The royal state department for establishments in domestic security of Nasphilitae (Pacifica)

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The Royal State Department for Establishments in Domestic Security in the Grand Duchy of Nasphilitae (The SDEDSN) is a Lord State Department. It functions as an Independent Executive Agency within the Lord Chancellors State Secretarys structure of the Joint Board of State Secretary Departments and Lord Chancellory Secretariats (The Joint Board).
Like other Lord State Secretary Departments and Secretariats, it's function is to revise and audit public budgeting, scrutinise and audit the proper functioning, and report on sanctionable suspicions of corruption by other state entities, whose findings it reports to the Lord Chancellor State Secretary. The structure is likewise the same as all Secretary Departments within the Lord Chancellory, being headed by the State Secretary of the SDEDSN, which is subordinate the Lord Chancellory and which includes separate Secretariats for each resource it is held accountable for. These include: the military, law enforcement, governmental and operational intelligence agencies.


The RAF is divided between two distinct service branches. Official service branches have their duties and domains, whilst the auxilliary service branches only have duties. This is somewhat unclear as the ruling legal document makes frequent mention of a domain termed "Psychosociocultural", with its own subdomains of "Psychochemical", "HUMINT", and "MILINT". These belong to the AID Unit Eight and AID Department Eight. Importantly, AID Departments cannot be held accountable by The SDEDSN, but by the Lord Chancellor State Secretary and The Judiciary Branch.

  • Royal Armed Forces of Nasphilitae: Nasphilitaes Military forces. They are comprised of three official service branches and five auxilliary service branches.
    • Official Service Branches:
      • The Land Army forces: official service branch whose domain is terrestrial.
      • The Maritime and Naval forces: (or just "The Maritime Forces") official service branch whose domain is maritime, comprised of the naval littoral and the naval oceanic forces.
      • The Airforce: official branch whose domain is the "air primarily, with help on maritime and terrestrial domains received and provided".
    • Auxilliary Service Branches:
      • The RRF: official armed forces whose civilians can enlist in.
      • The DRDF: official medicinal, engineering, and NCO branch whose civilians may enlist or specialise in.
      • The Militia: official contemporary Militia forces, whose civilians can enlist in.
      • AID Unit Eight: official military intelligence forces whose operatives are armed. Of the fourth domain previously mentioned, they primarily perform HUMINT and MILINT operations, as well as SIGINT and ELINT. They may perform Sociopsychocultural assessment secondarily. They cannot perform on he Psychochemical sub-domain.
  • AID Department Eight: official intelligence forces whose operatives are dispatched with an one of the armed service branches. The previously mentioned fourth domain is entirely within the this Departments jurisdiction, which is shared with Unit Eight. They are excluded from The SDESNs accountability.

Law Enforcement

Auditing of the Law enforcement is conducted by the State Secretary of the SDESN (revise public budgeting), the Royal State Department Secretary of Home Affairs (The SDSHA) (reporting sanctionable suspicions of corruption), the civilian governments Head of resource cabinet for Home Affairs (ensure proper functioning), and civilian governments The Plenary Committee Officer for Scrutiny (scrutinise and audit proper functioning). The Law enforcement of Nasphilitae is operationally headed by the Head Directorate of Domestic Law Enforcement, overseeing the Law Enforcement Officer-Investigative Corpus, to which Law Enforcement policemen are subordinate to. Alongside the Head Directorate of Domestic Law Enforcement, domestic security intelligence of AID Unit Ten is included but it is subordinate to the civilian AID Central. Finally, as with AID Department Eight, AID Department Ten is subordinate to AID Central and held accountable by the Lord Chancellor State Secretary and The Judiciary Branch.

