Krauanagaz Federation Charter (Pacifica): Difference between revisions

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# There shall be 300 persons elected to the Ludikiari; and 110 to the Zhirveniayyaka. The seats of the Ludikiari shall be delegated proportionally by population to each state, and more seats may be added or removed as required every ten (10) years.
# There shall be 300 persons elected to the Ludikiari; and 110 to the Zhirveniayyaka. The seats of the Ludikiari shall be delegated proportionally by population to each state, and more seats may be added or removed as required every ten (10) years.
## Lupriari shall be apportioned, 10 to each state or province.
## Lupriari shall be apportioned, 10 to each state or province.
## Magistrates shall be apportioned by population, with each state receiving at least one (2) Magistrates.
## Magistrates shall be apportioned by population, with each state receiving at least two (2) Magistrates.
# A single person shall serve in the Ludikiari for two (2) years at a time and in the Zhirveniayyaka for six (6) years at a time. Elections for the Congress will be held on the fourteenth consecutive day of every other November, starting at 06:00AM and closing at 22:30PM. The Lupriari shall be grouped into two (2) classes. Class I Ambassadors shall be up for election in the first Federation elections, then every other Congressional election year; Or every four (4) years. Class II Ambassadors shall be appointed by their respective governments, then shall be up for election in the following congressional election. Then Class II Ambassadors shall be up for election every six (6) years.  
# A single person shall serve in the Ludikiari for two (2) years at a time and in the Zhirveniayyaka for six (6) years at a time. Elections for the Congress will be held on the fourteenth consecutive day of every other November, starting at 06:00AM and closing at 22:30PM. The Lupriari shall be grouped into two (2) classes. Class I Ambassadors shall be up for election in the first Federation elections, then every other Congressional election year; Or every four (4) years. Class II Ambassadors shall be appointed by their respective governments, then shall be up for election in the following congressional election. Then Class II Ambassadors shall be up for election every six (6) years.  
# The Congress shall be in session until declared in recess by the Magésare Koroshia or the Lupriari Valarzaari, respectively.
# The Congress shall be in session until declared in recess by the Magésare Koroshia or the Lupriari Valarzaari, respectively.

Revision as of 07:31, 19 December 2023

Federation Charter


We the signatories, united in purpose and vision, do solemnly enact and undertake this Charter of Federation, binding ourselves and our descendants to this noble endeavor. With hearts brimming with hope and hands joined in unity, we set forth on a path of progress, guided by the cherished principles of diversity, liberty, and harmonious coexistence. May this Federation stand as a testament to the resilience of unity and the boundless possibilities that emerge when different voices come together to build a better and brighter future for all who call the Krauanagaz Federation their home.

Universal Declaration of Recognized Rights

  1. The State shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
  2. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
  3. No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
  4. In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and Division wherein the crime shall have been committed, which sector shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense.
  5. In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed ten Velliarizas, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of Krauanagaz, other than according to the rules of Federation Standard Law.
  6. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
  7. The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
  8. The powers not delegated to Krauanagaz by these Articles, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
  9. The Judicial power of Krauanagaz shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of Krauanagaz by Citizens of another State, or by Citizens or Subjects of any Foreign State.
  10. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall exist within Krauanagaz, or any place subject to its jurisdiction.
    1. The Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
  11. The right of citizens of the Krauanagaz Federation to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the Federation or by any State on account of race, skin color, ethnicity, or previous condition of servitude.
    1. The Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
  12. The Congress shall have the power to levy and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.
  13. The right of citizens of the Federation of Krauanagaz to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the Federation or by any State on account of sex or gender.
  14. The institution of marriage shall be respected across the Federation. No state subject to the jurisdiction of the Federation shall decline to recognize the legitimacy of a marriage conducted outside of its jurisdiction.
  15. No state subject to the jurisdiction of the Federation shall refuse to perform and civil duty based upon spoken language, sexual orientation, gender identity, skin color, disability, age, ethnicity, religion, national origin, genetics, gender, or prior status of servitude.
    1. The Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
  16. Any persons born within the jurisdiction of the Federation is a citizen of the Federation and is guaranteed all the rights and privileges therein.
    1. The Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Article I. Executive Affairs

  1. The Krauanaet may enact any constitutional measure that he or she may deem necessary and proper for the general well-being or prosperity of the public.
  2. The Krauanaet may have one vote in any Zhirveniayyaka vote, given the initial vote has resulted in a tie.
  3. The Krauanaet retains the power to veto any legislation or resolution from the congress as a whole which may be overridden with a ½ plus 25 majority in the Ludikiari and a ½ plus 10 majority in the Zhirveniayyaka.
  4. The Krauanaet may be removed from office by a ⅔ vote in the Congress Assembled and with an indictment from the Ludikiari.
  5. The Krauanaet may establish any rules or guidelines or procedures pursuant to the daily functions of the Federation Government; They may be overturned by an Act of Congress or by Judicial Review.
  6. The Krauanaet serves until (a) a vote of no confidence passes the public by simple majority and is certified by the courts of Krauanagaz, or (b) the Krauanaet resigns their position or (c) a national election occurs wherein the presiding Krauanaet is not the victor.
  7. The Krauanaet Election shall occur once every five (5) years. In order to be declared the victor one must attain 50% plus one of the popular vote. The Krauanaet shall serve as the head of government and head of state.
  8. The Krauanaet shall have the authority to take appropriate actions to enforce the supremacy of Federation Standard Law and to ensure its uniform application throughout the Krauanagaz Federation.

