Losavral Irredentism (Pacifica)
Losavral Irredenttism is an Ideology held by some Losavral groups, particularly the terrorist group the Proud Losavrals and other nationalist groups. It is deeply tied to the concept of a United Indavra, Indavral-Alman Racism, and Reinstatism.
Losavral Irredentism has its main roots in the Father States. After the 1945 Invasion of Losavra as a prelude to the Great War, The Father States instilled the ideas of imperialism into the Losavral population. The scars of the 10 year annexation left the Losavrals, particularly below the Bivbi, prone to radicalization. This only worsened with the Losavral economic decline following the Great War. People turned to radical ideologies as a way to save their country.
Claims on Wald
As per the concept of a United Indavral, Indavral irredentists have put a claim on the Wald region of Weisserstein due to the Waldavrals, also conveniently allowing sea access to Past. Losavral Irredentists notably expanded the concept of Wald beyond the territorial extent of the Wald region, including territories that it is said are "Required for the safety of the Waldavral people." although it is seen that these territories are truly claimed as a way to ensure sea acess to Past. Other sects claim all of Weisserstein instead of trying to compromise.