War of 1919 (Pacifica)

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War of 1919

Clockwise: Weissersteiner soldiers in the city of Williemsbode during Operation Stahlschlag; General Šbecke with the 1st Army in Frising; War-torn Stennes Street, Karlsbode during the siege; Gunter-Stein Panzerwagen during Operation Kleiner Schbeck; NRA troops in Friweel; AVS 3rd Army in Brandenburg during the Lowenia Offensive
Date29 June 1919 - 4 August 1923
Result Weissersteiner victory
(see aftermath of the War of 1919


Clashonia (Pacifica) Royal Clashonian government-in-exile
Clashonia (Pacifica) Union State Clashonia (Pacifica) Clashonian Republic
Commanders and leaders

Weisserstein (Pacifica) Friedrich Wilhelm II
Weisserstein (Pacifica) Friedrich Eugen von Wittelshausen
Weisserstein (Pacifica) Karl von Schwarzberg
Weisserstein (Pacifica) Crown Prince Friedrich
Weisserstein (Pacifica) Wilhelm von Jägerndorf

Clashonia (Pacifica) Williem II
Clashonia (Pacifica) Ludvig ven Nehusser
Clashonia (Pacifica) Gothart Brent
Clashonia (Pacifica) Steffan Fahr
Clashonia (Pacifica) Klemens A.J. Šbecke
Clashonia (Pacifica) Falko Šnabel
Clashonia (Pacifica) Augustin Dreer
Clashonia (Pacifica) Haike Stark
Clashonia (Pacifica) Konstans Dittrich
Clashonia (Pacifica) Ernst Raabe
Clashonia (Pacifica) Jan Krats
Clashonia (Pacifica) Otto Kenner
Clashonia (Pacifica) Markus Hellmann
Clashonia (Pacifica) Gustaf Stenmann
Clashonia (Pacifica) Josef Bergele
Clashonia (Pacifica) Menhart Kreis
Clashonia (Pacifica) Kristof Šober
Clashonia (Pacifica) Valentin Faalk
Simon Fink
Jannik Keppler
Weisserstein (Pacifica) 3,758,000
Clashonia (Pacifica) 842,000
Clashonia (Pacifica) 3,884,800 Clashonia (Pacifica) 1,938,000

The War of 1919 (Alman: Krieg von 1919, Clashonian: Krig ven 1919), also known as the Second Weissersteiner-Clashonian War, was an armed conflict between the Weissersteiner Empire and the Union State which lasted from 1919 to 1923. The war started over territorial dispute regarding the territories of Blubach and Bischofgen and Weissersteiner support for the exiled Clashonian monarchy. The war ended the existence of the Union State and saw the rise of the Clashonian Republic, the beginning of the Warlord era, and Weissersteiner occupation of Bannarsia through a client state.

Following the 1904 Clashonian coup d'etat, the Clashonian royal family, government, and military high command fled to neighboring Weisserstein, establishing the Royal Clashonian government-in-exile. Amidst the chaos of the coup, Weissersteiner forces move to secure the territories of Blubach and Bischofgen. Both territories were previously established as a condominium following the First Weissersteiner-Clashonian War, but after the coup, the Weissersteiner government decided to incorporate the two territories into the Weissersteiner Empire. At the time, the Union State was unable to do anything due to their own precarious position, and was forced to recognize the annexation during discussions in mid-February of 1907, now known as the Brandenburg Agreement. The events of 1907 became a key turning point as the nationalist wing of the Party of the Union State began taking a more active role in both the military and governance, eventually leading to Steffan Fahr, leader of the nationalist wing of the party, becoming the President of the Union State in the 1915 snap elections.

On 28 June, a false flag attack by the Army of the Union State was conducted in the Kleinhart Jura, marking the beginning of the war. While the AVS had a numerical advantage, advances into Luxemburg stalled. The line remained static until Weisserstein, using the Panzerwagen GS, made a breakthrough offensive in mid-1920, capturing much of Bannarsia and Clashonia's second largest city, Williemsbode. The AVS attempted to reverse the Weissersteiner gains by Operation Burn Back, but was unsuccessful in regaining lost grounds. The failures of the Union State led to the National Republican Party, a staunch rival of the Party of the Union State, launching a rebellion in Greater Clarvia. The situation was exploited by the Reichswehr, which launched a major offensive, capturing much of the Kleinhart Jura, Greater Clarvia, and even Clashonia's capital, Karlsbode, in February 1922.

Weissersteiner successes forced the Union State to negotiate an end to the fighting, but with a coup by the NRP, negotiations grounded to a halt. The new authorities declared the founding of the Clashonian Republic, and its leaders' intentions to continue the war. The new National Republican Army under Gustaf Stenmann led a massive offensive with the intention of liberating the Greater Clarvia region. The offensive successfully led to the liberation of Greater Clarvia, but moves into Bannarsia were halted by the Reichswehr. War exhaustion from both sides eventually led to negotiations reopening in July 1923. On 4 September 1923, an armistice was signed in the city of Šdenke, ending the war. Weisserstein would continue to occupy Bannarsia until proper peace terms could be agreed upon. However, the continued occupation of Bannarsia and the growing distrust towards the new Republic also led to the beginning of the Warlord Era.

The chaos of the period led to Weisserstein exploiting the weakness of the Clashonian Republic during the peace talks at Williemsbode in 1924, dictating harsh terms, including the recognition of the Grand Duchy of Bannarsia, a Weissersteiner client state made to appease Clashonian monarchists, the continued Weissersteiner occupation in Greater Clarvia until 1928, and for Clashonia to pay reparations and accept the blame of the war. The new Republic was forced to accept the harsh terms, leading to even more dissent at home.


