Holy Dominion of Zuhlgan (Pacifica)

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The Holy Dominion of Zuhlgan is a unitary Zhukva reconstructionist directorial theonomy under a totalitarian oligarchic regime. In the Holy Dominion of Zuhlgan, the Zhukva faith stands as the unyielding pillar of control, shaping the lives of its inhabitants with an iron fist guided by the purported will of Zhukvana, their divine deity. Rooted in a totalitarian ideology, the Zhukva faith is not merely a spiritual doctrine but an all-encompassing system that dictates every aspect of its followers' existence. At the zenith of the Zhukva faith's hierarchy is the Divine Committee, led by the Arkava, a figure considered the earthly emissary of Zhukva. Followers are indoctrinated to submit unwaveringly to the authority of these divine representatives, viewing dissent as a direct challenge to the will of their god. The Zhukva faith enforces a stark division between genders, establishing stringent roles that emphasize male dominance. Women, relegated to inferior positions, are bound by societal constraints, denying them education, political representation, and autonomy.

"The Laws of God and His Servants on Pacifica", meticulously interpreted by the Divine Committee, serve as the bedrock of Dominion legislation. Deviation from these laws is deemed heretical and invites severe consequences, ranging from public shaming to execution. Zhukva teachings emphasize the preservation of traditional values, with an unwavering focus on modesty and purity. Strictures on clothing, behavior, and relationships aim to maintain a façade of righteousness among the faithful. The Zhukva faith vehemently rejects any form of religious pluralism, asserting its exclusive claim to divine truth. Conversion to Zhukva is not a choice but an enforced mandate, backed by the threat of torture and execution for those who resist.

The family unit is elevated to paramount importance in Zhukva doctrine. Marriages are arranged to fortify lineage and obedience, contributing to the propagation of the faith through generations. Homosexuality, labeled as "Gender Treachery," is vehemently condemned. The faith compels its followers to denounce and report any deviation from heterosexual relationships, reinforcing a strict heterosexual norm. Abortion and contraception are condemned as sinful transgressions against the divine order. Medical professionals involved in such practices face harsh penalties, including execution or exile to the treacherous Colonies.

The Zhukva faith endorses a rigid caste system, stratifying society with distinct social privileges and responsibilities. Legal discrimination and punishment reinforce the hierarchy, maintaining order through societal divisions. The faith encourages a culture of surveillance, urging followers to report any deviation from Zhukva scripture. Heresy, subversion, or disobedience to the state's interpretation can result in dire consequences, ranging from imprisonment to amputation or mutilation.