Krauanagazan Civil War (Pacifica)

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The Krauanagazan Civil War was a tumultuous period that spanned over six decades, from 1913 to 1976. This devastating conflict unfolded against the backdrop of discriminatory policies imposed by the Heritio Korosha regime, which systematically marginalized the Krautali population and sparked widespread discontent across the nation.

The seeds of the Krauanagazan Civil War were sown through the Heritio Korosha regime's discriminatory measures, epitomized by the Commonization Act (CA) and the Morotra Purges. The Krautali, dispossessed and marginalized, harbored resentment against a government that stripped them of their rights, culture, and land. The Lupritali, torn between loyalty to the government and a vision of a united nation, found themselves entangled in moral dilemmas. The Mitalldukish elite, enjoying newfound privileges, looked upon a fractured society with entitlement.

Economic disparities exacerbated by forced relocations and the rise of Mitalldukish settlements further fueled the flames of discontent. The Nayyatal uprising on April 7, 1913, became the catalyst that plunged Krauanagaz into a brutal civil war.

The Nayyatal uprising marked a turning point, with Heritio Korosha authorities responding ruthlessly. Mass executions, widespread violence, and collective punishment followed, triggering the secession of provinces, leading to the formation of the Southern Krauanagazan Democratic Coalition (SKDC). The SKDC faced early defeats until a breakthrough in March 1921, inspired by the killing of revered High Priestess Kevarallai Dukana. Despite her arrest and execution, Dukana's legacy endured as the SKDC continued the fight. Tallduk Zoa, a former farmer turned resistance leader, played a pivotal role in disrupting HK forces. The SKDC's "Operation Unfurled Liberty" in July 1938 marked a significant turning point, though Zoa's sacrifice during the fall of Umani left a profound impact. Operation Valarzaari Soldukviri saw the SKDC pushing into HK territory, culminating in the Battle of Khirma and the subsequent Luzayyagaz bombardment, leading to a shift in SKDC leadership and tactics.

The Zazirvalar, a clandestine HK enforcement unit, cast a dark shadow with their brutal tactics. The Tadukallai Genocide, among their heinous acts, stands as a chilling testament to their ruthlessness.

The Krauanagazan Civil War left an indelible mark on the nation's history, with the Zazirvalar's atrocities and the resilience of the SKDC shaping the post-war landscape.

Second Uprising of Nayyatal (7-20 April 1913)

High Priestess Kevarallai Dukana

Soliranas te ti Venis and Tallduk Zoa (October 1921 - July 1938)

Operation Unfurled Liberty

Operation Valarzaari Soldukviri (April 1940 - October 1940):

The Zazirvalar

The Tadukallai Genocide (1939-1946)

Early Atrocities (1905-1915)

Intendant Zhuk Dukvin

Lupritali Expulsion (1923)

Krautali Purge in Karzhan (1932)

Escalation of Ethnically Targeted Violence (1932-1951)

Heritio Korosha 1942 Offensive

Battle of Taayyaz Ridge

Eskaenza Mitayyagazra (the maginot line HK built in the north near where the DMZ end up will being)

Second Battle of Btallakan

Second Battle of Solganaari

HK Siege of Prital Kallaria

Battle for Kevpríg (June 1943 - April 1945)

Massacre at Solranagaz

Battle of Kevkana

Siege of Alkantara

Battles for Kevluarital

Major Maritime Engagements

Battle of Kev Bay

Operation Seawall (1934-1969)

Submarine tracking and destroying mission in the south and central Kraudukra sea (1934-1969)

Battles for the Barrier Sounds

Emerald and Denver Contributions

Operation Takorar Solirtarsil