Blubach and Bischofgen dispute

Since the end of the Nobles’ War in 1738, the territory of Blubach and Bischofgen had been hotly contested between the Grand Duchy of Bannarsia and the Kingdom of Luxemburg. During the Gianlucian era, the territory of Blubach was given to Bannarsia, while Bischofgen was under the control of Luxemburg, but after the end of the Nobles’ War, the two once again began laying claims on the territory.

In 1815, the Weissersteiner Empire was founded through the unification of countries which were part of the Alemannic Confederation, including Luxemburg. The dispute was inherited by the new Weissersteiner monarchy, which valued the region for further development. This was not appreciated by the successor to Bannarsia, the Kingdom of Clashonia, and Clashonia began pushing its claims to the territory once again. A war was fought between the two states in 1862, which ended indecisively. During the peace talks, both states agreed to turn the two territories into a condominium, governed together by the two states. Nonetheless, both sides were not satisfied with the resolution.

1904 coup and political turmoil

While democratic reforms were slowly being introduced into Clashonia, many movements believed that true change can only be achieved with the removal of the monarchy. This led to the rise of several prominent anti-monarchist underground movements. Among these movement was the unionists, represented by the Party of the Union State, who sought to establish a "Union State", establish a much more democratic government, and to remove the monarchy's entrenched influence from everyday Clashonian lives.

Colonel Martin Rotmann, one of the leaders of the 1904 coup
Erik Kestenbome, the leader of the Party of the Union State and the first president of the Union State

In 1904, members of the Party of the Union State, bolstered by sympathetic elements of the Clashonian military, orchestrated the storming of the Frederika Palace and the Landtag building, exiling the royal family and the government. Elements of the military that were still loyal to the Clashonian Monarchy unsuccessfully attempted to quell the insurrection, which now spread to the countryside. The coup is led mostly by PVS leader Erik Kestenbome and Colonel Martin Rotmann from the military.

Following the successful declaration of the formation of the Union State by PVS officials, a large-scale purge of all royalist elements from Clashonian society occurred. Many royalists, including the royal family, sought refuge in neighboring Weisserstein and elsewhere. Paramilitary groups supportive of the monarchy sprung up throughout Clashonia, with the goal of destabilizing the Union State and to eventually restore the Clashonian monarchy. These paramilitaries operate largely in parts of Clashonia that was sympathetic to the monarchist cause, including the Kleinhart Jura, Bannarsia, the Rongau, and Greater Clarvia.

In the aftermath of the coup, king Williem II and what remained of the old government established the Clashonian royal government-in-exile, as well as maintaining an army-in-exile, consisting of nearly 40,000 men and bolstered by paramilitaries supportive of their cause. They continued to operate in Weisserstein up until the monarchy is restored in 1994.

The coup by the Unionists also had far-reaching consequences outside the immediate power struggle; the most striking effect was the erosion of trust and unity between the radicals and moderates within democratic circles. The unionist overthrow of the existing order disrupted the moderates' plans to usher in a Clashonian democracy through reforms, undoing the moderates' decades-long work to pave the way for constitutional monarchy. The radical republicans, whose influence had dwindled in radical democratic circles due to the coup, has also presented itself as an alternative and contender against unionist rule. This dynamic sowed seeds of instability within the democratic circles as multiple factions vied for supremacy within the governance of Clashonia

As their rule began, the unionists began banning many moderate democratic parties, who they perceived as mere proponents of monarchical conformity. However, this only served to deepen the already severe discourse among the proponents of democracy in Clashonia. Many of these ousted moderates, feeling marginalized and betrayed, gravitated towards the now-deposed King Williem II, seeking solace in the remnants of the old monarchy. This exodus of moderates further entrenched the schism between the two factions within the democratic circle and gave the government in-exile democratic legitimacy.

1907 Brandenburg Agreement

As political turmoil engulfed Clashonia, Weisserstein sent several infantry units to secure the territories of Blubach and Bischofgen. Attempts were made by the newly-formed Army of the Union State to combat the annexation, but these attempts were in vain as the local garrisons were more loyal to the deposed King Williem than to the new government in Karlsbode.

Founding of the Black Camp

Following the signing of the 1907 Brandenburg Agreement, many within the PVS, namely the nationalists, were outraged by the government's decision to simply hand over the territory to Weisserstein without any attempt at resisting. This outcry eventually led to the founding of the far-right Black Camp-National Revolutionary Organization (Clashonian: Švart Leger - Našionale Revolusionere Organisasie), or simply the Black Camp, which sought to exploit the discontent and political fallout of the Union State's concessions. The organization, formed mere days after the signing of the Brandenburg Agreement in 1907, quickly secured its position as the largest and most powerful far-right Clashonian political movement during the period of the Union State and the Clashonian Republic, either as supporters to the government or as opposition to its rule.

Lothar Popel, commander of the Black Camp and key figure of the 1909 revolt

Central to the organization is ideologue Lothar Stefan Popel, a charismatic and extremist lawyer and politician from the town of Klīn Šaalberč. Under his leadership, the Black Camp became an organized political and social movement, distinguishing his group from the anarchistic, bandit-like far-right that had existed in Clashonia prior. His success in shaping the organization into a well-organized opposition group to the Union State regime also enabled him to have heavy influence over many of the smaller far-right organizations in Clashonia, which eventually merged with the Black Camp and expanded his organization further.

Under his vision, the Black Camp believed in Clashonian irredentism, and sought to regain their lost territories such as Blubach and Bischofgen from Weisserstein. He also envisioned a unified Clashonian ethnostate, where the differences between the northern Bannarsians and the southern Transclarvians are removed from Clashonian society altogether. This also meant he saw the other ethnicities within Clashonia as "foreigners" (Ooslander) and were to be removed from the Clashonian nation.

