Ikaranarean Father States (Pacifica)
The Father States were the ruling governments of the regions Ikaranara and Pastrala from 1895 through 1955 at the end of the Great War. They were characterized by their oppressive regimes that propped up those at the top, juxtaposed with the freedom provided by the Triangular Empire. They were comprised of the Ikarnian Junta, Narussian Plutocracy, and the Ranarasi Industocracy. Keep in mind that these nations all framed themselves as Republics, and that these names are a later invention to explain what they truly were.
The Coup
In 1880, the Triangular Empire had lost most of its territory as revolutions occurred across the Empire for decades. It had now been reduced to the three Sovereign States of Ikarn, Narus, and Ranaras, with their joint territory of Pastrala. The sentiment across the nations was one of sadness at seeing their power wiped away. Many in the country were upset with the slow rate of centralized industrialization occurring in their nation, and the economy in Indavra in general- including the newly independent provinces- had started to plummet. Some members of the Oderon Family, a family closely related to the Triangular Emperors, started to grow a disdain for how the government now managed itself. around this time period, several family members participated in planning 3 coups around the nation to establish control to "Save the Ikaranarean People." these coups were all enacted 15 years later, 1895, after heavy, decades-long negotiations with several militaries and high-ranking officials.
The Coup in Ikarn
The Ikarnian Castle was stormed by members of the Imperial Military and several militias stormed the building, demanding to seize the Emperor. The loyal Imperial Guard refused, shouting "Agnai! Agnai!" (Traitors! Traitors!) after the Guard refused, a bloody armed battle ensued, and by some reports, the entire building was covered in blood. After 3 hours of combat, they reached the Emperor, whose wife and son had already fled. They hung their Emperor on the spot, and after news reached the public, the Militas declared the "Republic of Ikarn." After an 89.72% in favor vote, which was rigged, they swore in Stalroi (President) Sayren Oderon.
The Coup in Narus
In Narus, the Empress was nearly killed in her sleep by politicians, but she escaped with the help of her guards. Still, she was proclaimed dead. Having no suitable heir, the Imperial Council had full power of state, and declared the end of the Narussian Empire. After several hours of deliberation, they held a rigged vote, which returned a majority vote for Darren Oderon to become Stalroi. The Council put an arrest warrant on the politicians for the murder of the former Emperor, but they were all pardoned in the Stalroi's first act.
The Coup in Ranaras
In Ranaras, the Emperor had been pressured by many rich factory owners and companies to steadily give them more power over their workers over the decades. In 1895, The emperor was ousted by militia in a non-bloody event. Stalroi Pastriem Oderon was sworn in the following day.
After the Coup
The Father States were busy putting down regional rebellions, consolidating their power until 1900. The three governments did a massive manhunt to kill any remaining members of the Royal Families. However, mutinous Narussian sailors managed to bring several members of the royal family (Including the crown prince of Ikarn, Empress of Narus and Emperor of Ranaras) to Reizen where they stayed in exile. The ships would later go back to Cordilia to be used against the Father States during the Great Incursion.
Life in the Father States
Life in the Father States was terrible. In all avenues, the Father States extenuated the worst parts of the 3 Ikaranarean cultures in a bid to rapidly modernize and regain the "True Power of the Triangular Empire." They pushed the Ikaranarean people to their absolute limit, and the Ikaranarean people could hardly bear their tyranny. By 1910, over 50,000 Ikaranareans had been killed by the brutality of the Father States, in executions, workplace accidents, etc.
Life in Ikarn
In Ikarn, life under their leadership was horrible. Citizens in Ikarn were subject to what is known as the 2nd Historical Nonstop Drill, characterized by its strict training and the conscription laws. Soldiers were subject to 5 hours of drilling a day, and some weeks drilling occurred every day of the week, although typically it was 5 days a week. there was constant military training and exercises- over the course of this Junta's existence, there was reportedly more than 50 amphibious invasion drills on Akon .A majority of the age groups was conscripted every year, and Ikarnian society revolved around its military in every aspect. Military parades were extremely common, and by 1934, Ikarn alone had mobilized 2,606,154 soldiers, 15% of its population. However, there was light conscription of the Pasten people as well, and most of these soldiers went to Ikarn for training. Over 2 million Pastralan people went to Ikarn for training, and another million Triangular troops were sent by Narus and Ranaras. With these considerations in mind, Ikarn had a standing army of over 4 million soldiers in 1934. After the Invasion of Losavra in 1945, Losavrals were also forced into conscription, and a staggering 3 million Losavrals were conscripted in the later wars. A military police was established to engage any disloyal civilians, and the military ruled all parts of life. Members of the military got basic benefits that no other job could legally provide, like healthcare, and received the biggest pay out of any job. Many people who weren't conscripted were nearly forced into service to support their families.
