX Prime Minister - Samanala Porsled
 Huawan The Peony - Doctor Yan
 Ikoania President - Porto Tamalesse Chancellor - Chortelle Bort
 Jazeera Emir - Abdulrahman II Prime Minister - Abdul Hameed al-Ansari
 Kustannuksan Empire Hallits (Empress) - Astrid II Imperial Chancellor - Emil Otto Michelsen
 Livana President - Peter Trenton Prime Minister - Dwight Raleigh
 Nasphilitae Grand Duke - Dawson Ernst Speaker - Syd G. Patton
 Nicholas and Great Britain Supreme Leader - Nicholas McGregor
San Marsico President Weliki Vanzuik
 Sedunn King - Vimmru Innienn
 Sugovia President - Mohammad Malik
 Tepertopia ProtectorGerhard von Selingen Council of the Union – collective
 Transsuneria President - Emil Palmann
 UPRAN Prytanis - Romanos Kanidis
 Valkyria JarlskonaKate Murphy Prime MinisterSteve Bennett
 Vrigny President - Anneliese Bow
 Weisserstein Kaiser - Wilhelm II Imperial Chancellor - Friedrich Müller
 Alcoalitania President - Lucia Alvarez
[[The Union of Pyhdon-Fálistríca and the Kshahar Sa’lani Intrallentris Costelvarduro]] Empereur - Rayyan Muhammad Al-Faruuq Presidiente of the Two Republics - Midaas Salamon

See also