Kisoga (A1-0)

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Astrographical information
Star nation Ryccian Empire
SectorSector A1-0
Planet typeIndustrial Planet
Orbital characteristics
Orbital period93 days
Mean diameter12232 km
Mean radius6116 km
Equatorial radiuskm
Polar radiuskm
Surface areakm2
Water surface%
Mass24 kg
Surface gravitym/s2
Escape velocitykm/s
Rotation period14 hours
Temperature°C (mean)
Atmospheric surface pressure109.325 kPa
Atmospheric compositionOxygen-Nitrogen-Hydrogen
Socio-cultural characteristics
Official languagesAustral
National languagesAustral
Ethnic group(s)Ryccian
Government Official NameIndustrial Association of Guilds
• Governor
Yavis Nameta
• Deputy Governor
Josen Tankarro
Year of colonizationBBT
Population estimate~53.4 million
GDP (nominal)~€880 trillion estimate
• Per capita
CurrencyImperial Credit (€) (National Currency)

Kisoga is an industrial planet in The Rim.

Kisoga is located in the northwestern Rim, close to the Core region. It was one of the first planets to be settled after the Core had been populated, with Kisoga and the Core having many cultural similarities.


Kisoga was one of the first planets in The Rim to be colonized by humans. As such, Kisoga is one of the oldest-settled planets in The Rim, and one of the most culturally-connected to the Core, especially to the capital planet Daonlathas, which provided the most pilgrims as it was overpopulated for its time.

Kisoga is an industrial world, manufacturing things like starship engines, electricity generators, and rideship (or flying car) engines.


Kisoga is a tropical planet, with climate often being hot and humid, especially in the equator. Only the far north is temperate, and the poles have some ice, but not much. Non-industrial regions of the planet are known for the poor soil for crops but good earth for cattle, as the alien weed-like plant, Kisoga Grass, is very similar to average grass, being abundant in many areas.

Industrial areas are heavily polluted, leading to intense smog, especially in urban regions. It is rare but not shocking to see smog on rural regions as well.

Planetary Behaviour and Characteristics

Kisoga has a rotation of 14 hours, forcing locals to rely on the standard system and schedule their day accordingly. Even if it is night, it might be morning due to the standard followed across Ryccia.

Kisoga also has a very short orbit: 93 days consists a Kisoga year. As the planet is mainly tropical, most of it does not have traditional seasons, with Winter being short on the few non-tropical areas of the world.

The atmosphere is made of heavy concentrations of oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and in less amounts helium, making it a great planet for heavy industrialization. Even so, the scale of such activity has been so severe that the lush flora of the planet cannot keep up with absorbing the CO2 the industries generate, leading to pollution.

Kisoga is only 96% the size of Earth.


Kisoga has no satellites.