List of companies in Nasphilitae (Pacifica)

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This is a list of lucrative entities(legal name), commonly referred to as companies elsewhere, which operate, have their main headquarters, or are otherwise subject to jurisdiction of The Grand Duchy of Nasphilitae. Lucrative entities in Nasphilitae follow the Sector industrial standards and corporations (short-hand referred to as "The NIC standards").
As such, only companies which do not have their "Exchange type" as "closed" are listed on the AGSE Public Listings, which means they are available to shareholder (and likely future stockholder) investment. For now, this includes merely five companies. When "Ownership type" is "Mixed", it infers that the company is likely undergoing an association agreement with the State of Nasphilitae, and is otherwise either Public or Private.
It is also important to mention that the list does include public spending offices. It is unknown why, as they are not "lucrative entities" anywhere else.

List of Companies

Company Name Capital value (AGSE) Ownership type Exchange type Sector Employees Founding Year
Granhalia £474,928,149,000 Public Closed Agriculture 750,000 1711
NaspoPharm £330,654,272,000 Private Closed Pharmacology 125,000 1897
BioNTech £330,298,557,000 Private Closed Biofuel 450,000 1966
Kons Inc £425,011,538,000 Mixed LLC Infrastructure 1,025,330 2014
ENGeN Inc £350,917,882,000 State LLC Machinery 1,785,550 2006
MXCHA £325,998,503,000 Public LLC Machinery 2,156,000 2009
PrototAutomaton £285,309,211,000 Private LLC R&D 514,930 1941
DyesDyes4You £251,690,250,000 Private Closed Chemical 211,950 2013
KRYPTOS Inc £250,936,482,000 State Closed Computing 714,000 1923
FTMST Armoury N/A State Closed MIC N/A 1875
PrIvateseC Inc £235,485,250,000 Private Closed PMC-MIC N/A 1725
AmpoChem Inc £190,512,420,000 Private LLC Bioprocessing 153,900 2011
NASPOMETHYL £190,287,952,000 Public Closed Pharmacology 183,000 1867
Benzenephilite £183,627,488,000 Private Closed Chemical Engineering 375,000 1861
NSBB-Transport £155,396,425,000 Mixed Closed Services (Transport) 153,980 1651
Phentocyclion £148,743,892,000 Public Closed Biochemistry 250,000 2004
NNTS-Air-Road £135,591,419,000 Mixed Closed Services (Transport) 107,000 1937
BurgoEx Inc £127,250,339,000 Private Closed Services (Financial) 83,912 1837
NNTS-Maritime-Rail £120,651,411,000 Mixed Closed Services (Transport) 122,780 1700
RANASA £115,750,333,000 State Closed Social 12,500 1734
Education Fund £115,750,333,000 State Closed Social 325,000 1919
NSBB-Media £107,594,719,000 Mixed Closed Services Entertainment 75,000 1853
Public Offices-Local £105,312,711,000 State Closed Social 1,257,240 1662
State Chancellory-Central £101,200,917,000 State Closed Services Social 525,252 1851