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Yes this is me.
NationStates User
Instance OneBistritza April 20, 2022 (2022-04-20)—July 27, 2022 (2022-07-27)
Instance TwoBeestreetz May 29, 2022 (2 years ago) (2022-05-29)
Instance OneApril 27, 2022 (2022-04-27)—March 21, 2023 (2023-03-21)
Instance TwoFebruary 27, 2024 (9 months ago) (2024-02-27)
LegislatorMay 5, 2022 (2022-05-05)—April 14, 2023 (2023-04-14)
TSPRPer Pacifica
Instance OneViliakmon (050), Inetez (051) August 21, 2022 (2022-08-21)—March 18, 2023 (2023-03-18)
Instance TwoNasphilitae October 30, 2023 (13 months ago) (2023-10-30)
Katarina S. Real Life
Born (1996-11-17) November 17, 1996 (age 28) in Metsovo
Occupation (Current)IntSec, OCM, Monitoring-Fielding.
Known for
  • Juvenile criminal dossier in the past.
  • PoliSci IR BA into IntSec.
  • Bureaucrat and Civic Servant.
  • Former polyaddict.
  • Current affiliation with the British Foreign Service.
  • Arromanian
  • Albanian-Macedonian
Language fluency (certified)
  • Arromanian
  • English
  • Serbo-croatian
  • Latin
Political partylol.

Genericsequencealias /ð̰ɝɲɛɻi˞ʔh ‿ɕɪ̰̈kxʋᵊɴtɕ̬‿ɒɟʝɒʂ/ or alternatively for we live in the age of ARIA standards; [ʝene̞ʀɪk sɤ̞kxʋᵊɴtɕ äȴɨʼɒ̈ʂ]. However, if you're actually sane[1], »jēnerîk sīkúvênts ãlìyás«, is one of many pseudonyms which refer to the same user. The user's real name is Katarina »kâtäríènā« or "Kate" »kæ`ít« for short. The former username on the wiki was "A Bee" »Â Béìî«, not »Æ‿ʙɝ«, as some have previously assumed, though without ever asking.
Now that I've broken the MOS Rules set by absolute no-ones on Wikipedia while simultaneously making fun of pseudo-linguists, let's presume.

If you have found yourself on this page, you are either obsessed (in which case I do seek a himbo), or this specific page was somehow archived and discovered some years into the future by archeologists (as extra-terrestrials don't exist). In the case of the latter, neither this page nor I am a very good representative of any details listed in the infobox on the right; Whether time-based or location-based. In the former case, this page has been updated for numerous reasons. Some of which are: formating, previously incorrect information (dates in particular) and lack of structure. You are also likely someone who frequents the TSP wiki, which in most cases, are TSPRPers. As such, that will be the first thing addressed

Current projects in Pacifica

As mentioned, Nasphilitae primarily, information on which is best found by looking at the Category Page of it. Unlike pretty much every other TSPRPer, I do not lore-build section-by-section, the approach is to address multiple aspects at once. This is because I find it more fun. Nasphilitae is a project. A lot of images that have been uploaded and a lot of posts "replies" on threads "topics" on The SP Forum contain poorly hidden information: Steganographic messages in images and comments in replies. This "encrypted" data, if you wish to call it that, references the meta (real life) world in a somewhat cryptic tone. Reiterating now that it does not reference ongoing events. In a way, it is an ARG attempt.
However, the standards I've set for myself upon my return to RPing, make Nasphilitae enjoyable regardless. The base outline of this project has been physically recorded on a notebook A4 of 250 pages. Expect a lot of article splitting and do not rush me.

The eight other related projects I am working on or plan to work on are:

  1. The Iron Century (currently waitinng for The GW retcon to be completed).
  2. An automated system of alignments during the Iron Century.
  3. Crabry in general
  4. The South Pacific Ocean (not including the North-South Oceanic divide, but as a whole)
  5. Expanding modules and learning the Moons language (lua).
  6. Pacifica solar system, in particular the planets of Proxima, Tyr, and Xion.
  7. If at all possible (which it is not), establishing some form of realism or standard for the IRP world economic system.
  8. An automated system (likely using RStudio) for ensuring the IRP statistical some standard of realism.

Hiatus notices

  • The sudden hiatus (February 2023 July 2023)
  • The sporadic hiatus (July 2023 November 2023)
  • The short hiatus (December 22, 2023 (2023-12-22) January 4, 2024 (2024-01-04))
  • The disappearance hiatus (Middle March-Middle April 2024)

These will be frequent due to my employment and other RL aspirations.


  1. Transliteration, and use transliteration instead