Soon, the Black Camp found itself a powerful ally within the nationalist wing of the PVS. Popel met with nationalist leader and Internal Affairs and Police minister Steffan Fahr, who eventually endorsed the group as "true Clashonian patriots". Eventually, Fahr used the Black Camp's extensive network of militants to crack down on anti-unionist oppositions, in return giving the Black Camp a voice in government.

1912 Transclarve Uprsing

The signing of the Brandenburg Agreement, which saw the readjustment of Clashonia's borders, was used as justification for the Transclarvians to seek self-determination of their territories. Led by the charismatic Markus Ehmann, the Transclarvian nationalist and father of the more famous Erik and Jakob Ehmann, the Transclarvians rallied for self-determination of Transclarve. Since the signing of the agreement in 1907, Transclarvian nationalist movements began an unrelenting campaign, calling for secession. Despite the popularity of the Union State amongst Transclarvians, the cabinet of Erik Kestenbome was predominantly made up of people from Greater Clarvia and Bannarsia, which meant little representation for concerns of Transclarvians.

Government troops securing the city of Janstad

The Black Camp, now with the patronage of Steffan Fahr, began a brutal campaign to suppress Transclarvian nationalists' attempts for statehood. This campaign only heightened tensions between the authorities, who viewed the Transclarvian nationalists as a terrorist movement which threatens the unity of the state, and the Transclarvian nationalists, who view the Black Camp as an extension of the PVS, which therefore meant that the PVS, and by extension the Union State, is actively oppressing the Transclarvian people.

In March 1912, Markus Ehmann, during a speech, was shot dead by Black Camp members Karl Lotnek and Oskar Berč. This led to outcry by Transclarve nationalists who, in retaliation, hanged both assassins on a lamp post. Police units were sent in to quell the unrest, but this only added fuel to the fire. The Transclarve Peoples' Party, the primary political party advocating for minority rights in Transclarvia, began openly rebelling against state authority. Street clashes between government forces and Transclarvian militias became commonplace throughout Transclarvia, leading to the Minister of the Army, Klemens A.J. Šbecke, to send in the AVS to quell the uprising. Fighting broke out throughout Transclarvia, with the largest and bloodiest battles being in Janstad, the historical, cultural, and political capital of the Transclarvians.

By May, most of Transclarvia had been forcefully pacified by the AVS, with only small pockets of resistance remaining mostly in the rural and mountainous regions. Both Erik and Jakob Ehmann escaped from Transclarvia, seeking refuge abroad. The campaigns in Transclarvia also saw several actions committed by both the AVS and Black Camp, including the Benken killings, in which 18 Transclarvians were executed without trial for suspected participation in the uprising. These "security actions", as they were dubbed by the AVS, would continued until late 1914, leading to 18,000 Transclarvians arrested and another 6,000 killed through extrajudicial killings.

1913 snap elections

Rise of the Gmendaal Triumvirate

1918 Clashonian mobilization

Clashonian conscripts during the mobilization

Since as early as 1915, President Fahr had ordered the Army of the Union State to initiate comprehensive preparations for a potential conflict with Weisserstein. Major towns lining the border were bolstered by strategic fortifications and military infrastructure, making sure that these towns would be capable in supporting any military operations around the area.

In 1918, the geopolitical landscape took a bleak turn. In response to the deteriorating relations with Weisserstein, Fehr issued the general mobilization of all male Clashonians from the ages 18-48. The Union State's navy was also placed on high alert, and the navy began exercising around Clashonia's coastlines.

Despite the mobilization, the Union State Minister of Foreign Affairs Jan Lehmann had assured Weisserstein that the Union State was not seeking any conflict. After a meeting between Lehmann and his Weissersteiner counterpart Christian Graf von Bismarck, both sides reaffirmed their commitment to seek a peaceful resolution for any upcoming conflict. However, as was revealed in Bismarck's personal notes, he knew that the Union State was an "unreliable narrator", and requested the Imperial Weissersteiner Army to secretly mobilize in preparation for the upcoming war.

Worsening diplomatic relations

By 1918, relations between the two states had hit an all-time low. Both sides began mobilizing their forces for a possible war. Weissersteiner troops were stationed across the Schwarzberg Line while Clashonia's new military infrastructure line the borders.


False flag attack and declaration of war

Days before the war began, Lothar Popel met with Generals Klemens Šbecke, Falko Šnabel, and Augustin Dreer to discuss preparations for the upcoming conflict between Weisserstein and Clashonia. During these meetings, mentions of a series of false flag attacks to pin the blame of starting the war on Weisserstein were brought to light by General Dreer, who believed such attacks could possibly give the Union State's justification of war much more acceptable on the international stage. General Dree suggested to Popël that his Black Camp forces disguise themselves as monarchist militants and initiate combat with the AVS in the border to achieve the plans for a false flag attack. Popel agreed to the suggestion and began preparing his forces for the attacks.

Black Camp militias in the Kleinhart Jura

After the meeting between Popel and generals of the AVS, General Šbecke, who was also the Minister of the Army, met with President Fahr and informed him regarding the possibility of war between Weisserstein and the Union State and requested the President's approval for the military to begin preparations to engage Weissersteiner forces. Fahr gave Šbecke approval for all military operations moving forward. Plans for the false flag attacks was not given to any of the commanders in the front lines, as well as to the Union State's political institution, as General Šbecke believed that the operation would be exposed, and he distrusted some of the politicians in power.

