Xalarian Confederacy (A1-0)

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Xalarian Confederacy

Flag of Xalarian Confederacy (A1-0)
Founded4.524 BBT
CapitalXalaria (Xaris Confederal Administration Complex)
Key worldsXalaria, Xentaur, Xasar
Population84.3 billion
Head of statePresident Ximbron Kitron
Head of governmentDrenala Kiyali
Major speciesXalarians
Shen Rolta
CurrencyXen (ⴟ)

The Xalarian Confederacy is a small Star Nation in the Tiyanki Territories.


The Xalarian Confederacy comes from its home species, the Xalarians, which in turn comes from Xalaria, their planet; but the etymology of the word is unknown. Some have theorized that Xalaria could be related to the the Xontese word Xul, which means massive or great. Xalaria then would have originally meant "Great lands" due to the planet's size.


Founding of Xalaria

In roughly ~5800 BBT, a human sleeper ship arrived at the planet Xalaria. The reasons for their leaving are unknown, but they had no other choice but to land on the planet, which was already inhabited. The great gravity meant that existing life on the planet was extremely tough. It was only due to Xalarian tenacity and their extreme weaponry that they survived. The first several centuries were extremely tough for Xalarian bodies and many didn't survive from the existing populations, inducing a selective pressure on the early Xalarians that forced the surviving generations to evolve greater and greater bone support and muscle strength.

Early expansion

After 1300 years of brutal struggle, the Xalarians had caught up and even advanced their previous tech, achieving FTL technology. Despite this momentous achievement, the first ships outside into the stars were sleeper ships, but arrived at their destination in a matter of years rather than decades. Due to the extremely long methods of travel, Xalaria was unable to ensure a cohesive state, instead creating a confederation where resources and materials could be sent to colonies and back to Xalaria in agreements. The colonies retained their independence and some even eventually created colonies of their own. This system survived even after FTL travel cut down travel times to days and weeks as the colonies enjoyed freedom and some even more power than Xalaria.

The Great Wall

After decades of peaceful expansion, the Xalarians hit a wall of sorts. Their expansion got them to have contact with the Panurian Ascendancy and the Kelidon Dominion. With no way to expand and alien empires on their doorstep, the Xalarians entered a stagnant age as their expansionist ways didn't allow them to grow their economy. Some members of the Administrative Council proposed war with the other states but most realized the foolishness of such a proposal. Still, they thought that the end of Xalarian expansion so soon would truly be the end of the Confederacy as other states would grow and consume them due to their perceived weakness.

Shea's War

Shea's war was started by the Xalarian Colony Xaltania. Vying for power due to an economy with bad prospects, they launched an invasion into the Kelidon Dominion. Most states in Xalaria did not support them, including the decision by the Administrative Council, but some, even states like Xasar supported them in a bid to grow their power. Impressive Xaltanian and allied innovation made the war hard even as the Administrative Council joined forces with the Kelidon, but in the end Kelidon and Xalarian forces managed to defeat the Xaltainian forces. Xaltainia and its allies were annexed by some of the allied Xalarians to ensure that they wouldn't try such a thing again in the future. The only Administrate from the invaders not to be incorporated into another was Xasar.

Xalarian Age of Peace

After Shea's war, the Xalarians entered a renewed age of peace. Research began making Xalarian manufacturing some of the most efficient in the Tiyanki Territories. This attracted investment from their new allies in the Kelidon Dominion and Panurian Ascendancy. The Xalarian economy boomed as a result and solidified itself as a relevant power in the Territories.