  • Law Enforcement in Nasphilitae: is a civilian force. As with most other police forces inn the world, its duties include crime fighting, traffic control and maintaining public safety. It is governed by the civilian governments Head of resource cabinet for Home Affairs. Operational power is vested in the Head Directorate of Domestic Law Enforcement.
    • The Law Enforcement Officer-Investigative Corpus: are high-ranking officers responsible for investigation and prosecution. As with all law enforcement, they are armed and licensed but they are seldom uniformed. Each Locality in Nasphilitae has a High Officer, which may prohibit the Officers from being uniformed all-together. This is done on an ad hoc basis, usually when key investigations into high-profile and criminal law activities crime groups is being conducted.
      • Law enforcement policemen: are policemen responsible for detaining and arresting suspect criminals, on orders from their respective superior. They make the bulk of Law enforcement employees in Nasphilitae.
      • The Border Guardsmen: are heavily-armed policemen subordinate to the Officer-Investigative Corpus.
    • AID Unit Ten: official law enforcement intelligence forces whose operatives are lightly armed. They are responsible for inquiry and interrogation of detained suspects.
  • AID Department Ten: official intelligence forces whose operatives are "tasked and specialised to conduct operational misions it deems necessary or of collective interest, upon receiving allowance from The Lord Chancellor State Secretary and from The Grand Duke and Head of State of Nasphilitae, for such operations." (IV-4-d of "The Codified Constitutional Act of Nasphilitae"). They are excluded from The SDESNs accountability.


The way in which the SDESN audits the AID is through its collective HM governmental superior AID Central, headed by the Lead Directorate of the AID, which is part of the HM Cabinet. The SDESN vested power in performing its duty to revise and audit public budgeting, scrutinise and audit the functioning of, and report on sanctionable suspicions of corruption, whose findings it reports to the Lord Chancellor State Secretary and the Judiciary of Nasphilitae.

Additionally, all irregularities it finds in its subordinate Units and Departments mentioned related to the Military and Law Enforcement are likewise reported to the AID Central. This responsibility is also held by The Plenary Committee. In the case of AID Central not responding, the SDESN is obligated to report lack of cooperation to the Lord Chancellor State Secretary, which forwards it to the Judiciary. This procedure is different than that of The Plenary Committee, whose Lead Representative is obligated to the received report on lack of cooperation to the Head of State, Grand Duke and Head of the HM Cabinet.

Other Organisations

As with AID Central, the SDESN vested power in performing its duties to revise and audit public budgeting, scrutinise and audit the functioning of, and report on sanctionable suspicions of corruption, whose findings it reports to the Lord Chancellor State Secretary and the Judiciary of Nasphilitae. Unlike with AID Central, the Prison system in Nasphilitae is under the accountability of the Redemptive Incarceration Facility in Nasphilitae (RIFN), which is the public office that SDESN performs its duties on. Finally, the SDESN shares jurisdiction with the SDSHA and civilian governments Heads of resources for Home Affairs, Public Health & Housing, and Justice in the case of Emergency services.

  • Nasphilitae Prison System: The Nasphilitae Prison System is the incarceration system within Nasphilitae. It's chief organisation is the Redemptive Incarceration Facility in Nasphilitae or (RIFN). RIFNs chief roles are dual. It includes the holding of detainees and arrested suspects under secure and suitable conditions, while preserving their dignity and meeting humane needs. The other is holding of facilities which are of judicially sentenced prisoners and juveniles for crimes in criminal, financial or international law, as well as judicially sanctioned prisoners for crimes in tort, contract, and family law. The sanctioned prisoners enjoy the right to secure and humane conditions.
  • Emergency services: Includes Nasphiliaes Fire and Rescue Services (NFRS), Justice Medicinal and Forensic Services (JMFS), Coordinated Housing Medicinal Hospital and Reaction Services (CHMHR). and Civilian Disaster Home Command (CDHC). Each of these four services have Local Rescue teams in each Locality of Nasphilitae. High-performing and over-qualified staff in these services often become later enlisted in the Militarys DRDF, with the exception of the CHMHRS as it serves for the domestic Healthcare and housing system as well as Orphanage Board Schooling System.

See Also