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The Corporation of Lazarus
Regional flag
Chief Operating OfficerNew Rogernomics
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Lazarus is the oldest of NationStates' three regions where revived nations spawn. It is currently governed by Mandate 12, themed as "LazCorp", a democratic monarchy which sees itself strictly gameplay-neutral.


Lazarus had a string of more-or-less inactive governments before 2013. In 2013, the Emerald Republic of Lazarus (ERL) was extant, with strong presence from both Imperialist (TNI, UIAF, etc.) and Defender (FRA etc.) factions. On September 17, then-Delegate Feux accused members of The New Inquisition of "slowly creeping into the region in an effort to curve regional policies to fit outside interests" and announced that they would be "removed".[1] In effect, this was a significant purge of the Imperialist faction within the region, strengthening the extant Defender faction as well as the Francoist (NPO) faction. On October 22, the region rebranded into the People's Republic of Lazarus, with a new constitution and socialist theme.

On April 11, 2015, Funkadelia, former Delegate and prominent member of the Defender faction, was banned from the region, and Delegate Stujenske rebranded the region as the New Lazarene Order and a subsidiary of the New Pacific Order.[2] A large battle over the region ensued, with the full might of the NPO facing off against a large and wide coalition of other forces. Ultimately, Kazmr was swapped into the Delegacy and betrayed the NLO. The PRL theme was abandoned in favor of the Humane Republic of Lazarus. Pierconium later stated that the NPO was just as surprised by the NLO as everybody else, but NPO decided to go along with it.

In early 2017, the region rewrote the constitution to become the Celestial Union of Lazarus. Tensions began to rise between the extant Defender faction and a newly rising Invader faction (led by long-time Lazarene Evil Wolf aka Killer Kitty as well as Delegate Funkadelia who had recently turned invader). On July 17, a nation named Curious Observations posted an article outlining ostensible voter importation of Invaders and invader-aligned individuals, ostensibly to help overthrow the Defender faction.[3]. On July 24, Guardians Harmoneia, Amerion, and Doperland were banned or ejected from the region for allegedly being part of a "plot to overthrow government".[4]. Opponents were quick to point out that the screenshots posted were taken out of context, and a civil war over the region ensued. Due to the complicated nature and the difficulty of determining who was right in this conflict, most regions stayed out of it and refused to support one way or another, though notably Balder aided the Invader faction and the South Pacific aided the Defender faction (at great price). Ultimately, the Invader faction won the conflict and formed the Undead Dominion of Lazarus government to replace the Celestial Union.

In April 2018, Funkadelia, Lamb Stone (aka Aleister) and Killer Kitty couped their own government and turned Lazarus into the Khanate, a theme invoking both socialism (a la PRL) and Wolfism, a reference to Lone Wolves United, the invader organization all three were a part of. The forum was abandoned and bans from the region were occuring left and right. Funkadelia resigned to let Aleister become Delegate, who resigned shortly after to leave Killer Kitty in charge. On April 22, Imkiville (a regional officer) banjected Killer Kitty just before the region updated and became the Delegate, and instituted Anarchy Week. Unbenownst to most other regions, this was a setup to allow a Peacekeeper Coalition to form, which included all GCRs except Balder piling on Imkiville to hold a constitutional convention. Eventually, the convention failed why?, and a new government called Mandate 12 was written by Cormac and Killer Kitty and introduced by Imkiville. This Mandate was based on the governments of Osiris' and the South Pacific's Coalition, being principally autocratic like Osiris but built to support democratic governance like TSP once stable.

Foreign Relations

Lazarus has alliances with Caer Sidi, The West Pacific, Osiris, and The North Pacific. Lazarus has non-aggression pacts with the South Pacific and the Rejected Realms. Further, Lazarus is at war with the New Pacific Order, though nothing actionable has happened in this war for a long time.


The Mandate 12 government was started out as an autocratic governance with appropriate trappings to introduce democratic elements later, and has since turned into effectively a democratic monarchy.

The Delegate ("Chief Executive Officer") is Head of State and responsible for security as well as appointments. They are aided by a Vice-Delegate ("Chief Operating Officer"), who is also the next in line for the Delegacy. In their security functions, both Delegate and Vice-Delegate are aided by, and oversee, the Council of Lazarene Security ("Auditors Office"), who serve as trusted high-endorsement high-influence nations in the region.

Head of government is the Prime Minister ("Managing Director"), who runs the Cabinet ("Board of Directors") and may appoint Ministers ("Directors") to run specific ministries ("Departments").

The Court ("Human Resources") comprises three Justices ("Human Resource Officers").

Citizens ("Shareholders") may debate and vote in the Assembly, where they are led by a Chairperson ("Speaker").


Members of Lazarus refer to themselves as "Lazarenes".

Treadwellia, also known as Tubbius, has significantly influenced Lazarene culture with their character's obesity, fondness of food, and frequent utterances of "Mmph" and variations thereof.

Information for Ambassadors

The Managing Director and the WA Delegate are appointed irregularly, check in two or three times per year.

All other roles (Directors, Security Auditors, Chairperson of Shareholders, Chief Operating Officer, Minister of Internal Affairs, and Court Justices) are appointed upon the election of the Managing Director.