Killer Monkeys

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Killer Monkeys was the third recorded delegate of the South Pacific. He held the delegacy for two periods in early 2003.

Killer Monkeys' first delegacy began sometime before March 20 2003, likely late February or early March, succeeding Katland. By March 20 they held 373 endorsements[1]. In May 2003, Killer Monkeys was unseated by New Ali, who was supported by the Atlantic Central Command. South Pacificans managed to unseat New Ali after three days[2]. Killer Monkeys then held the delegacy until June 2 2003, when he was succeeded by Goddessness. The nation ceased to exist 12 July 2003 [3]. Killer Monkeys returned to the game several times but never returned to TSP politics.

Killer Monkeys was heavily involved in the formation of the Coalition of the South Pacific alongside Goddessness. He created the first TSP forums on May 11 2003[4] and designed the first flag in the colours of sky blue, white, and navy blue[5]. He intended to begin a government and hold elections beginning 13 June, but this was interrupted when The XYZ Affair took the delegacyCite error: Closing </ref> missing for <ref> tag</ref>
