Galactyans (A1-0)

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The umbrella term "Galactyans" refers to any biont, artificial intelligence, clade, species, or group that can ultimately trace back their origins back to the Galactyan Empire, or who have successfully integrated themselves into the Empire's through various means. While technically separate, the number of Galactyan species (transapient, modosapient and subsapient) far outnumbers the total amount of non-Galactyan species in the Sector, and so they are often regarded as a single one for practicality and better representation.

Over the course of history, many xenosapient, xenosentient and xenosubsentient species have become Galactyans through a special genetic process known as a Proteic Reassembly: in this process, the base proteins of an individual's DNA are integrated or replaced with special synthesized proteins who only other Galactyans are able to produce thanks to their immense knowledge of genetics and biochemistry. However, the term Galactyan is still often used for species and groups who have only culturally and/or socially integrated themselves with the rest of the Empire.

Sapient Species

Here can be found a list of a very small selection of Galactyan Species.

Alabaec, Antifolia, Aquapols, Baering, Bimstel, Breillefs, Brilgats, Carfionir, Cavalbluor, Cobunin, Cornascher, Cornumaka, Corvanev, Cremipreor, Diagots, Diange, Dracaom, Elvalia, Entomians, Farazzur, Filowir, Floagall, Florafopes, Foliemka, Fovolox, Fulminneo, Fuomibril, Galleaq, Gheronts, Gomastiar, Gouvas, Imbrians, Iridis, Lumilim, Lunicless, Lunnot, Lythorisms, Maghenihor, Mamaki, Mancaptel, Mantivolel, Mantixes, Maraenta, Masqeolia, Mufang, Mycel, Nanocarisf, Occhirians, Omvol, Orekkians, Peavyone, Pesluminao, Picmyc, Porciros, Prendincell, Prismoctys, Pryfalen, Qumavolg, Radkib, Raonoach, Rocaryp, Rodigrems, Roscerv, Rosrab, Rotausda, Sabbenad, Segela, Seilliri, Serebam, Smeraprea, Snumax, Spiradians, Stellymer, Tagopi, Tentok, Tetrabi, Titamel, Velefior, Ventalgynse, Versuc

Biological Sexes

Sentient species in the Domain posses 4 possible sexes:

  • Male (Man): males have a genital system similar to the ones found in most other alien species. By default, they have lower pitched voices, a lower fat-to-weight ratio and more defined bodily features compared to females.
  • Female (Woman): females have a genital system similar to the ones found in most other alien species. By default, they have higher pitched voices, a higher fat-to-weight ration and curvier bodily features compared to males.
  • Intrale (Inman): intrales have a simultaneously hermaphrodite genital system, containing both male and female organs. By default, they can either assume male features, female features, or a mix of the two.
  • Muserale (Muman): muserales do not have a fixed genital system, and instead possess a variable one that can assume the characteristics of male or female ones. By default, they can either assume male features, female features, or a mix of the two.
  • Aserale (Asman): aserales do not have a genital system, and instead lack any copulatory organ. Similarly to Muserales and Intrales, they can either assume male features, female features, or a mix of the two.
Galactyan Pronouns
Non-Specific Plural Generic Male Female Intrale Muserale Aserale
Subjective e / ey they he she se xe je
Objective em them him her hir xer jer
Possessive Adjective eir their his hers hirs xeir jers
Possessive Pronoun eirs theirs his hers hirs xers jers
Reflexive emself or eirself themselves or theirselves himself herself hirself xerself jerself

Note: these pronouns are highly flexible and fluid, and non specific and generic pronouns are just as common as specific ones. Interestingly enough, aiod species or transapient entities tend to be much more inclined to generic pronouns, seeing as how most of them are disinterested in the concept of having a sex or gender.