Alviran (A1-0)

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Biological Classification
Ancestral speciesHumans
RacesUppers, Middlers, Lowers
Physical characteristics
Average height180cm
Skin colourPale-Cream
Eye colourVarious
Hair colourVarious
Lifespan150 Standard Years
Sociocultural characteristics
Place of originAlvira
Star nationAllied Nations of Alvira
Total population16 trillion
Key worldsAlvira, Bloudia
LanguagesStandard Alviran, Creole Alvirans
ReligionUnited Church
Marital customsMonogamous

Alvirans are the principal and the most numerous species that inhabited the Allied Nations of Alvira. Coming from the terrestrial moon of Alvira, the offshoot of the human race established the Allied Nations following a near-extinction crisis in 371 BBT after an asteroid fell into and destroyed much the northern hemisphere of the moon. This crisis pushed the Alvirans into exploration and expansion, eventually leading to a brutal war with the Valtorans during the Century of Horrors. The peace that followed the Century of Horrors brought both Alvirans and Valtorans to new heights of exploration and expansion throughout the stars.