Clades and Species of the Terragen Empire (A1-0)

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The following is a list of all major clades within the  Terragen Empire, divided based on their origin.

Terragen Clades

  • Humans
  • Aurelphins
  • Corvijnee: uplifted crows.
  • Pahrvanots: uplifted parrots, now fully capable of articulate human speech.
  • Octoperyors: uplifted octopi.
  • Gigorwheil: uplifted whales.
  • Emhiants: uplifted manta rays.
  • Simiiforumai: uplifted monkeys. (duicova chimps + ohlramann orangs)
  • Silvestrines: uplifted cats.
  • Dewclaao: uplifted dogs.
  • Nuur’iigs: uplifted pigs.
  • Apoipters: uplifted bees, either living as social hive minds or as single individuals.
  • Formykoll: uplifted ants, either living as social hive minds or as single individuals.
  • Suzeiphants: uplifted elefants.
  • Ryffin: uplifted rats.
  • Yewanis: uplifted hyenas.
  • Uvours: uplifted frogs.
  • Ourobors: uplifted snakes.
  • Jellusina: uplifted jellyfish made of biological transparent computronium.
  • Polyreefers: uplifted corals creating interconnected minds as aquatic biological computers.
  • Dindelseids: uplifted mobile trees which use symbiotic beings to percieve and interact.
  • Virtuals: AIs and uploaded consciousnesses living within a vast cybercosm of virtual worlds.
  • Sapiostructures: sapient structures, ranging from simple buildings to starships.
  • Nemblash: sapients made out of bionano or nanotech foglets, usually with no fixed shape.
  • Bushbots: fractal moravecs consisting of a flexible branching structure resembling a bush.
  • Polyhedrid: polyhedronal moravecs capable of living in and travelling through open space.
  • Gell-onics: moravecs made of self-reconfigurable gel-like computronium.
  • Deucubles: aerostatic, bubble-like moravecs known for their extreme patience.
  • Heavenjellies: starfaring moravecs resembling giant, kilometer long jellyfish capable of FTL.
  • Kjatasps: disc-shaped hexapodal moravecs specialized for first-in colonization.
  • Thalopegrad: colorful, bioluminescent, ocean-dwelling tetrapodal neogens.
  • Kilmantsi: large, colorful neogens partially resembling the earthly praying mantiss.
  • Bul’ghum: rubbery, gelatinous neogens with multiple eyes and no fixed shape.
  • Humorvens: fully synthetic humanoid moravecs.
  • Lumminons: metamorphic sapients with extremely efficient bionano optical computers.
  • Seinraphies: flying moravec species capable of both atmospheric and space flight.
  • Mandeloops: giant space-dwelling neogens consisting of fractal cavities arranged in loops.

Xenosophonts Clades

  • Xelmonerenes: exotic sapients existing in the metallic hydrogen core of a gas giants.
  • Neunevunn: exotic sapients living inside the superfluid outer core of neutron stars.
  • Imbrians: hexapodal sapients with both bird and insect characteristics.
  • Baskipirs: small radially simmetrical ocean-dwelling xenosophonts.
  • Jhar’ord: symbiotic sapients consisting of a mobile plant-like hive and flying bug-like drones.
  • Eurekt: bioluminescent beings living in geothermally heated underwater oceans of icy moons.
  • Zyloxin: intelligent colorful crystals that communicate through complex music-like patterns.
  • Sheulsarr: hexapodal sapients descended from aquatic cephalopod-like organisms.
  • Verticenes: large aerostatic sapients using electromagnetic minerals and gas pouches to fly.
  • Velupyota: a sapient swarm of interstellar terraforming organic seedships.
  • Tihumuuh: low temperature, crab-like xenosophonts inhabiting Titan-like worlds.
  • Peehhpep: low temperature gelatinous sapients, uplifted by the Tihumuuh.