List of countries with overseas military bases (Pacifica)

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This is a list of countries with overseas military bases.


Qaweritoyu -IAF Cadmium - Large Naval and Air Base on the West Coast of Qaweritoyu. Home to one of Izaakias major Electronic Communication Interception stations and early warning systems.

Techganet -IAF Desna -IAF Poplar -IAF Monumental Peak City -IAF Iksherukyrshz

-IRN Gaiehnort -IRN Aeilpin -IRN Ishi -IRN Falkland-Labrador -IRN Portnum Point


  • Transsuneria (Pacifica) Transsuneria – Floodport Garrison, constructed in 2014 to support the Sedunnic peacekeeping troops in Transsuneria and the later Sedunnic guarantee of independence towards the nation. The base is currently home to a so-called armoured security battalion, a naval logistics support unit and a small air force detachment. The base also supports Sedunnic expeditionary missions in the region. [1] [2]

See also


  1. "Peacekeeping mission in Transsuneria over". Retrieved 19 September 2021.
  2. "Top Secret Plans Leaked". Retrieved 19 September 2021.