Belsedori (Aurora)

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Biological Classification
Ancestral speciesAuroran Humans
Physical characteristics
Average height~183cm (female)
~140cm (male)
Skin colourWhite, light peach
Eye colourWhite, purple, lavender, green, blue, yellow
Hair colourWhite; red; pale tints of green, blue, and lavender
BreatheAir (general preference for high-altitude environments)
Maturity18 years
DistinctionsFeathered wings on lower back; feather tail; bird feet; luminescent irises
Notable abilitiesFlight; innate magical aptitude
Sociocultural characteristics
Place of originBelsegallia
Total population~2.0 million
ReligionBelsedori ditheism
Marital customsMonogamous

The Belsedori (singular: Belsedori; plural: Belsedori; adjective: Belsedori) are a race of harpy-like humanoids originating from Belsegallia in Terra Aurora, distinguished from humans by their large wings and other avian features as well as their high aptitude for magic. Due to the remote location of Belsegallia and the Belsedori’s preference for extremely cold, high-altitude environments, their society and culture remain relatively obscure and unknown amongst most of the terrestrial inhabitants of Terra Aurora. Magical arts are a highly prominent feature of Belsedori society, and virtually all Belsedori are adept in at least one form of it.

Belsedori are a relatively new race in Aurora, having only existed for approximately three to four hundred years. Their home nation and the only state known to possess a permanent population of them is Belsegallia, in southeastern Terra Aurora.

Biology & appearance

Belsedori broadly resemble humans in general physiology, with two arms, two legs, a head, and an upright bipedal posture; the primary distinguishing skeletal features are the presence of a feathered tail and two large wings attached to a specially adapted support structure on the L5 vertebra. Belsedori furthermore possess five-toed avian feet with four forward-facing toes and one rearwards-facing, opposable toe, each of which has talons typically 8 centimeters in length. Musculature on Belsedori is concentrated around the abdomen and upper legs to facilitate effective usage of their wings and talons, and an adult female Belsedori is typically capable of rending up to approximately 2mm thick sheet steel with her talons when sufficient grip is available.
Height and weight vary strongly by sex; the average height of a female and male Belsedori is 183cm and 140cm, respectively, and their average mass is 43.5kg and 21kg, respectively. Hair and feather colorations for Belsedori may be white, pale tints of green, blue, or purple; crimson feather coloration is only present on females. Belsedori irises are faintly luminescent and can be colorful or pale tints of blue, purple, and yellow, as well as blue-tinted white.

Sexual dimorphism

Belsedori as a species possess a moderate degree of sexual dimorphism, and male and female Belsedori can be distinguished from each other by several means. Male Belsedori are, on average, roughly 75% as tall and half as heavy as female Belsedori, possess moderately less muscle mass, and have noticeably higher-pitched voices. Feather patterns for women are brighter and more saturated, whereas male hair and feather colorations are paler and softer.

Excluding the aforementioned differences, male and female Belsedori both strongly resemble female humans in most aspects and are virtually impossible for non-Belsedori to tell apart. This close similarity in physiology and appearance is responsible for the common misconception that all Belsedori are female.

Belsedori present a moderately less balanced sex ratio than is typical for humanoids; approximately 60% of all Belsedori are female, and only approximately 40% are male.

Culture & society

Clothing & attire

Belsedori clothing styles are heavily divided by sex and exhibit significant differences between men’s and women’s attire. The most common material used in the manufacture of Belsedori clothing is silk, followed by wool, cotton, and then by alchemically derived fabrics. Despite the cold environment that Belsedori inhabit, cold-weather adaptations in Belsedori clothing are nearly nonexistent due to the cryophilic nature of its intended wearer.


Common types of clothing for female Belsedori vary widely and include short-sleeved and long-sleeved shirts and blouses, pants, skirts, and dresses. Female Belsedori clothing is generally durable, practical, and relatively simple its construction and style of decoration, especially in comparison to its equivalents in Belsedori men’s clothing. Belsedori women normally wear full-length pants and either a blouse or a short-skirted dress, which may be accompanied by a cloak, gloves, and/or belt; when a blouse is worn instead of a dress, it is customarily worn tucked into pants unless in a casual environment. It is uncommon for Belsedori women to wear jewelry or other miscellaneous accessories purely as a matter of fashion, and it is normally only worn when enchanted or used as a specific badge of office; articles traditionally used in this manner include necklaces, rings, and bracelets, as well as diadems or tiaras for nobles.

Shoes for Belsedori are made with separated toes to allow wearers to grip objects and otherwise move their feet normally when wearing them; additional features include a central sole under the foot and metal caps over the talons to prevent them from damaging the shoe. Shoes sized for female Belsedori are typically made of leather and intended to be worn outside regularly, with features such as waterproofing, reinforced construction, and high tops to support the ankle. Belsedori women’s shoes are also made to be compatible with canvas gaiters, which are regularly worn during spring and other seasons when the outside environment of Belsegallia is excessively wet.