Article II. The Legislature

  1. There shall be 300 persons elected to the Ludikiari; and 110 to the Zhirveniayyaka. The seats of the Ludikiari shall be delegated proportionally by population to each state, and more seats may be added or removed as required every ten (10) years.
    1. Lupriari shall be apportioned, 10 to each state or province.
    2. Magistrates shall be apportioned by population, with each state receiving at least two (2) Magistrates.
  2. A single person shall serve in the Ludikiari for two (2) years at a time and in the Zhirveniayyaka for six (6) years at a time. Elections for the Congress will be held on the fourteenth consecutive day of every other November, starting at 06:00AM and closing at 22:30PM. The Lupriari shall be grouped into two (2) classes. Class I Ambassadors shall be up for election in the first Federation elections, then every other Congressional election year; Or every four (4) years. Class II Ambassadors shall be appointed by their respective governments, then shall be up for election in the following congressional election. Then Class II Ambassadors shall be up for election every six (6) years.
  3. The Congress shall be in session until declared in recess by the Magésare Koroshia or the Lupriari Valarzaari, respectively.
  4. Any person may run for Congress given he or she has been present in the Federation for 10 years and is a documented citizen or born-citizen.
  5. Congress may propose any new laws or guidelines for the general welfare or functionality of the public. Which may pass with a simple majority vote.
  6. Any Congress member may be removed by a ⅔ recall vote and/or a felony indictment by a Federal Court.
  7. Federation Standard Law, as established by the Federation Charter, shall be the supreme law of the land within the Krauanagaz Federation.
    1. All states, territories, and provinces within the Krauanagaz Federation, and all officials and citizens thereof, are bound by Federation Standard Law and shall comply with its provisions in all matters.
    2. No state, territory, or province shall enact, enforce, or maintain any law or regulation that is in contravention of Federation Standard Law, and any such attempt shall be rendered unenforceable.
    3. The courts of the Krauanagaz Federation are vested with the authority to interpret Federation Standard Law and adjudicate any disputes arising from the application or interpretation of this law.

Article III. Judicial Affairs

  1. There shall be fifteen (15) Judges, appointed by the Krauanaet and confirmed by the Zhirveniayyaka, that sit on the Supreme Court of the Krauanagaz Federation for a term of no longer than 18 years. The other courts of Krauanagaz are: 5 District Courts, 11 Federation Courts of Appeal, 27 Federal Courts. There shall be nine (9) Judges appointed by the Krauanaet and approved by the Zhirveniayyaka which sit on all other Federation Courts for a term of no longer than 18 consecutive years.
  2. The Federation Supreme Court shall have supreme authority to review any laws or guidelines that may be presented in judicial proceedings.
  3. The Courts of the Federation have supreme authority to serve any sentence to any crime that is within reasonable parameters of the Universal Declaration of Recognized Rights and Federation Standard Law.
  4. Any sentence may be appealed and any fine that is more than 10 velliarizas may be appealed.
  5. Any Judge may be removed by a ⅔ vote in the Ludikiari and by a simple majority confirmation vote of their constituency.
  6. Any initial hearing regarding a crime, namely misdemeanors, will be heard in a Federal Court. Any initial hearing regarding a crime, namely felonies, will be heard in a Federal Court. Following any hearing the sentence may be appealed given the appeal meets the given parameters for a hearing in a Federation Court of Appeals. While appealing a sentence the appellate will not be serving his sentence until a further decision regarding the case is made by the Court of Appeals or any higher court that the case may be presented to, given the Court of Appeals has ruled against the appellate.
  7. Any law or decision made by any state, territory, or province that is inconsistent with Federation Standard Law may be subject to legal challenge, and the Federation's courts have the authority to strike down such laws or decisions.

Article IV. Petition of Admittance

  1. Any petition to join the Federation shall be heard in the Congress Assembled. In the Congress Assembled, a vote of ⅔ plus twenty five (25) or three hundred three (303) votes shall result in the progression of the petition process. The Krauanaet shall review the petition.
  2. Executive review shall last no longer than twenty one (21) days. Upon approval the petition shall be sent for secondary review by the Congress Assembled.
    1. Rejected petitioners must wait one (1) year before petitioning for admission again.
  3. Upon final approval by the Krauanaet, the petitioner is granted statehood in the Federation.

