Nobility of Nasphilitae (Pacifica)

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Grand Duke of Nasphilitae
Royal Coat of Arms for the Grand Duchy of Nasphilitae
Royal Coat of Arms for the Grand Duchy of Nasphilitae
Dawson Ernst
since January 2, 2024
StyleRoyal Highness, Highness The Grand Duke of Nasphilitae is also the Head of State of Nasphilitae
Heir apparentT.B.D.
Heir presumptiveElected
First monarchEarl John Greenhill
FormationDecember 1, 1661
ResidenceRoyal Chambers of House Ernst
(official residence)
Noble Palace of Fortress Behemoth
(working residence)
Peer House of Ernst
FounderEarl Jaemsyn Ernst
Current headGrand Duke Dawson Ernst
Style(s)"Royal Highness"
"Serene Highness"
Motto"Substantia from Internal Division, Monoda from External Collective"
Cadet branches

Nobility of Nasphilitae ⟪nāsfɪlɪtɛ⟫ consists of fifteen Peers (referred to as "Serene Highness") landed by respective one of fifteen Peerages and seventy-five Earls (referred to as "Highness") landed by respective Earldoms within one of the Peerages. The term "Peerage" is also used for "Meeting of Peerage", which refers to the procedure for electing the Grand Duke and Head of State of Nasphilitae. The Electoral Monarchy of the Grand Duchy of Nasphilitae, officially The Elected Grand Duke among Peers and Earls of Nasphilitae, often shortened to Nobility of Nasphilitae, is the Eelectoral-republican form of government by which the elected sovereign reigns over as head of state of the Grand Duchy of Nasphilitae. The current monarch is Grand Duke Dawson Ernst, who was enthroned on January 2, 2024, one day after the elections concluded and twenty-one days after the death of the previous monarch, Grand Duke Wilferd Stoneham.

The Grand Duke, the Peers, the Earls and their immediate family undertake various official, ceremonial, diplomatic, state and representational duties. Although the nobility is given extensive authorities over the government, this power has rarely been exercised, which has been often criticised in times of overbearing governments which manage to act within the scope of law and thus avoid prosecution by the Judiciary. Powers of The Grand Duke are in practice often counter-balanced by other Peer Houses and Earls, as they must approve the formal procedure by which the monarch exercises his sovereignty to the highest extent, which is enactment of "Ordinances". Powers vested in the Peers are subject to particular clauses in both Ordinance of Unifying Colonies of 1661. and The Home Rule Act of 1662, which tie them to their respective land Peerages, as well as the network of interests which forms by each Peer holding authority over their repective fifteen Earls and consequently accountability to them.

Divison of tasks exists within the monarchy, as the Grand Duke is tasked with Head of State duties, ambassadorial tasks, Supreme Commanding of the Royal Armed Forces of Nasphilitae, Chief of Commanding the Royal Airforce of Nasphilitae. As well as arbitration and/or nominating replacement in situations where the Head of Government, Head of His Majestys Shadow Cabinet and Head of The Plenary Committee are crucially in disagreemtn and/or overwhelmed with tasks. Finally, the Grand Duke is tasked with nominating his candidate for Head Commander of the Royal Armed Forces of Nasphilitae and Chief of Commander for the Royal Maritime and Naval Forces of Nasphilitae, the Head of His Majestys Cabinet for External Affairs, and the Lead Director of the Agency for Documentation and Identification, among other Peers and Earls, which assume this position upon absolute majority (which is usually understood in Nasphilitae as 55-70%) approval from both Houses of The National Parliament MP's (317-411 and 113-145).