Relative to the normal attire of a female Belsedori, male Belsedori clothing is generally less practical in nature and is more subject to the influences of aesthetics; broadly consistent features of clothing for male Belsedori include the heavy usage of frills and ruffles, ribbons, and bows, as well as manufacture from softer fabrics. The basic article of clothing worn by male Belsedori is a short-sleeved dress, normally accompanied by a large ribbon tied around the waist, shorts, gloves, and long socks or stockings, as well as a traditionally white apron when in a home or kitchen environment. Jewelry, including necklaces, earrings, bracelets, and rings can also be worn, with the addition of tiaras in the case of nobles’ consorts. Belsedori view pants as women’s clothing, and male Belsedori are explicitly prohibited from wearing them.

Shoes sized for male Belsedori are broadly similar in construction to shoes for women, with separated toes and metal end caps to cover talons. Unlike women’s shoes, however, they generally take the form of house shoes and are rarely durably constructed, waterproofed, or otherwise made with the intention of being wearable outside. Shoes suitable for outdoor usage are relatively rare for male Belsedori to possess; most Belsedori men instead wrap ribbons of canvas cloth around indoor shoes for limited-duration trips outside of the house.

Due to the fact that Belsedori see males as inherently delicate and sensitive to minor discomforts, insulated winter clothing sized and styled for male Belsedori is much more common than its women’s equivalent. Said clothing is often made of heavier fabrics, quilted, or otherwise insulated, and is generally only worn by male Belsedori at temperatures below -50°C.

Gender roles

Gender roles in Belsedori culture are built around and heavily influenced by its strict adherence to a female-led and dominated society. Acceptable norms and behavior for each sex reflect the general idea that women are the naturally dominant sex and are responsible for protecting and materially supporting men, which are the subservient sex and are expected to serve women in return. Hierarchies in families, political leadership, and other major social structures are matriarchal in nature and bar male Belsedori from holding most positions, especially those of consequence or those involving decision-making. Prevailing customs and social norms in Belsedori culture treat women as the dominant sex and the only one deserving of dignity, respect, and agency, while customs related to male Belsedori serve to enforce the societal view that they are helpless, delicate, fragile dolls perpetually in need of being sheltered and coddled by women and incapable of succeeding as anything other than stay-at-home parents.

Male Belsedori of all ages are treated in an exceptionally sheltered manner, and men are normally expected to be attended by a wife, mother, sister, or other female relative or guardian when venturing more than two hundred meters away from home.


Belsedori rarely use makeup, and most gendered expectations regarding non-apparel appearance govern the realm of hairstyles. Female Belsedori are customarily expected to maintain shoulder-length hair with minimal styling, braiding, ornamentation, or other technique; men, by contrast, are expected to keep their hair long and can decorate it with hair clips, pins, ribbons, flowers, and other accessories. Male Belsedori typically keep their hair in updos when outside of the house or when attending formal occasions like balls or weddings, but this is not universally practiced.


Most work, including the vast majority of all physical labor, is performed exclusively by women in Belsedori society. This includes working as farmers, laborers, craftswomen & artisans, soldiers, priestesses, professional spellcasters & enchanters, and engineers, as well as other positions.

The range of extra-domestic professions allowed to be performed by men is small and includes alchemy, domestic cleaning, tailoring, and teaching; even within this subset, allowed professions that cannot be performed at home are viewed by Belsedori as temporary arrangements rather than lifelong careers that might intrude upon a consort’s domestic obligations. Employment arrangements involving male Belsedori often come with strict limitations on work hours, prohibitions on activities like heavy lifting or other hard labor, intensive supervision by female managers, and other measures meant to protect them.

Gender roles in magic


Leadership in Belsedori social groups is structured in a matriarchal fashion; positions of importance or authority and ones that involve any elevated personal risk are always restricted to being held by women only, and necessarily male title-holders like Belsedori nobles’ consorts are afforded the status of purely decorative ornaments with no decision-making power. The Belsedori religiion allows men to hold some minor offices in specific areas and under the close watch of female superiors.


Belsedori customs governing interpersonal interaction are myriad, and vary significantly by sex. Belsedori of both sexes normally stand approximately 80 to 90 centimeters away from an individual that they are conversing with or otherwise interacting with, sometimes 75 centimeters if familiar with the individual. The standard greeting from a female Belsedori is a handshake, while male Belsedori normally greet others by performing a curtsy.

Female Belsedori are sexist in the extreme and normally treat men with a mixture of effusive kindness and condescending self-superiority. Belsedori women will normally ignore men in conversations if another woman is present, generally limiting interactions with males in such cases to petting them, requesting miscellaneous errands like the provision of refreshments, or complimenting their appearance. Women, by contrast, can normally expect to be treated with at least a small amount of respect by female Belsedori and are less likely to be brushed aside.