Article V. Guaranteed State Rights

  1. Internal Governance Autonomy. Member states have the right to determine their own internal political affairs, local laws, regulations, and administrative structures, without interference from the Federal Government, except in extraordinary circumstances. This includes the freedom to shape their education systems, cultural policies, and economic regulations according to needs and preferences.
    1. States, territories, and provinces shall take all necessary measures to ensure that their laws, regulations, and practices are in conformity with Federation Standard Law and shall cooperate with the central government in matters of legal interpretation and enforcement.
    2. The equitable application of laws to all member entities and citizens within the Federation is an essential component of the Federation's commitment to unity and justice. The Judiciary of the Krauanagaz Federation is vested with the authority to interpret Federation Standard Law and adjudicate any disputes arising from the application or interpretation of this law.
  2. Preservation of Cultural Identity: It is incumbent on the Federation to protect and promote the member states' distinct cultural, linguistic, and historical heritage. Each state maintains the right to celebrate and uphold its cultural identity, and prohibit any actions that may threaten or erode its cultural uniqueness so long as those actions do not infringe upon the rights of others.
  3. Resource and Revenue Management: States may retain control over certain natural resources and revenue generated within their territories.
    1. A general federation tax shall be levied on each state, territory, and province. This tax shall be instituted at 15% of a member state’s operation budget. This tax may be increased or decreased as deemed fit by Congress.
    2. States are generally entitled to the natural resources and revenue generated within its jurisdiction. However, legal sanctions may be placed upon member states which may result in the loss of control over a natural resource or source of revenue; While member states are generally entitled to the natural resources and revenue generated within its jurisdiction the Federation Council may, in times of emergency or civil disorder or to preserve a natural feature, or to secure the well-being of the public as a whole, requisition public or private land in member states for a period of forty five (45) days without compensation. If the requisition period shall exceed forty five (45) days the Office of the Krauanaet shall disburse just payment to any person(s) affected. The Krauanaet may permanently requisition public or private land in exchange for just compensation, with a one hundred eighty (180) day advance notice to any person(s) affected.
  4. Intra-Federation Trade and Commerce: States have the right to engage in trade and commerce with one another without undue restrictions or tariffs. The right of free movement of goods and services, and people across the Federation shall not be infringed.
  5. Flexibility in Adherence to Federation Law: While states must abide by Federation Standard Law, they may seek provisions allowing some flexibility in its implementation to accommodate specific local circumstances or cultural practices, as long as they do not violate fundamental rights or the cohesion of the Federation as a whole.
  6. Representation in Federation Council: States are entitled to fair and proportionate representation in the Congress as a whole.
  7. Defense and Security: Member states may exercise total control over their internal civil security and civil defense matters, especially if they have distinct security challenges or concerns.
    1. The Krauanaet reserves the right to intervene in any martial matter. Any intervention may be contested in the courts of Krauanagaz.
  8. Consent for Amendments of Guaranteed State Rights: Significant changes to the state rights or the charter as a whole shall require the 3/4 consent of states.
    1. Amendments to Article V are subject to review by the Krauanaet, who may reject the amendment. With a second unanimous vote, states may override the executive rejection and amend Article V. All other amendments to this document are subject to Article VI, Section 5.

Article VI. State Affairs

  1. There shall be a Federation Council where each state, territory, and province shall send one delegate to represent their interests.
  2. Each council delegate shall have one (1) vote in the council. The Federation Council shall be the sole body responsible for issuing a formal declaration of war. No other body may exercise this power. A war declaration must pass the Federation Council with a unanimous vote. The Krauanaet must sign any declaration of war in order for the declaration to be valid. Any unsigned declaration of war is to be considered invaild and out of order.
  3. Coinciding with the Krauanaet election, every five (5) years the Federation Council, officially the Krauanagaz Federal Council, shall vote for a Secretary-general who shall serve as the chairperson of the Federation Council when they do convene.
  4. The Krauanaet shall serve as the head of state in all matter for the Krauanagaz Federation.
  5. The Federation Council shall debate, and vote on all amendments to the Universal Declaration of Recognized Rights. Any amendments to Universal Declaration of Recognized Rights shall originate in this body.
    1. Any amendment to the Universal Declaration of Recognized Rights, unless otherwise noted,  must receive a ½ plus two majority in council in order to move to a full public vote. Only with  ⅔  public support may the amendment be added to the Declaration. By the same mechanism, any present amendment may be edited, or removed.
  6. The Krauanaet may be removed from office by a ⅔ vote in the Congress Assembled and with an indictment from the Ludikiari or Federal Court.
  7. The Federation Council shall convene no less than twice each year to discuss the security and state of the Federation with the Krauanaet.