The contemporary arrangement of nobility traces back to December 1, 1661 with the Home Rule Act which established the colonial Dominion of Nasphilitae by uniting the former Peers (until then, Earls) colonies into a single state entity. It was a result of negotiations undertaken by Earl John Greenhill, who was for this mission the first noble to be elected by other Peers for a representative duty, with a Royal Delegation from the Austral Empire. Although detailed records of these negotiations do not exist, the Empire had recognised elevating the status of nobility from Earls to Peers despite religious diversity among them, as well as recognising right of settlement to prosecuted heathens & heretics elsewhere in the Empire and beyond on Nasphilitae. In practice, this gave Nasphilitae de facto self-governance, conditional on timely and orderly deliverence of overbearingly high royal duties and being barred from trading with realms outside those of the Austral Empire. This arrangement would be changed in 1852. during the reign of Queen Dorothy Atkinsons ("Queen" being honorary rather than actual), who rationalised-monetised the royal duties, which until then have also included agricultural and processed goods. Consequently, workshops and factories were lifted from natural tax, leading to rapid industrialisation of Nasphilitae. From May 20, 1852 to December 25, 1952, Nasphilitae was referred to as the Crownlanded Grand Duchy of Nasphilitae, suggesting the intention of the Imperial Center towards forming a Commonwealth some time in the future. Possibly as consequence of The Great War, in which the Austral Empire and Nasphilitae pursued a policy of armed neutrality, this did not happen. After the HaiMen Incident in summer of 1952. and damaged supply lines across the South Pacific Ocean, Nasphilitae received the Royal Grand of Independence on December 25, 1952. Being one of the last Dominions or Crownlands to get independence, this marked the formal end of the Austral Empire, though relations between the two countries remains exceedingly positive in contemporary times.

Cause and Order of Arrival

Map of Nasphilitae with Peer Houses on each respective Thane, the numbers indicate priority by arrival and settlement
The Peer Houses
Name of Peer House Time of Arrival Thane Population Thane Median Income (PSD Annual) Cause of Arrival Number of Times Grand Dukes Temperament Alignment Current Head of House Number of Direct Family Members
Ernst November 4, 1589 2150000 31400 Former Donatist followers 2 Melancholic-Choleric Dawson Ernst 14
Pellmore November 2, 1589 2500000 51500 Former Hussitist followers 2 Phlegmatic-Melancholic Isaac Pellmore 21
Morrisson November 1, 1589 2105000 20100 Mercantile 1 Sanguine Umber Morrisson 11
Darzens November 3, 1589 3250000 41200 Former Elbionism followers 1 Melancholic Uziel Darzens (Regency) 19
Atkinsons November 5, 1589 2685450 36250 Jewish 1 Choleric David Atkinsons 7
Schlesinger April 11, 1594 400500 27500 Jewish 0 Melancholic-Phlegmatic Joseph Schlesinger 19
Konevenagel August 30, 1599 501050 19440 Former Donatist followers 1 Sanguine-Phlegmatic Milla Konevenagel 5
Morganfort February 3, 1613 325000 73450 Former Hussitist followers 1 Choleric-Melancholic Amoneta Morganfort (Regency) 7
Stoneham January 14, 1621 400500 20500 Former Marcionist followers 1 Melancholic Ben Stoneham 25
Taylor October 30, 1622 199500 19750 Exile 2 Sanguine-Choleric L.P. Taylor 3
Fieldler December 25, 1625 210500 25000 Former Marcionist followers 0 Melancholic-Choleric Amenofen Fieldler 24
Edwards March 3, 1647 35000 17350 Former Donatist followers 1 Choleric Madison Edwards 16
Adamson March 3, 1647 25000 20250 Jewish 0 Choleric Isaiah Adamson 14
Mason March 4, 1650 110000 51200 Former Sabellian followers 1 Melancholic-Choleric Maximalia Mason (Regency) 5
Greenhill June 21, 1658 3000000 65500 Unknown 1 Choleric-Sanguine Theogonia Greenhill (Regency) 10

Former and Current Religious Affiliation of Peer Houses and Earls

Key factors in Nobility further modifying their religious adherence are: Their status as titled nobility existing prior to settlement; Interaction and influence of indigenous peoples' pantheon and practices; Cross-interactive influence; Freedom of "conscience" being fundamental or (no scholarly consensus) the sole reason Colonies were established. Publicly declaring ones' own affiliation had not been codified as prohibited until the formal unification of colonies in 1661.

Each house of the (then) Earls were noble by: origin (meaning Australs lesser nobility), Imperial landed grand (Controversial but most contingent was that they were prior Crown pirates), Influential Privy Council members offered settlement-land due to developing religious differences. Contemporary Earls (then "lord-manors"), while not being hereditary until 2024., trace lineage back to the same ships, insignia dates and faith as their suzerain Peers do. Lastly, the sole reason of Nasphiliti Colonies being ~7000 km away from the core Empire suggests that whoever initially settled and was "well-known" had the means to do so.