On 28 June 1919, members of the Black Camp would launch a series of engagements with Union State forces, killing 2 Clashonian soldiers and 3 Black Camp militiamen. The same day, Union State officials accused Weisserstein of instigating a conflict between Weisserstein and the Union State before sending an ultimatum, demanding Weisserstein to demilitarize the Weissersteiner-Clashonian border, return Blubach and Bischofgen to the Union State, and to extradite the members of the royalist government-in-exile, including all the members of the Clashonian royal family. Weissersteiner Foreign Minister Christian Graf von Bismarck did not heed the ultimatum however, which served as casus belli for a declaration of war. Clashonia would sever diplomatic relations with Weisserstein and both countries begin stationing their forces along their shared border.

On the morning of 29 June, Clashonian artillery would begin bombing Weissersteiner lines, followed by small incursions between the Reichswehr and the AVS. The Union State government would officially declare a state of war between Clashonia and Weisserstein on 08:00 AM, marking the end of the 8-year peace established by the Brandenburg Agreement.

Battles of the Schwarzberg Line

Under the command of General Haike Stark, the 2nd Army launched its first offensive into the Schwarzburg Line, known as Operation Kettle. The first offensive saw the 2nd Army, consisting of 121,100 soldiers spread between 10 divisions,  go head-to-head with the Weissersteiner 5th Army, mobilized from the 5th Corps, which defended the line fiercely under the command of Alexander Augustus, Crown Prince of Luxemburg. The 5th Army had around 110,000 soldiers.

The Ludwig Gun mounted on its combined railway and firing platform in the Schwarzberg Line

The first series of battles occurred on 29 June in the frontiers of the Schwarzberg Line, largely made up of makeshift defenses. The AVS would launch its first offensive into the Schwarzberg Line. While successfully gaining ground throughout the early weeks of the operation, the 2nd Army failed to make the significant breakthrough that the Union State had expected. By the third month of the operation, the frontlines ground to a halt as Weissersteiner forces reinforced their defenses. Under Stark, the AVS successfully pushed around 22 km into the Kingdom of Luxemburg, capturing parts of the Schwarzberg Lines.

However, as the 2nd Army continued to push deeper into Luxemburg, the defenses became more and more sophisticated. The Weissersteiners utilized the 21 cm SK “Ludwig-Geschütz” to pound AVS positions and supply lines, significantly hampering the 2nd Army’s offensive capabilities. General Stark would be badly wounded by a stray artillery shell that exploded near his quarters, though this did not deter him and within weeks he launched a second offensive into the Schwarzberg Line.

General Haike Stark

The renewed offensive now focused on the northern parts of the defenses along the Kleinhart Jura. The offensive was successful early on, but quickly bogged down to a stalemate once the AVS reached the Kolmar on 24 September. Attempts were made at breaking the stalemate, however these attempts would prove unsuccessful and both forces began to dig in for brutal trench warfare. By 1 October, the lines once again became static.

Operation Thunderstrike and the Luxemburg Front

Clashonian Model 1917 105mm howitzer during the Battle of Freihofen

General Šnabel, now in command of the Luxemburg Corps of the Union State military, decided to launch a new offensive into Luxemburg codenamed Bétreb Denneršlag (Operation Thunderstrike). This strategic offensive into Luxemburg unfolded in the wake of General Stark's incursion into Lowenia, compelling Weisserstein to redirect their defensive resources towards shoring up the Lowenia Front. This shift in focus presented a distinct advantage for General Šnabel, as Weissersteiner forces in Luxemburg found themselves stretched thin, a marked contrast to the robust defenses they maintained during the initial stages of Operation Kettle. Seizing this opportune moment, General Šnabel initiated a calculated military thrust against the Weissersteiner fortifications along the formidable Schwarzberg Line.

Clashonian forces entering the town of Friedbrück

Clashonian forces swept into Luxemburg on 7 July, achieving a significant victory as they wrested control of the pivotal town of Friedbrück from the beleaguered Weissersteiners and pushing the unprepared defenders out of their defensive stronghold in the Schwarzberg Line. Union State forces would push deeper into Luxemburg, scoring several skirmishes before eventually reaching the outskirts of the town of Walsdings, a mere 12 km from Blubach, on 8 July. Weissersteiner forces offered token resistance, which led to Clashonian forces successfully capturing the town on 9 July, suffering minimal casualties. At this point in time, Weissersteiner forces in Blubach retreated before Clashonian forces are able to encircle the important town. This led to Clashonian forces successfully capturing Blubach, which boosted morale among the Clashonian ranks.

The momentum of the offensive continued unabated. On 12 July, Clashonian forces reached the town of Alswig, engaging the future Governor-General of the KWGvNB, Karl Joachim von Felsenhaus, in a fierce battle of wills and military prowess. In a surprising turn of events, despite the overwhelming might of the Clashonian forces, Von Felsenhaus displayed exceptional tactical acumen, managing to hold Alswig for an entire month before strategically orchestrating a retreat to the fortified enclave of Lenbrück. This success bought enough time for Weissersteiner forces nearby to be able to strategically regroup in Lenbrück and Altenmarkt, which would become the largest battles during Operation Thunderstrike.

Amidst the heat of battle on the fateful day of 18 July, Weissersteiner forces stationed in the town of Liesges clashed with a Clashonian spearhead force, heading there to eventually create an opportunity to push deeper. Under the command of Captain Joseph Buchmann, the Weissersteiner defenders put up fierce resistance against the incoming onslaught from the Clashonian military and resulting in a fierce standstill, effectively stalling nearly all offensive operations along the Luxemburg Front. As news of the success of the defense of Brandenburg rippled through the ranks, a surge of newfound determination coursed through the Weissersteiner forces. With a resolute spirit, they rallied against the Clashonians, mustering a renewed vigor that would ultimately culminate in the expulsion of the Clashonians from Liesges on 23 July. Though Liesges would eventually succumb to the relentless pressure in September. Clashonian forces pushed towards the town of Naumburg in August 15, facing heavy resistance from the defenders. Naumburg was exceptionally brutal, devolving into fierce urban warfare. Clashonian forces suffered a total of 18,840 dead and wounded during the battle; Weissersteiner forces suffered 13,290. The town would fall in September, alongside Liesges, which opened the gates for a full-scale offensive into the towns of Lenbrück and Altenmarkt, which would pave the way for a push into Luxemburg proper.