Male Belsedori at large are raised to be passive, quiet, and submissive. Belsedori believe that a well-behaved son or consort should stay quiet during conversations and let his female relatives speak for him when possible, and male Belsedori being accompanied by a wife, mother, or other guardian normally remain silent and defer to them unless specifically addressed. During interactions with women, Belsedori men avoid making eye contact when possible.


The Belsedori language is largely syllable-based, with most characters corresponding to either a combination of a consonant and a following vowel or just a vowel; some lone consonants also exist, but most are not often used. Belsedori script appears generally wavy, and most characters can be written with one to three pen strokes.

Naming conventions

Belsedori given names vary, but are always gendered by the letter that they end in: female Belsedori names end in -a or a consonant, whereas male names end in -e, -i, -u, or -o; the ending -ia can be used by either. The same rule is applied to family names, which vary in ending accordingly; the combination of a given name and a family name that both end in -ia is also avoided.

Terms of endearment

The Belsedori language possesses a distinctively wide variety of pet names, terms of endearment, and diminution mechanisms, especially ones intended to be used in reference to male subjects.


Belsedori as a race are naturally predisposed towards a high degree of talent in magical arts, and numerous varieties of magic such as spellcraft, enchanting, alchemy, and magical forging form integral parts of Belsedori society. Virtually all Belsedori learn the basics of at least one type of magic, and most possess extensive practice in at least either spellcasting or alchemy. Belsedori engineers and magical object manufacturers are highly skilled, and Belsegallia produces many highly advanced magical objects and devices.

Marriage customs

Belsedori practice monogamous marriages; Belsedori refer to a married female as a “wife,” and a married male is referred to as a “consort.” Belsedori families are extremely unequal and are universally arranged in a matriarchal hierarchy, where the wife is considered to be the head of the household and holds authority over both her consort and any children they have together that are not yet adults. A typical Belsedori wife’s power over her consort in particular extends to her having barely below explicit, literal ownership of him; consorts in Belsedori society are treated well, but are seen as their wives’ property and are broadly denied equal standing with women or the ability to possess any significant amount of respect or independence.

Engagements & weddings

Belsedori practice monogamous arranged marriages, where an unmarried adult male’s mother picks a suitable wife for him and marries him off to her. Because female Belsedori outnumber males by a 3:2 ratio, and because marriage is viewed as an important life achievement for Belsedori women, the right to marry is exceptionally competitive in Belsedori society; young Belsedori women typically spend most of their free time practicing magic, combat skills, or artisanal trades in order to be able to impress bachelors’ mothers and be given a consort.

Once engaged, newly matched Belsedori couples undergo an elaborate wedding ceremony to formalize their marriage. The consort-to-be normally wears a white wedding dress, and customarily has an orange blossom in his hair to be given to the wife-to-be during the ceremony. After saying their wedding vows and being formally married, the consort gives a ring as well as the orange blossom to the wife as a representation of himself and receives the white wedding veil that married consorts customarily wear in return.

Married female Belsedori wear a wedding ring on their off hand, typically made of silver-colored metal and unadorned with gemstones or similar decorations. Married male Belsedori wear a white collar or choker instead, as well as a white hair ribbon tied into a bow on the upper back of the head. A consort is further customarily expected to wear a translucent white wedding veil when around women other than his wife, daughters, sisters, and mother, though this is not always observed consistently.

Family life

Belsedori families typically follow the arrangement of female “breadwinner” and male “homemaker” roles, where the wife and any unmarried daughters of sufficient age work to support the household and the consort cooks food, cleans, takes care of the family’s children, and otherwise fulfills domestic duties. A married consort normally remains in or around the couple’s home and rarely leaves for an extended period of time.

A Belsedori couple’s children are raised by the consort, which performs the role of a stay-at-home parent. Daughters typically spend most of their time playing outside or helping the mother with miscellaneous work-related tasks, whereas sons normally stay indoors and help the father with housework. Belsedori children generally learn literacy, magic, and other life knowledge either at home from their parents or at dedicated schools.


Belsedori as a collective race practice the organized religion of Belsedori Ditheism, which is devoted to the worship and service of the goddess Asahika and her consort Yoruhi. Belsedori credit Asahika and Yoruhi as the creators of their race, and they feature prominently in mythology and other stories about the history of Belsegallia; in the modern day, Belsedori Ditheistic beliefs and the example of Asahika and Yoruhi’s relationship in particular serve as the blueprint for Belsedori society’s views on gender roles, marriage customs, and other cultural traits.

Notable features of practicing Belsedori Ditheism include attending worship services held by temples on the seventh day of each week, prayers, and tithing. Multiple symbols are used to represent Belsedori Ditheism on seals, buildings, and other locations; a sword with six wings around it or a sun shape both symbolize Asahika, a stylized water lily or a seven-pointed star are typically used to represent Yoruhi, and the union of both is normally depicted as a stylized picture of a sunset.