Mesolithic Moellia (Pacifica)
Mesolithic Moellia, or Mesolithic Rhayna, encompasses the mesolithic in the Moellia region from the end of the Last Glaciation Period Peak 22,000 years ago, to the end of the Last Glacial Period in Moellia and the Neolithic Revolution in the current state of Rhayna in 11,700 BCE.
The mesolithic in Moellia is characterized by the massive retreat of human groups from the interior of the region to the increasingly bigger rivers and the basin of Lake Kryo, due to the raising temperatures and change of climate as the region enters into the Holocene interglacial period. It is theorized that the pressure of a raising population density, scarcity of vegetation and retreat of large mammals to the south out of the region triggered the development of microlithic technology, proto-cultures, and a change of life-style into hunter-gatherers.