Clashonian forces would advance into Lenbrück on October 15, and Altenmarkt on October 18. Both sides fought viciously for the two towns. Weissersteiner forces, totaling at about 188,000 men defending both towns, would face a large army of 218,000 Clashonian soldiers. However, Weisserstein would supplement its lack of manpower advantage by leveraging its superior howitzers, artillery pieces, and air force, which would give ground support for the Weissersteiner defenders in the town. The battle, similar to Naumburg, quickly devolved into a bloody war of attrition, with brutal house-to-house fighting characterizing the two battles. The battle for both towns lasted longer than expected, as Weissersteiner forces dug in for months. Eventually, the offensive was repelled when Weisserteiner forces successfully defeated the invading Union State military on the town of Lenbrück on December 19, and the town of Altenmarkt on December 22. The defeat at Lenbrück and Altenmarkt would halt Operation Thunderstrike dead in its tracks, and both sides dug in for a long, grueling stalemate.

In total, Weisserstein lost nearly 150,000 men during the entirety of Operation Thunderstrike, with 80,000 of them coming from the battles of Lenbrück and Altenmarkt, and a total of 438,000 wounded. Clashonian forces suffered much worse, with nearly 300,000 dead and almost 600,000 wounded. The last three battles, but in particular Altenmarkt, saw Weisserstein leveraging its superiority in support firepower, namely from artilleries and howitzers, as well as its more powerful aerial corps to its advantage. This would lead to victories during Weisserstein's counteroffensive, all leveraging superior firepower and aerial superiority.

Naval and air theatre

The Altêrstén, of the Marius-class river gunboat

Throughout the early months of the war, naval and aerial warfare remained limited as both sides sought to secure the land front. Weisserstein used its superior fighter planes to establish aerial superiority throughout the conflict. The Union State did not have sufficient air power, as it did not employ fighters nor have any sort of aviation corps. During the 1st Battle of the Sonzig, a Weissersteiner fighter squadron was able to sink the Clashonian river gunboat Altêrstén. After this, fighter planes were used to support the defense of Luxemburg and Lowenia, harassing invading Clashonian forces throughout the front.

Both sides' navies did not participate much during the opening stages of the conflict, however during Operation Kettle, a Clashonian naval detachment attempted to conduct a raid to the Weissersteiner port city of Qadr Nacht. It was intercepted by the Imperial Weissersteiner Navy and on July 12, the largest naval battle occurred during the entire year. In total, Weisserstein lost several small vessels, while suffering significant but not irreparable damages to its fleet. The Clashonian Navy suffered rather significantly, namely due to Weisserstein's use of air power during the battle. The Union State lost several ships, including a dozen gunboats.



Following the end of major operations due to the Clashonian defeat in the Battle of Brandenburg and Altenmarkt, both sides dug into their defenses in preparation for a protracted trench-style combat. With the end of both Operation Kettle and Operation Thunderstrike, no new offensives were conducted during the months leading to September 1920. During this period, Weissersteiner forces begin reorganizing and regrouping along the Luxemburg Front, with the goal of pushing the Clashonians entirely out of the Kingdom of Luxemburg. Meanwhile, the Clashonian General Staff remained confident that the Union State's military power would be able to overcome Weissersteiner defenders and drafted a plan for a renewed offensive, codenamed Operation Firefly under the command of Falko Šnabel, the commander of the Clashonian Northwestern Corps.

Soldiers of the Northwestern Corps relaxing near an armored train

Operation Firefly was launched on August 12, spearheaded by the Clashonian Northwestern Corps, with the main objective being the city of Altenmarkt. During the renewed offensive, Clashonian forces found their Weissersteiner adversaries had become much more powerful. During the offensive, Weissersteiner and Clashonian forces would meet in the city of Eisennau. The battle was fierce, and both sides continued back and forth well into September. However, the Clashonian 228th Rifleman Division made a miscalculation and Weissersteiner cavalrymen under the command of Klemens Kühn were able to successfully cut off the forces in Eisennau with the rest of the frontlines. The encirclement turned the originally offensive-oriented Clashonian military into a defensive one as Weissersteiner troops began closing in on all sides. After a full week of intense fighting, the 228th Rifleman Division surrendered themselves, becoming the first Clashonian forces to surrender during the war. The fighting for the city ended after the surrender, with Weisserstein suffering 3,500 casualties, while Clashonia suffered 12,800 casualties and an entire division captured as prisoners-of-war by Weisserstein.

During the battle of Eisennau, the Mountain Brotherhood under command of Héide Mâyer would launch a decisive raid in the Kleinhart Jura against Clashonian forces stationed there. In return, Clashonian forces conducted a raid on known Mountain Brotherhood strongholds. These series of engagements would culminate in a desperate assault on the Sonzig by members of the Mountain Brotherhood. This assault, which would later become known as the 3rd Battle of the Sonzig, would prove disastrous for the Mountain Brotherhood, and Héide Mâyer was killed in the firefight. The Mountain Brotherhood lost nearly 40% of its forces in the battle, amounting to about 6,400 casualties. Clashonian forces lost 4,580 men during the assault.