The Great Trouble

The Great Trouble was a period in time where the Republic of Lexatoft, one of the 13 Administrates, started using its newfound economic strength to rule over its people in a decadent and selfish manner, using the resources the people were forced into producing overseeing the automated factories for parties and overindulgence. The elections became rigged and it was clear that the Republic was democratic in name only. Many leaders from Xalaria condemned the actions of Lexatoft's rulers as barbaric and inhumane as their people started to suffer. Lexatoft responded by putting up military ships and becoming delinquent in its agreements to other Xalarian states. The Administrative Council had had enough and commanded the Xalarian Navy and Marines to form. Within days they had engaged Lexatofti forces and disheartened their troops on the ground. Lexatofti civilians aided the marines as they landed and a siege started around Lexatoft's biggest city, Kitrinoft. The Lexatofti government conceded and the sytstem of Lexatoft became more democratic then even before the Great Trouble began.

Admission into Kelisor Pact


Xalaria comprised of 22 inhabited planets and 77 uninhabited planets it is directly to the galactic north of the the Lucient Expanse. Xalarian systems have an average of 4.5 planets per system and an unusual amount of naturally habitable planets, as only 4 of the 22 planets needed to be terraformed for Xalarian life.


The Xalarian Confederacy is rather disjointed and is mainly comprised of many small, even planetary states. The main guiding force for the existence of the Confederacy is the mutual defense of Xalarians against external forces in the Tiyanki territories. The Xalarians however have incredibly advanced early warning systems and have procedures for rallying all of the resources in the small nation to the collective defense of the Xalarians. This does not stop them from vying for influence and power over Xalaria, however, but no state will attempt anything that would compromise Xalaria's defense or its place in the Kelisor Pact.


Xalaria is formed from 16 small states, known officially as "Administrates" which hold the Administrative Council using delegates from their star nations. The AC decides what laws will be enacted and also declares war, but has little bearing on the internal policies of the Administrates. The Administrates themselves are diverse in their governance, some being kingdoms and others being republics. However, due to the nature of Xalarian politics, there are very few Administrates that practice oppressive autocratic rule as they have been intervened against in the past, such as during the Great Trouble.

Foreign policy

Xalarian foreign policy is united with the rest of the Kelisor Pact. They provide both military and economic guarantees to the other members and also ensure peace and stability in both themselves and other members. The


The Xalarian Armed Forces are comprised of the Xalarian Navy and the Xalarian Marines. They are comprised of the independent fleets and ground forces of the Administrates which are called into cohesion ad word of the Administrative Council. Xalarian forces are generally comprised of quality, not quantity, with heavy ship automation and many battle-droids on the ground, some of the most advanced fighting machines in the entire sector.


The Xalarian economy is built mainly on manufacturing with resources from other states in the Kelisor Pact, with limited supply from planetary and asteroid mining. The worlds Xentuar and Xasar in particular are hailed as industrial powerhouses across the Tiyanki territories and the Sector at large, with highly efficient industrial systems and warehouses.


Xalarian culture is built on intelligence rather than in strength. Despite the great strength of the Xalarian people themselves, they see those who use only this strength as barbaric and even stupid. Those with the greatest prestige are the researchers and the scientists, who improve Xalarian technology and make them a forced to be reckoned with, especially when using Bentharian intelligence on the research of other star nations For this reason the Betharians and Xalarians have an extremely close relationship, even outside of the Kelisor Pact.


Settled worlds

The Xalarians are the only sapient species in their territory. The Confederacy has colonized 22 planets, and owns an additional 77 planets, with an average population of ~4 billion per planet. Their preferred gravity is much higher then that of a normal Human, however, making it uncomfortable for regular humans to visit, and in some cases fatal.


In every administrate, education is free and mandatory. Despite Xalarians maturing at the same age as humans, the mandatory amount of schooling years is usually around 16 years. Students must go to college for advanced studies or join the military. Many Xalarians stay for longer and become masters in their field, and these people are praised as arbiters of science who beat back barbarism.


The Xalarians have relatively normal healthcare for the sector's standards. . It is mostly free between the Administrates, although some costs need to be paid due to the lack of a "federal" tax. Still, the Administrates tend to spend enough money on healthcare to ensure the costs are not bank breaking.

Xalarian Confederacy in Sector A1-0