Treaties of the South Pacific

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Treaties of the South Pacific are binding agreements of the South Pacific with other regions and organizations. These diplomatic documents are maintained by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

List of treaties

Formal name Signatories Status
The Pact of the Centre of the Earth Balder In effect
The Aurora Alliance The North Pacific Repealed
The January Accords The East Pacific In effect
The Rejected Realms
The Lampshade Accords Spiritus In effect
The Southern Islander Accords 10000 Islands In effect
Treaty of Democratic Unity The Union of Democratic States In effect
Treaty of Peace and Amity The Rejected Realms In effect
Pax Capricorn The Pacific In effect
Pax Poukai Lazarus In effect
Coalition Against the Ideology of Nazism Multilateral Dissolved
Non-aggression Pact between the South Pacific and Lazarus Lazarus Repealed
Treaty of Capricorn The Pacific Repealed
Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation between the South Pacific and Lazarus Lazarus Repealed
Treaty of Friendship between the South Pacific and Europeia Europeia Repealed