After the assault, the Mountain Brotherhood decided to retreat and reorganize in the Kleinhart Jura under the command of Kristof Martél, who turned the Mountain Brotherhood into an elite paramilitary unit. The Mountain Brotherhood under Martél refrained from partaking in any other engagements until Weissersteiner forces launched their first major offensive, Operation Stahlschlag, in late September, at which point their strength numbered at around 50,000 fighting men.

Operation Stahlschlag

Following the buildup of forces in the previous months, Weissersteiner forces would launch Operation Stahlschlag ("Operation Steel Punch"), aimed at capturing vital points and strategic positions on Bannarsia. The new offensive, led by General Friedrich Eugen von Wittelsbach, would be spearheaded by Panzerwagen GS formations alongside mobile cavalry units to quickly exploit breakthroughs and overrun enemy positions. The main goals of the offensive include the capture of the Transbannarsia Railway, which connects Bannarsia's northern parts with Central Clashonia, and eventually to the Transclarve. Another major point of interest is the largest regional city, Williemsbode. The capture of Williemsbode would prove vital, as the city serves as the headquarters of the Luxemburg Corps of the Union State's military. The last major point of the offensive was to secure the Lowenia Front, as well as the Kleinhart Jura. Both positions have advantageous natural barriers which would prove vital for future defensive operations.

Weissersteiner forces advancing with Panzerwagen GS in Bannarsia

On September 18, Weissersteiner forces crossed into Clashonian-controlled parts of Lowenia, supported by a barrage of artillery on Clashonian lines. Fierce fighting immediately broke out in the towns of Oberfreizach and Marchmarkt. Weissersteiner troops, leveraging their new panzers and their aerial superiority, quickly overran Clashonian positions in both towns by September 21, suffering a combined total of 2,800 casualties; Clashonia suffered 7,230. The Clashonian forces were later ordered by General Stark to concentrate their defense in the Weissersteiner town of Innssee an der Sonzig. A total of 40,000 Clashonians defended against an onslaught from 58,000 Weissersteiner troops, supported by artillery, aerial superiority, and armored units. For a full week the defenders of the town held back against waves of Weissersteiner assaults. The battle quickly devolved into a bloody urban battle, where house-to-house fighting occurred nearly daily, and local Weissersteiners conducted sabotage operations against the defending Clashonian troops. Breaking the chain of command, Captain Hérmann Féndler ordered his men to escape from the town, but before they can do so, Weisserstein's 18th Cavalry Brigade cut off the town from the rest of Clashonia's lines, encircling the defenders in the town. After a full week of fighting, Captain Féndler and what remained of his men, a total of 18,828 men, surrendered to the Weissersteiner forces. The fall of Innssee an der Sonzig, which would also become known as the 4th Battle of the Sonzig, would prove decisive in driving the Clashonian forces out of Lowenia. The headquarters of the Kleinhart Jura Corps, the small town of Freihofen, was moved into Clashonia proper immediately after the defeat at Innssee, and the town of Freihofen would be liberated merely 2 days later.

Weissersteiner forces entering Gmendaal on November 1

Now with the initiative, Weissersteiner forces pushed into the Kleinhart Jura, routing the men of the Kleinhart Jura Corps on multiple occasions. Weissersteiner forces would eventually reach the town of Éndrékt on October 11, and after a brutal 3-days fight, secured the town from the Clashonian forces. At this point, the Weissersteiner forces were moving at an unprecedented pace, pushing nearly 80 km into the Kleinhart Jura within less than a month. General Stark would establish a new headquarters in the city of Gméndal, which served as the gateway into the Transbannarsia Railway. Stark ordered for the defense of the city to be given full priority, and by October 13, the city was turned into a makeshift citadel to defend against the incoming Weissersteiners. The 40,000 Weissersteiner troops, supported by howitzers and artillery, would punch a hole through the defenses of the city, before exploiting the breakthrough with cavalries and tanks. Similar to the Battle of Innssee an der Sonzig, the battle of Gméndal devolved into brutal house-to-house fighting. The city's population were split, some supported the defenders and fought as partisans in order to harass the Weissersteiner forces, while others, who are sympathetic to the monarchy, served as collaborators with the Reichswehr. The battle lasted longer than many had expected, and the city only fell on November 1. Gméndal's fall force the Clashonians to regroup in Williemsbode, the regional capital of Bannarsia.

Around the same time Weissersteiner forces were making breakthroughs in the Kleinhart Jura, Weissersteiner forces would launch a swift attack from the Luxemburg Front. The town of Naumberg, which was captured by the Clashonians during Operation Thunderstrike, would once again become a battleground between Weissersteiner Reichswehr and the Union State military. Despite superior artillery and firepower, the Reichswehr were unable to capture the town from Clashonian hands. On October 3, Weissersteiner forces would attempt a daring assault into the town of Heinerstadt, located not far from Blubach. The town was heavily defended, as it formed parts of Clashonia's Léhning Line, which was created to prevent Weissersteiner forces from retaking Clashonian-occupied parts of Luxemburg. The assault on Heinerstadt would prove indecisive and all military operations after October 12 were halted.

However, the front continued moving in Eastern Bannarsia. Weissersteiner forces began moving past the initial defensive lines of the Clashonian military. A major assault would be conducted on the transit town of Ériksbode, which connected the frontlines to the Transbannarsia Railway and to the regional capital of Williemsbode. Makeshift defenses were erected along the lines to prevent the Weissersteiners from capturing Ériksbode and Frybûrge. On November 6, Weissersteiner howitzers began a barrage against Clashonian defenses on the city of Frybûrge. The initial assault, consisting of 15,000 Weissersteiner attackers facing off against 22,800 Clashonian defenders. The battle for the town was bloody, and on November 9 Weissersteiner forces were unable to capture the town from Clashonia's hands and retreated to their initial lines. The battle for Ériksbode would prove far more successful, as the defenders were overwhelmed by tanks of the Weissersteiner military. However, the battle remained fierce, with nearly 30,000 Weissersteiner forces against 27,450 Clashonians. In November 12, the battle ended with Clashonian forces retreating to Williemsbode. The town's capture proved vital in the assault on Williemsbode and the later offensive, known as Operation Kleiner Schbeck.

