Worldhouses (A1-0)
Worldhouses, also known as Worldhouse Roofs, are large, world-sized transparent membranes used on low-gravity worlds that admit starlight in while preventing atmosphere escape.
Worldhouses have very similar general structures to Dome Habitats, but scaled up hundreds or thousands of times to completely cover the surface of a planet. However, this size increase leads to notable differences in the construction and support of said structures.

Pandifico Worldhouses
Pandifico Worldhouses are the most similar type of worldhouse to Dome Habitats. Their though, flexible membrane is made out of Transparent Elastic Diamondoid Fiber Composites, more commonly known as Pandifico, and is divided into several layers, some of which are filled with smart fluids or gel which actively repair any minor punctures.
Such a worldhouse roof acts as a greenhouse as well, allowing cooler planets to retain enough heat and atmosphere to become habitable for the intended population type. If an additional greenhouse effect is needed, specialized heat-gathering materials and channels can also be constructed. Oppositely, by incorporating a semi-reflective layer these worldhouses can be used closer to the local star, and modern materials can be used which permit the transmission of infrared wavelengths to prevent overheating.
While most worldhouses are kept suspended simply by atmospheric pressure, some thicker worldhouses will need some additional support, that can be given to them through Atlas Pillars, additional aerostatic support, or by Geosynchronous Cable satellites. Depending on thickness, density and total weight, some of these Worldhouses may just need additional support in some specific locations, or they might be so heavy that atmospheric pressure is their secondary support, while a network of equally spaced Atlas Pillars acts as their primary form of support.

Canopy Plants
The Canopy Plant is a neogen terraforming plant with bionano capabilities. The plant's growth follows this basic outline:
- Hardened Seedpods are dropped from planetary orbit. They may be decelerated by parachute or balloon cushion depending on the atmosphere of the target body.
- Pods penetrate the surface or burrow down to their optimal depth.
- Each seedpod begins to extend a root system through the ground and a stellar energy collecting canopy bud to the surface.
- The plant extends its canopy, utilizing material mined from the air and ground. It sends up to three fast growing runners that are separated from one another by approximately 120 degrees. When they reach a preset distance they set down new root systems. The canopy membrane grows out from the taproot and the edges of the runners. As it grows it is initially anchored to the ground by temporary rootlets.
- New root systems produce their own canopy buds and send out their own runners until they begin to link up in a roughly hexagonal network according to local terrain.
- The canopy continues to grow from the vertices and runner edges until it covers an entire hexagon. The air pressure beneath the canopy rises as atmosphere is processed, causing the canopy dome to inflate. Curtain membranes grow between each canopy and runner, sealing each hexagonal cell off from the others. Tailored biota and bionano are then introduced into the cells to further prepare the developing biome.
- As ceiling height increases the curtain walls may be detached, creating ever-greater continuous space beneath the canopy which remains anchored to the surface by the original stems.
- Atmospheric processing and terraforming may continue in the air outside of the canopy domes till the desired composition and pressure are achieved. Air pressure under the canopy may then be equalized with that outside, and the cell canopies rent to expose the cell interiors. The plant's biomass can then be recycled into the new environment. This can be done progressively if adjoining cells remain sealed off by the curtain walls and are kept under higher pressure.The speed of Canopy Plant growth is dependent upon insulation and the composition of the regolith and atmosphere from which the plant draws material. Once the runner network is in place, needed feedstock may be transported through it to where it will be most useful. Starlight can be augmented by orbital mirrors or magnifying solettas and required nutrients and volatiles may be imported if they are deficient in the native environment, unless slower growth or more limited coverage is not an issue to those in charge of the project. Under optimal conditions the area covered by canopy can double every two weeks and an Earth sized planet can be covered in less than 2 years from an initial planting of 10,000 uniformly spaced Seedpods.
Brunivaian Worldhouses
The Brunivaian Confederacy has developed an interesting variant on the worldhouse concept which allows a habitable surface to be established on an object far from any main sequence star. Due to the fact that its members live around brown dwarfs they needed a different approach to terraforming than that used in star systems.
- The first step in the building of this type of worldhouse is to determine the quantity of volatiles a planet has. Some worlds may have too much or two little of a give element for proper terraforming. Once this is done, figuring out what volatiles to add and what volatiles to remove is the next step.
- Next six towers are built on the planet. These towers are roughly 25 kilometres in height and are located at six points on the planets surface. One tower at is built at each pole and another at four points on the planet's equator. One or all of the towers are used as a base of operations for the terraforming project. They also serve as a framework for a magnetic orbital launch system or as the anchor for a space elevator. The polar towers though cannot be used for space elevators and some worlds rotate too slowly to make space elevators economical.
- Once the towers are built the process of removing or adding volatiles begins. Nanites combined with large compressors and other structures in the tower begin releasing volatiles trapped in the rocks or converting excess atmospheric gases into inert solids that are buried or launched into space. During this process the surface of the planet be re sculpted to create ocean basins and continents if such formations do not naturally exist. If the volatiles aren't found on the planet itself, asteroids and comets are diverted into the planets orbit. Orbital factories grind the chunks of various ices into smaller chunks and sent into orbits which cause them to rain down on the planet as micrometeorites. This approach prevents many of the problems that follow from large-scale cometary or asteroidal bombardment. Low gravity worlds require an orbital shade during this part of the process to prevent sunlight from boiling off the newly acquired volatiles. Other worlds may need the sunshade to help cool the atmospheric temperature.
- Once the volatiles are balanced the construction of the worldhouse roof begins. Large hydrogen balloons are used to raise 25 km long tethers of buckytube cable above the planets surface. These cables will serve as anchors for the worldhouse roof, which will be held up by hydrogen or helium filled cells combined with atmospheric pressure from the planet. The cables are often 50-75km apart. Automated, high speed, and lightweight airships are then used to connect the individual tethers to the towers with thin buckytube cables. Once this web is completed robots begin climbing the towers weaving a denser web between the towers and the tethers. This denser web is the covered in a clear hydrocarbon self-healing polymer. Flexible hydrogen filled cells are then attached to the web starting at the towers. These are held in place by the buckytube reinforced polymer roof, which seems to grow from the six towers. A second layer of buckytube reinforced is placed on the bottom of the hydrogen cells creating a flexible self-supporting roof that covers the entire planet.
- Next nanites begin to grow thin lightweight flexible solar cells on the outer side of the worldhouse roof. These solar cells completely block the planets surface off from light. Some worldhouse roofs are covered in flexible rectenna that covert beamed microwave energy into electricity. While the rectenna or solar cells are coating the top of the world house roof a second series of helium filled cells are being attached to the underside of the roof. These cells have full spectrum lights at that are suspended in the cells core. These are what create the light for the terraformed planet. The undersides of the helium filled cells are made of a light-diffusing polymer, which spreads out the high intensity light creating gentler glow. The light can be turned on, off or varied in intensity as needed.