Laws of the South Pacific

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The laws of the South Pacific serve as the rules of order that govern the Coalition of the South Pacific in its entirety. Each of these laws are first presented in the Assembly forum by a legislator, critiqued and given suggestions for edits by other legislators, and, when finally done, a vote is announced by one legislator, seconded by another, and the law is voted on by the legislators of the Assembly. If the law is passed, the law becomes part of the laws of the South Pacific and its Coalition, and can be repealed or amended if proposed.

Constitutional Laws

Constitutional laws are laws that form the foundation of the the South Pacifican community, are fundamental to governance, or otherwise are of great importance to the Assembly. The Charter of the Coalition of the South Pacific is the supreme constitutional law, which defines the purpose of the TSP government and its framework. Constitutional laws take precedence over all other laws and differ from most laws wherein they require a three-fifths super majority vote (60%) in the Assembly for passage, as well as a game-side vote if the Chair of the Assembly determines that they directly affect the game-side community or its home governance.

Here is a list of the Constitutional laws of the South Pacific:

Charter of the South Pacific

Elections Act

Legislative Procedure Act

General Laws

General Laws are laws that are subordinating to the constitutional laws and require a simple majority vote (50%+1) in the Assembly for passage.

Here is a list of the General Laws of the South Pacific:

Border Control Act

Criminal Code

Holidays Act

Judicial Act

Law Standards Act

Legislator Committee Act

Military Code

Political Parties Act

Proscription Act

Regional Communications Act

Regional Officials Act

Repeal of Lazarus Treaties

Sunshine Act

Treaties Act