Weissersteiner troops in Williemsbode, 1920

By November 15, Weissersteiner forces were at the outskirts of the city of Williemsbode. Clashonian skirmishers attempted to harass the Weissersteiner forces from entering the city, but to no avail. Parts of the 28th Imperial Cavalry Division arrived on the city, supported by howitzers and tanks, and by November 17, nearly 108,000 men of the Imperial Weissersteiner Army were outside of Williemsbode proper. The city's defenders prepared for a large battle, and General Stark ordered all his men, totaling at about 102,000 soldiers and nearly 40,000-85,000 irregular militias, to dig in. He famously stated that: "We shall not retreat. We win or we die here." After this, the city was turned into a makeshift fortress as Stark knew that the city was key to further offensives into Clashonia.

November 18 saw the opening salvo for the battle of Williemsbode. The assault was led by an armored spearhead into the city, breaking the first waves of defenses. Fighting was exceptionally brutal, completely devolving into house-to-house fighting. General Stark's order to defend the city till the last man effectively turned the city into a brutal battleground. Days of intense fighting forced Weissersteiner forces to rethink their strategy, which eventually led to the week-long bombing over Williemsbode. Key points throughout the city were bombed by Weissersteiner bomber planes, and defenses on the frontline were leveled. General Stark was also hit during this bombing campaign, when his headquarters in Léonstén Street was hit by a bomb from a Weissersteiner fighter plane, he would succumb to his wound a day later. After the intense bombing raid, Weissersteiner forces began their second assault into the city proper. This time, the Weissersteiner forces met relatively low resistance, namely thanks to the bombing campaign and the death of Stark, though fighting was still intense in several key districts of the city. Stark's successor, Major Emil Šreiber, continued to coordinate the defense of the city. But with the fall of the city center, Šreiber ordered all remaining forces to leave the city before their exit is cut off. While half of the remaining Clashonian forces were able to escape, the other half were cut off by Weissersteiner cavalry, encircling them in the city. Fighting ended on December 8, when the last commander of the encircled forces, Colonel Vogl, surrendered the city, alongside what remained of his men, to the Weissersteiner forces. By the end of the battle, nearly 28,000 Weissersteiners were killed and 37,000 wounded, most from the initial assault into the city. Weisserstein also lost several tanks and 4 fighters during the assault. Clashonia lost nearly 58,000 men, with another 60,000 wounded. This, in total, made the Battle of Williemsbode the most deadly battle of the war in 1920.

Weissersteiner naval victory


Operation Burn Back

Republican rebellions

Operation Kleiner Schbeck

Following Clashonian failure in Operation Burn Back and the Republican rebellion, Weissersteiner forces launched Operation Kleiner Schbeck ("Operation Little Schbeck"). The main goal of this offensive is to exploit the chaos caused by Operation Burn Back and the rebellion. Weissersteiner troops, spearheaded the Weissersteiner 5th and 28th Army, alongside the Royal Clashonian 1st Corps, and supported by both superior artillery and air power, would capture many major cities in Bannarsia. The capture of the Transbannarsia Railway in the earlier Operation Stahlschlag would prove vital in transporting necessary troops and supply in a blitzkrieg fashion all across Bannarsia.

Weissersteiner troops entering Gréswik during Operation Kleiner Schbeck, with the iconic Gréswik castle being in the background

Command of the operation was given to Friedrich Eugen von Wittelsbach, an experienced military general and one of the proponents of using armored warfare in the Weissersteiner military. Weissersteiner forces would launch Operation Kleiner Schbeck on November 6, capturing several towns and cities along the Transbannarsia Railway. Troops, namely the 7th Army and the Clashonian Blue Legion, were also redirected to fully cut off the Union State's Kleinhart Jura Corps from the rest of the Clashonian military.

The first major engagement between Weissersteiner and Clashonian forces during the operation was the 7th Battle of the Sonzig, which saw the Kleinhart Jura Corps completely cut off from the main Clashonian frontlines. Weissersteiner forces would continue their offensive throughout November and December, capturing the city of Gréswik on December 31. Gréswik in particular was one of the more important objectives of the offensive, due to its role as the main headquarters for all forces in the Luxemburg Front. The capture of Gréswik also saw the death of Major Šreiber after he refused to surrender and was executed by firing squad. The death of Šreiber destroyed effective command of all forces in the front and Weissersteiner forces were able to push along the Clarve river, eventually reaching the outskirts of the Clashonian capital of Käarlsbode in late January.


Weisserstein occupation of Käarylsbode

Weissersteiner cavalry entering Käarlsbode

On January 27, Weissersteiner forces reached the outskirts of the Clashonian capital of Käarlsbode as part of Operation Kleiner Schbeck. This caused panic amongst the leadership of the Union State, who saw the fall of the city into Weissersteiner hands as inevitable. XX, the president of the Union State, as well as his cabinet quickly evacuated from the city the next day, which was followed by hundreds of civilians attempting to flee the impending battle. By January 28, Weissersteiner scouts engaged in skirmishes with units of the Clashonian military stationed in the city

Command of the defense of the city was given to YY, who recruited the help of local self-defense militias scattered all over the city. Makeshift defenses began to be constructed in and around the city as Weissersteiner forces began marching closer. The XX, the president's residence, was turned into a makeshift headquarters for the defenders, while the parliament building was turned into a temporary munitions storage and stronghold. At its peak, YY commanded a force numbering about 211,000 men, consisting of several different units and self-defense militias.

