Belsedori system of magic (Aurora)

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The Belsedori system of magic is frequently and widely utilized by the Belsedori of Belsegallia throughout their daily lives as a result of their high innate magical aptitude and ease of access to necessary reagents. It exhibits a strong degree of adaptability to a broad variety of magical applications and can be used to perform almost any task accomplishable with magic when cast by a skilled practitioner.

The principle users of Belsedori magic are the eponymous Belsedori, who possess a natural affinity to it. Individuals of other magic-capablesapient species are also able to learn how to utilize Belsedori magic, with a moderately greater degree of difficulty and less consistency in an individual’s degree of aptitude to it in comparison to other types of magic usage.

The primary divisions of applied Belsedori magic are spellcasting, alchemy, and enchanting. Hybrid techniques using two or three of these basic magic types also exist, as do rarer forms of applied magic that do not neatly match any of them. Virtually all Belsedori are skilled in at least one primary form of Belsedori magic, while most know at least two types.

Basic principles



The Belsedori concept of magic centers around three fundamental types of energy conventionally referred to as Shisana, Daishi, and Kasa, or roughly translated as life force, soul, and mana or magic.

Life force in the Belsedori system of magic is the energy that animates conventional living things, such as animals and people. While it is not often interacted with by Belsedori magic, some forms of spellcasting and alchemy are able to touch and manipulate or use life force directly: the most common among these is magic used for healing, which is most widely practiced by male Belsedori.

The soul in Belsedori magic is associated specifically with sapient beings, particularly those with some sort of connection to one or more deities. Belsedori magic relies on the practitioner’s use of their soul to touch and manipulate magic in a broadly analogous manner to handling objects with their physical body: as such, a practitioner’s ability to use Belsedori magic is intrinsically bound to their connection with their spirit. Spiritual energy comprises the reserve from which a caster draws the ability to perform magic, and is consumed with each instance of using magic through the Belsedori method: this energy regenerates naturally over time in proportion with the maximum that a user can possess, but acts to prevent the repeated usage of powerful magic in a short timespan without the help of potions, enchanted objects, or other items.

Common tools

Practical divisions




See also