Modern Insurgencies in Losavra

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This page refers to ongoing Insurgencies in Losavra that are occurring after the Ikaranarean War on Terror during the Cold War. These insurgencies are largely considered to directly stem from the aforementioned Ikaranarean War on Terror.


The situations that allowed the insurgencies to thrive were largely due to power gap created by the defeat of the Great Losavral Frankist Party in during the Ikaranarean War on Terror and the continued abuse of Losavra's militia system, which allowed militias aligned with the terrorists to easily acquire weapons and manpower for a low price. While many groups abused this system, the three most major factions were always the Losavral People's Front (LPF) a communist group, Proud Losavrals, a nationalist group, and the Bvarai Brotherhood, a group comprised of Bvarai fundamentalists. Generally, these factions tended to absorb others, either due to ideological similarities or by force, until they were the strongest militant factions in the nation.

During Cold War

Pre-Ikaranarean reentry

After Ikaranarean forces and their allies, primarily Weisserstein, largely pulled out of Losavra due to achieving their operational goal of eliminating the GLFP, many other terrorist groups started popping up in Losavra, primarily below the Bivbi. Seeing the success of the GLFP before International intervention, and the relative ease of gaming the militia system, the various groups hoped that they would be able to gain enough power to be the one to either secede from Losavra, or coup the Losavral government and annex all 24 of the tribes, redesigning the country in their image. However, little progress was made- Ikaranara was still funneling resources into Losavra, which the Losavral government paid for by exporting food into Ikaranara, helping along with the 1988 food shortage within Ikaranara while keeping government aligned-militias well armed. A series of investigations led the Losavral Confederated government to blacklist several militias aligned with terrorist movements, most controversially the Atrissian True Guard, the tribe-funded military of Atrissian Tzara, which had been discovered to be giving resources to the then small Losavral People's Front. A large portion of the Atrissian-Tzaran government, mainly of Atrissian descent, sided with the ATG, and on the 21st of April they supported a bloodless coup of the Atrissian government and declared the Atrissian Republic. While technically legal under the Losavral Law, many were worried about Atrissian offensives into neighboring Demaka, which had a large Atrissian minority, as well as the LPF using Atrissia as a "foreign" base of operations to wage war across the rest of Losavra- prompting all 23 other tribes to agree to "Offensive operations" against the "Illegitimate Atrissian Republic." They were also worried about the safety of the sizable Tzaran minority in Atrissia being attacked and harassed by the Atrissian majority, especially due to pro-Ikaranara and pro-capitalist sentiments among large portions of the population and their elected officials. These operations became known as "The war of the Two Offensives" or the "200 Hours War" Due to there being roughly 200 hours of combat, although the war technically lasted for 10 days.

War of the Two Offensives

Sarabos Massacre

On the 25th of April, only 1 day after the Republican regime took over, there was a large protest in the historical Tzaran city of Sarabos due to the new regime. They demanded the secession of the mountainous area of Atrissian Tzara as well as up to 200 km off of the mountains, which was the area that still held most of the Tzaran population, as the people did not feel safe in an overtly Atrissian nation without any support from the rest of Losavra. The police force of the city oversaw the protests but were ordered by the Atrissian government to shut them down. When they refused, elements of the ATG arrived in the city, attempting to shut the protests down. The city police and the ATG had a standoff, but while leaders of both groups tried to de-escalate the situation, about 10 of the protesters started heckling members of the ATG by walking up to them, throwing things at them, and generally provoking them. This caused several members to fire warning shots, which escalated further and became live fire into both the wall of police and the protesters, causing civilians to scatter as the police returned fire. The escalating battle killed 52 people and wounded 120, 34 of whom died of their wounds thereafter. The ATG then occupied the city for the remainder of the war, and no other large scale protests broke out in Tzaran majority regions- However, this event was played up by Ikaranarean media, and protests broke out in the Narussian Tzara region of Ikaranara, against the Atrissian Republic. This caused the Ikaranarean military to move to the border between the Tzaran regions to ward off retaliatory attacks by the Attrissian government.

Battle of the Mountain Pass

On the 26th of April, Losavral forces started entering Atrissian territory from the mountains. Their primary goal was to push the ATG away from the Tzaran population to prevent any further incidents- they would also be in a good position to take the capital of Atrissia, Sönakra. For this reason, they advanced with a force of mountain equipped infantry across an obscure mountain pass and caught the ATG garrison in the area off-guard. Despite the shock factor of their initial surprise attack, however, the deeply entrenched ATG proved a challenge and held out for 5 days, nearly the duration of the war. On May 1st, the ATG in this area surrendered when it on another side by Losavral forces from the Rolling Plains Offensive.

Rolling Plains Offensive

On the 28th of April, 2 days into the Battle of the Mountain Pass, Losavral forces entered Atrissia from the south, aiming to cut it in half, effectively encircling the ATG in the west and forcing them to the sea in the east. Utilizing superior numbers, thousands of Losavral troops in IFVs and APCs charged across the terrain, using artillery, gun support from IFVs and overwhelming speed to quickly overrun the pockets of ATG defenders and forced them to spread out. When they reached the coast on May 1st, they began to enact their western encirclement, forcing the ATG forces still embattled in the Battle of the Mountain Pass to surrender. They then, with bolstered forces from the other battle, began to push east along several major roads. There were some skirmishes, but the ATG, realizing that the war was lost, surrendered on May 4th, and the Government of the Atrissian Republic conceded later that same day, restoring the Losavral Tribe of Atrissian Tzara.

In the end, 4000 people died during the war; 3600 civilians, mostly during the Rolling Plains Offensive, 300 members of the ATG, and 100 members of Losavral-aligned militias.

Ikaranarean Re-entry

Prevalence of FIC



Destruction of GLFP