Conscription in Alcoalitania (Pacifica)

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Article Status: Developing

Since the start of  Alcoalitania (Alcoalitanian Empire - present day Alcoalitania), conscription has been mandatory. Conscription in Alcoalitania is quite unique, with multiple options being given to eligible conscripts. These options include: military service (standard), EMS service, and humanitarian service. Conscription has been mandatory for all men and women (except military, optional for women), this has made Coalitanians more aware of their surroundings, stronger, and fit, with one of the lowest obesity rates ever. (New Alcoalitania Project)


Conscripts being trained in Alcoalitania, 1940

Previously, conscripts only had 1 choice, which was the military service. Conscripts in 1552 till 1890 had to server around a decade in the military, which was a large chunk of their working life. Conscripts were not paid anything, but were arrested for not completing their mandatory service.

In the period around 1890 (Modern Alcoalitania) till 1940, military service was significantly decreased to 5 years. Conscripts were paid, but only a light amount that could not support their lives throughout their conscription. This is the time period where EMS service was introduced, which grew increasingly in popularity.

In the period around 1940 until 1950, service was increased to 10 years again due to the Great Rebellion (The Price Family also removed EMS service at this time). This lasted until 1950, when the Price Family was overthrown. New elected president Jonah Kan reduced military conscription to 1 year, and reintroduced EMS service and introduced humanitarian service as well. Conscripts were not paid at first, but started getting paid after the country restabilized economically.

Military service

Period: 1 year

Payment: 37,000 C$

Extra: Free housing, food and medicine.

Training received: Basic Combat Training, Advanced Combat Training, Firearm Training, Advanced Firearm Training, Graduation

The military service option is rarely chosen, and conscripts are rarely drafted.