Infrastructures and megastructures in Sector A1-0 (A1-0)
The Galactyan Empire, in order to properly carry out it's governance, policies and projects, has constructed an expansive net of infrastructures, as well as a notable number of minor and major megastructures.
Sub-Orbital Infrastructure
- The Maglev Pod System
- The Maglev Train Lines
- Launch Railguns
- Space Elevators
- Spaceports
- Weather Regulation Stations
- Aerostatic Habitats
- Dome Habitats
- Worldhouses
Orbital Infrastructure
- Orbital Mass Stream Rings
- Supramundane Plates
- Orbital Production Arrays
- Antimatter Collection Arrays
- Matrioshka Micronodes
- O'Neill Cylinders
- Bernal Spheres
- Freespheres