Roleplay in the South Pacific
Roleplay in the South Pacific is divided into in the three canons: Pacifica, Sector A1-0 and Aurora, as well as extra-canon events and Knowhere.

Roleplay in TSP is conducted in two main places: the Regional forums and this very wiki! People claim their plots on one of the three rp maps and get to rp an entire nation. RP in general is conducted in two main ways: Storylines, involving specific characters and events in IC posts, and worldbuilding, which focuses less on characters and more on objective reality and statistics. There are also two very important distinctions to make:
IC/OOC (In Character / Out Of Character) distinction: whether something is being said in or out of character. In character, someone's nation may be a cruel, nationalist and racist empire. This does not reflect the opinions of what the Rper behind the nation believes is right; generally, such nations are necessary to provide conflict and intrigue to the ongoing narrative.
Canon/Not Canon distinction: Whether something is "canon." Canon means that it is considered to actually have happened in the canon. The most common usage of this is making jokes about one's nation on the Discord. Do not feel threatened if anything likes this. Remember: Anything not on this wiki or the regional forums is considered not canon! This also applies to extra-canon events. Just because your nation went to war in a what-if scenario does not mean that this sentiment is transferred over to the main canon.
There are also some important rules to consider for all canons regarding roleplay.
- Consent is key. You can not do anything to anyone's nation without permission, and vice versa. This includes having agents, starting wars, having trade, or having their territory in pre-history. Any instance of this should be disregarded as not canon.
- Threadmaker is King. If the maker of a thread in the forums (or page on the wiki) asks for a certain type of courtesy (such as not posting ooc comments in an IC thread, keeping conversation to the topic of the thread, or not editing a wiki page without permission, Adhere to it. It doesn't matter if you don't think it's right; It's not your thread.
- Roleplay is collaborative. This means that you aren't the maker of the canon. It's not your place to rule about other people's worldbuilding or writing, or about the rules of the canon. Suggestions, Constructive criticism and comments are welcome, but do not try to change other's nations or the rules of a canon to your liking.
- Community-owned is the whole community. certain canons have NPNs (Non-Player-Nations). You can not use these nations in your rp or worldbuilding willy-nilly, however. Small things like trade deals are fine, but things like war, territorial shifts, historic worldbuilding, alliances and other major parts of NPNs should not be changed or occur without the consent of the community at large.
See also: Pacifica on the forums, Pacifica on TSPedia
Pacifica is modern day roleplay canon of TSPRP, and is the most popular of the three by number of roleplayers. Its universe is set in a region of the Earth-like planet Pacifica, which mirrors RL technological development and offers a realism-oriented setting for roleplays about RL-like history and geopolitics.
See also: A1-0 on the forums, A1-0 on TSPedia
Sector A1-0 is the science fiction oriented roleplay canon of TSPRP, focused on futuristic technology and interstellar space travel. It is set in a relatively small, eponymous subset of the fictional Lampshade Galaxy, and provides a setting suited for stories making use of both hard and soft science fiction.
See also: Aurora on the forums, Aurora on TSPedia
Aurora is TSPRP’s fantasy roleplay canon, and is the smallest of the three. It is set in the land of Terra Aurora, which features common low and high fantasy fixtures such as dragons, wizards, and magic; it additionally supports Victorian fantasy and steampunk themes like airships and autonomous clockwork machinery, as well as hybridized styles that combine facets of both classic medieval fantasy and steampunk together.
Extra canon
Extra-canon is a catch-all term to refer to anything hosted by TSPRP that is not canon to the three main canons. This includes both things like "What-If" scenarios and events not connected to any canon.
Knowhere is TSP's RMB roleplay. It is considered separate from the forums TSPRP. It is generally much more lax and free form than forum rp, which is intended for longer-term and larger scale rp.
Prominent roleplayers
Getting started guide
World Building
How to write the news
Realism and population