Influence of indigenous peoples' pantheons, found in totems, cave paintings and kept (as modified versions of) holidays are evident in a few instances. All Nobles believe that: Behemoth, Leviathan, and Ziz are living, physical creatures. Similar pantheon seems to have been followed when observing the aforementioned totems and drawings, found further inland. It was likely these influence which led to Marconist and Donatist continual re-investigation, providing them with canonical continuity and contingency.

Religious changes among Nobility of Nasphilitae 1589-1662
Peer and Earl House Religious Affiliation Today
Organisation of religion Religious affiliation House Year of Founding and Affiliating
Modified Presbytarian Church of Nasphilitae Presbytarian Ernst , Edwards , Konevenagel 1651.
Simple Anabaptist Church of Nasphilitae Anabaptist Fieldler, Stoneham 1651.
Reformed Anglican Church of Nasphilitae Anglican Greenhill 1660.
Old Church Catholics Old Church Catholicism Pellmore, Morganfort 1658.
Secular Catholic Church Catholicism Taylor, Morrisson 1661.
Pan-Modalists Modalism Darzens, Mason 1648.
Masorti Jews Conservative Judaism Adamsons, Atkinsons, Schlesinger 1662.

Donatists have by 1627. become (mostly) Docetists. Primarily led by belief in abstinence for the clergy, (only initially) importance in conscious decision of an individual to choose baptisation, and emphasising Christology discussions. Jovinian Marconianists have by 1640s diverged into Rogatists, Circumcellions and Ticonians. These two groups would, in 1648., arrange the Council of New Nessex (a castle in-between what is now New Sorthane and Suhavenster and on what was to later become Greenhills Thane). Michiel Oysters' "Sola Victorem" (primary source of all religious changes in this period) recounts that convergence and divrgence was made in relation to canon over the course of the Council. Emerging as unified Mennonites and reforminng into Euthycians. Nearing the end of the Council of New Nessex in 1651., the consequential Anabaptist and Presbytarian Churches of Nasphilitae would surface. They would reconcile Communion policies in "The Ordinance-Sacremence Compromise" which ended The Council.

Hussitites, in particular Adamites influenced by Sabellions and Ebionites (until the latter submerged into Sabellianism), would pursue spreading what Oyster refers to as "Behemothian Liberationism" in the 1640s. This led to wide-spread appearance of Waldenstianist heresies across Christian denominations by 1650. Oyster sees it as the sole or primary reason for why the Council of New Nessex and the Council-Synod of Mt. Sor were called. Adamites (primarily due to continual Unisabellian influence) and Original Catholics would persist until 1655., when Unisabellians and Monists would unite under a common Modalist canon. The Council-Synod of Mt. Sor was partially successful, managing to reconcile and develop Adamites into "Free Catholics" and Catholics into "Central Catholic Church". Modalist influence on Judaists is presumed to have caused the Haredis -- Nusachis divergence.

The arrival of The Anglican Church with Earl John Greenhill in 1658. would finalise religious development in Nasphilitae. Hasidist and Kabbalistic practices of Modalists influenced the Haredis to re-unify with the Nusachis into Masorti Judaism. Michiel Oyster wrote his accounts based around a central idea introduced by Greenhill to other Peers around the early winter of 1660. called "Sola Victorem". The short-hand refers to "Obtineat Aecclesia quod Christ est, habeat imperator quod suum est" and introduced System of Intra-Peer Sovereignty in the context of religion, whilst keeping the future Dominion of Nasphilitae secular, as a collective.

Symbols of Peer Houses

OOC Note: Etymology of each Peer House surname.

History of Elected Grand Dukes

Relations with other Nobilities

Austral Royalty

OOC Note: ?? (AKA Community-decided)

Almann Nobility

Policy of power balancing with Karnetvorian nobility for self-survival.


Karnetvorian Nobility

Policy of power balancing with Almann nobility for self-survival.


Montacian Nobility
