List of notable Stoinians (Pacifica)
A comprehensive list of famous Sallodesians. This list is as of yet incomplete.
National heroes
Military officials
Business leader
- Mihai Stoica, CEO Stoic Aerospace
Sports persons
- Nadia Pîndaru, gymnast.
- Teodora Bîrsan, gymnast.
- Cosmina Cocis, tennis player.
- Cosmin Diaconu, famous opera composer.
- Sorin Gheorghiu, famous classical music composer.
- Lucian Palade, world renowned opera singer (tenor).
- Gheorge Tămaș, famous conductor.
- Sergiu Tudor, famous opera & classical composer.
- Răzvan Zidariu, world renowned violinist and ensemble leader.
- Cosmin Lucescu, fantasy writer of the Lord of Thornes. [IRP writer on mixture between LOTR & GoT]
- Valeriu Sava, famous Stoinian poet.