UPRAN (Pacifica)
Rhayna (Aegean: Ράινα, Austral pronunciation: [raiana], Aegean pronunciation: [ragiána]), officially the United States of Rhayna and Néa-gy (Aegean: Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες της Ράινα και Νέα-γί, Austral pronunciation: [jʊˈnaɪtɪd steɪts ɒv raiana ænd neaɪ gi], Aegean pronunciation: [inoménes politeíes tis ráina kai néa-gí]), is a sovereign state of medium size constituted in a constitutional federal republic made up of nine states located in the South Pacific in the western and central Cordilia, bordered by Qaweritoyu, Nori Natto and Allietownsen at the north, Fjelllandet (North Praire) at the east and Qvait (Valkyria), Hystaiga and Kosbareland at the south.