Sycriûn (A1-0)

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A Sycriûn male.
Biological Classification
Physical characteristics
Average height6-8 feet tall
Skin colourBlue, black, rarely purple
Lifespan70 standard years
Maturity15 standard years
Sociocultural characteristics
Place of originSyxriar (rendered uninhabitble)
Star nation Trianar
Key worldsSykruko, Kûl-Vagrö
ReligionChurch of the Divine Saviors
Marital customsMonogamous
"The Sycriûn are a powerful martial race whose strength cannot go unnoticed. We should be careful not to repeat the mistakes of the Origin war."
—An Ikaranarean commander before the Battle of Kûl-Vagrö during the Xanstal War.

Sycriûn are a spacefaring race in Sector A1-0 that reside entirely within the borders of modern  Trianar. Sycriûn are known for their extreme strength, their large size and martial culture.

Biology and Appearance

The Sycriûn appear lizard-like, with pointed toes, clawed hands, and subtle scales all over their skin. They have large tails to counterbalance their weight. They have large and durable muscles all over their body and over-average strength. They are much taller on average then Humans but an extremely tall human may be taller than a short Sycriûn. They live relatively short lives of around 70 years.

Pre-FTL history

The Sycriûn first appeared on the planet Syxriar around 160,000 BBT. Syxriar was notably hostile, forcing the Sycrûn to become stronger. However, rather then specializing in strength, Sycriûn specialized in intelligence. Being able to outsmart the other animals was a major advantage, combined with the ability to make tools, and Sycriûn quickly became the dominant species on the planet. Sycriûn states were prone to wars and infighting due to their martial cultures and fighting over resources. Eventually, however, Sycriûn industrialized and were able to utilize the Safarkran and Mosarkran on their planet to achieve FTL not too long after their first space flights. However, Syxriar was not united before the invention of FTL travel, causing the massive Racing War with the sides using FTL, culminating in the Shattering of Syxriar where the planet was destroyed by several FTL missiles hitting the surface. Many Sycriûn societies had sleeper ships already prepared in advance, and those set off, but the majority of Sycriûn alive at the time died during the shattering.

Pre-Ikaranarean history

The first Sycriûn nation off of Syxriar were from the former nation of Xuxlil. They landed on a planet that they called Kûl-Vagrö, meaning "New Life." They converted their sleeper ship into a habitat and began agriculture, as well as excavating mainly Safarkran. The nation, which they named Kruxkil, started colonization of new planets with their primitive FTL.

Post Ikaranarean history