During the reign of the Father States, Ikarn had a significant decline in population due to not only the Great War, but multiple smaller wars as well as the Great Incursion. As the military capital of the Father States, it was mostly Ikarnian boys and men who fought in these wars. While the other Father States had standing armies, they were rarely infantrymen, and served in the navy, or air force, or as tank units. These disproportionate roles would put Ikarn in a decline for decades, and as of 2022 it has the least population of the Ikaranarean Empires, sporting only 17 million, lower then it's population of around 20 million during the latter days of the Ikaranarean Empire in 1880. It is an opinion of many that Ikarn suffered the greatest loss out of any of the Triangular states during the war.
Life in Narus
Narus was essentially ruled by tyrannical corporations that owned huge monopolies in every industry. There was no escape. It is estimated that the income inequality of roughly 70%. The average Narussian could have gone from relatively wealthy before the Narussian Republic to critically poor in just a few years. These mega-corporations had intense sway on government policy, and the system was balanced just enough to keep Narussians alive and working, but not economically powerful enough to challenge those at the top. prices were always skyrocketing. The dominated the poor to the point where some said the poor were owned. Tax rates were high, but they were even higher on the corporations- but this was just so that the government could get a larger cut of their billions of dollars. This prompted these corporations to act even more aggressively, making as much money as possible. The situation in Narus led to a rise in socialist and communist ideology in the region, which sparked a "red scare" In Ikaranara during the Cold War.
The effects of the Great War and particularly the Great Revolution challenged Narus's supremacy on Ikaranarean capital and sparked corruption investigations that continued well into the 60s.
Life in Ranaras
Ranaras is considered by historians to have been the worst place in all of the Father States to live in during their reign. Ranaras was described by Great War historian Armaz Titam as "An indostocracy- a country entirely motivated and controlled by the production of goods with no care for civilian life." Ranarasi citizens were required from age 10 to work in a factory of some sort. Those who did not comply were subjugated to arrest and being beaten by officers. Working conditions were horrible with accidents highly likely and strikes were put down with military force.
Expansionism and preliminary wars

In the Father States Expansionism was a means to lift the burden of production off of the Indavrals and instead distribute it on hundreds of millions of foreigners- it was this concept that allowed the Father States to justify their ruthless treatment of their populations. While initially the goal was only the annexation of Indavral populations outside of their borders, the great goal was eventually to "Form a unified Indavral State, surrounding the entire Bay of Spiders and stretching all the way to the Cordilian Sea." This theoretical country would have comprised territories from not only the Indavral States but from Sugovia, Weisserstein, Koros, Terelia, Ryccia, and UPRAN. Historians debate on how far the Father States could have made it in their plans but the consensus is that they could have never taken and held all of this territory. Still, it was with these motivations that the Father States launched their first invasion into Losavra.
1945 Invasion of Losavra
The Confederation of Losavra had long feared an invasion by the Father States but due to the disorganized nature of its armies it was completely unprepared when on March 3rd 1945, 200,000 troops from the Father States spilled into the country without warning. The Losavrals put up a great fight, but with the constant bombing of Řavabos, Iverasa and eventually Balav, combined with the capture of Iverasa, the Losavral government capitulated and signed a peace 14 days later on March 17th. The official statement was "Roivaves es mogven- ot En Losevaves es tocet křan." or "Democracy has died- but the Confederation is not yet gone." The latter part of this statement would be used years later as a slogan in the Great Revolution during the Liberation of Losavra.

