Droidia (A1-0)

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Astrographical information
Star nation Ryccian Empire
RegionWider Ryccia
SectorSector A1-0
Planet typeDroid Planet
Orbital characteristics
Orbital period1790 days
Mean diameter25484 km
Mean radius12742 km
Equatorial radiuskm
Polar radiuskm
Surface areakm2
Water surface%
Mass24 kg
Surface gravitym/s2
Escape velocitykm/s
Rotation period33 hours
Temperature25°C (mean)
Atmospheric surface pressure109.325 kPa
Atmospheric compositionOxygen-Nitrogen-CO2
Socio-cultural characteristics
Official languagesAustral, Binary
National languagesAustral
Ethnic group(s)Ryccian
Government Official NameDroid Council
• Governor
B1 5854-AE6
• Deputy Governor
TD1 3464-BIA
Year of colonizationBBT
Population estimate~1.02 billion
GDP (nominal)~€6 trillion estimate
• Per capita
CurrencyImperial Credit (€) (National Currency)

Droidia is a planet in Wider Ryccia.

Located to the northeast of the Wider Ryccia region, Droidia was a planet settled by droids that became self-aware. It is somewhat close to the Eastern Region, and the planet produces items like biofuel and minerals.


Droidia is a particular planet like nothing else. It was settled by dissenting droids that became self-aware. All kinds of robots (military, protocol, astromech, housecleaning, working, etc.) defected and gathered in this empty planet, looking to a safe haven.

At first, the droid population dedicated itself to piracy due to the Ryccian Empire not recognizing them as beings. The authorities, looking to stop their efficient lawlessness, granted the Droidians autonomy, recognizing only self-aware robots living in Droidia as citizens of Ryccia, and giving them representation in the Senate. This is unique in the Empire, as droids not originating from this system are just property.

Owning droids is taboo amongst the robotic populace, who see it as a reminder of their past status as commercial assets. Few sentient, organic beings live in Droidia, mostly expats from other planets, merchants, and Ryccian representatives.

The droids that live here can produce economic activity like other worlds, as self-awareness and homemade upgrades to their programming allow them to do many economic activities, chief among them biofuel farming (biofuel is used as a renewable alternative to non-organic, finite fuels) and ore mining. Robots here even have an industry to maintain themselves, allowing them to function as long as possible and not dying of disrepair or poor maintenance. Producing new bodies to replace an old one and transferring their robotic data (in which their conscience is included) is not unheard of, allowing them to live forever if they take care of themselves.


Droidia is a fertile, mostly temperate planet, which allows for the biofuel farming these droids engage upon. Not many droids live in the tropical equator or in the planet’s deserts, worrying that the heat will damage their mechanics. The poles are cold, but not as cold as Earth’s.

Planetary Behaviour and Characteristics

Droidia has a rotation of 33 hours, which is actually not a problem for droids, as they usually require no rest and/or they can refuel for energy. They use the Imperial Standard for tracking days, but the planet’s rotation to count the hours.

Droidia has an orbit of 1790 days, which the only inconvenience it causes is the long seasons. Local droids still use the Imperial Standard to measure years, but they do not have much issue for seasons, only that biofuel can be farmed in a determined amount of time.

Despite their mechanics mostly not being damaged by pollution, droids are cautious of it, fearing that their biofuel farms could be jeopardized if it makes the planet organically uninhabitable. The planet’s atmosphere is mainly composed of carbon dioxide, oxygen and hydrogen, with traces of nitrogen and fluorine.

Droidia is 2 times bigger than Earth, making it a Super Earth.


Droidia has a satellite slightly smaller than Pluto, Droid-S. There are also settlements in there, despite the moon being organically uninhabitable.