In Losavra, myriads of atrocities were committed to anyone who resisted the Father States. Over 2 million Losavrals were killed over the course of the 10 year occupation with another 3 million tortured or beat. The Ikaranarean government gave compensation of 5 billion dollars for the occupation of Losavra in 1964 after pressure from citizens. The Father States also recruited around 20 private militias working in Losavra to their armies and forcefully conscripted around 1.5 million Losavrals, essentially adding 3 million troops to their armies. The invasion and occupation of Losavra also gave rise to extremist groups in the south which contributed to the rise of the GLFP and eventually the Ikaranarean War on Terror.
Annexation of sunrise exclaves
Earlier in 1932, The Ikarnian military supported by the Narussian Navy annexed the four sunrise exclaves on their borders- Khenara, Malika, Constadea, and Țardaș. They proclaimed that these territories were rightfully theirs, and they were prime targets during the Great Incursion. They were given back along with compensation in 1955 after the end of the Great War.
The Great Incursion
The Great Incursion had its roots in the first coups of the Father States. The Father States were never popular with civilians and many wished for rebellion and for the crowns to come back and restore order. This culminated in the Great Incursion of 1946 when the exiled royal families of Ikarn, Narus and Ranaras funded revolutionaries and sent mutinied ships to fight back. In the "Battle of the Bay" the mutineers inflicted a naval defeat on the Narussian navy, but it was pyrrhic. after failed attempts to defeat the Father States in coastal Narus, the war was considered over as 100,000 people were executed for treason. The war ended up killing around 300,000 people in total in the Father States, Losavra and Past.
The Great War
Invasion of Cadiz
On September 1st, 1949, Ikaranara launched a full-scale invasion of Cadíz. Utilizing impressive air and naval superiority as well as the element of surprise, the Ikaranareans bombarded the nation with bombs and naval shelling, overwhelming the exhausted nation and paving the way for a massive ground invasion, capitulating the country in 28 days. This attack led to a Stoinian declaration of war on September 2nd. Most of the Cadisian navy escaped, however, with the royals intact, allowing them to form a government-in-exile with Stoinian help. Every annexation was extremely popular within Indavra, as it meant that the harsh and brutal working conditions were pushed onto "foreign" populations, and the annexation of Cadiz in particular was used to put the Cadisi under horrible working conditions that persisted until the end of the war, mitigating some of
Invasion of Akarina
In early 1950, after the invasion of Cadiz, the armies of the Father States reorganized and headed north to the border with Akarina. Akarina had so far stayed neutral in the war, but the Father States did not respect that neutrality. Seeing Akarina as a potential gateway to getting closer to a land border with their territory Nölvra, as well as being able to assist the Frankists in their Invasion of Besern by eventually going through Ravensland. While the Father States initially bulldozed the Akarinan defenses but were met with stiff resistance when they reached the Akai region, due to the Akai tendency to fight to the last man. The FS therefore increased the load of bomber attacks across Akarinan territory, along with a successful naval blockade forced the nation to surrender anyways. Since the Father States were unable to occupy all of Akarina's territory, they annexed most of the regions they had occupied and forced the nation to sign an agreement allowing the Father States to move uncontested throughout their territory.
Invasion of Ravensland
Operation Central Assault: Blockade of the Central Islands
In 1950, in the wake of the failures of their ally Karnetvor, the Father States sent a naval task force to capture the Central Islands. The Central Islands were imperative to the national security of the Father States, as if the allies could breach that gap they could reach the heart of the Father States and the Frankists to disastrous effect. For this reason, the Narussian Navy was sent to dispel the Allied attack and secure the Central Islands. The Narussians were eager to prove their naval supremacy after the Stoino-Ikaranarean naval arms race shortly after the annexation of the Stoinian exclaves as well and to defeat the Stoinians in naval combat. The Narussians initially saw some success, but it was soon followed by a stalemate as Stoinian forces regained their footing. While the Narussians were able to prevent the Allies from pushing past the Central Islands for a while, with Emeraldian support the Allies eventually started to turn the tide in march of 1951, and in december of 1952 they eventually were able to break through the blockade and force the Father States to pull their naval forces back to defend their own territory