On January 29, Weissersteiner artillery would begin firing on the city, causing heavy damage. Despite the bombardment, the makeshift defenses hold. Weissersteiner forces began encircling the city, cutting Käarlsbode off from the rest of the frontlines. The 28th Army under Heinrich Graf zu Edelstein, spearheaded by the 108th Cavalry Brigade and supported by elements from the Royal Clashonian Army's 1st Corps, would later begin engaging the defenders of the city once Käarlsbode has been successfully surrounded. The battle for the city continues as Weissersteiner forces slowly pushed closer into the president's residence.

On February 4, YY met with Heinrich Graf zu Edelstein and officially surrendered the city to Weissersteiner forces after an intense week of nonstop fighting. The Weissersteiner flag was raised in the president's residence, marking the end of all offensive operations in the city. Despite the surrender, sporadic fighting between Weissersteiner forces and the self-defense militias continued well into February 12 before eventually surrendering on February 18.

The battle for the city was exceptionally brutal. Out of the 211,000 Clashonian forces in the city, 49,000 were killed or wounded, with the remaining 162,000 being captured. The Weissersteiner forces fared better, Out of the 135,000 Weissersteiner forces fighting in the city, only 4,500 were killed and only 7,000 were wounded. The battle marked the beginning of the end for the Union State of Bannarsia and Transclarvia, as the fall of Käarlsbode would help push the Union State government to begin peace talks with Weisserstein, which would culminate in the signing of the Armistice of Fryéndon.

Fall of the Kleinhart Jura pocket

At the beginning of Operation Kleiner Schbeck, the Kleinhart Jura Corps were cut off from the rest of the Clashonian military during the 7th Battle of the Sonzig. Despite the dire situation, the Kleinhart Jura Corps, under the command of Lieutenant-General Lénnard Švéfél, continued to resist Weissersteiner forces, repelling multiple skirmishes by Weissersteiner jäger infantrymen. News of the fall of Käarlsbode reached Švéfél, who decided to hid the information from his men to prevent the collapse of morale throughout the front. Despite this, Weissersteiner forces were able to secure the town of Lustenstadt, one of the last parts of Weisserstein still under the control of the Union State. The battle would continue as the back-and-forth between both sides exploded into the 8th Battle of the Sonzig, which saw the use of the last few of the Sonzig River Flotilla's Marius-class river gunboats. The battle was brutal, nearly double the casualties from that of the 7th Battle of the Sonzig. Despite Weissersteiner forces being successfully repelled, the Clashonians suffered large losses, and were barely able to maintain their defenses. News would eventually reach the soldiers of the fall of Käarlsbode, and morale would inevitably collapse. In one last desperate attempt, Švéfél would organize an escape plan, exploiting a gap in the Weissersteiner lines to escape alongside his men into more friendly territory. However, his men were intercepted and the 9th Battle of the Sonzig would begin. Both sides suffered significantly before eventually the Clashonian soldiers refused to continue fighting, this left Švéfél with surrender as his only option. Švéfél surrendered what remained of his battle-scarred unit, which was only 10% of its original fighting strength. The Kleinhart Jura Corps was nearly wiped out entirely, with the few remaining survivors becoming prisoners of war. The Battles of the Sonzig were exeptionally brutal, and in total nearly 900,000 men lost their lives in the series of battles for the Sonzig river.

Armistice of Frendon

The success of Operation Kleiner Schbeck and the fall of both Käarlsbode and the Kleinhart Jura pocket brought the end of military engagements between the forces of the Union State with forces of the Weissersteiner Empire. On September 12, a Clashonian delegation made up of Major General Jan Krânts (member of the Clashonian Army Headquarters), Floréntin Kuttnêr (diplomat), and Adrian Kippêrberger (cabinet member), met with their Weissersteiner counterpart, General Friedrich Eugen von Wittelsbach, who was the commander of all Weissersteiner forces within Bannarsia, and Konrad Wehner, a representative for the royal Clashonian government-in-exile. The armistice was signed in the small town of Fryéndon, in Weisserstein-occupied Bannarsia, which was spared from most of the fighting.

The Clashonian delegates: Jan Krânts, Floréntin Kuttnêr, and Adrian Kippêrberger

The terms called for the immediate demobilization of all Clashonian military activities. It ordered the evacuation of the northern territories (Bannarsia), placed limits and restrictions to the size of Clashonia's military employment and required Clashonia to return military equipment that had been taken from the both Weisserstein and allied militias during the war up to that point. Weisserstein and its allies, the Royalist Clashonians, had the right to occupy some strategic points temporarily and to transfer troops over Clashonian territory. Weisserstein would also keep the 120,000 Clashonian POWs as prisoners until further discussions can be taken.

The status of Clashonia's government were to be discussed further in the subsequent peace deal, in its place were a series of General Governments established in Bannarsia. Namely the Imperial Weissersteiner General Government of North Bannarsia and the Imperial Weissersteiner General Government of Röngau and Vorgrüntal, which were to act as temporary buffer states until the restoration of the Clashonian monarchy occured. The Weissersteiner state also gained a mandate over the two General Governments, and was to oversee a transition from a military government to a civilian one under the Clashonian monarchy.

Despite the success of the armistice, many were dissatisfied with the outcome. The Unionists, and in fact many Clashonians who were not sympathetic to the monarchy, believed they had been utterly humiliated by signing such a peace deal with the Weissersteiners and that the treaty was unjust. Stéfan Sépp, the leader of the Clashonian republicans, stated that:

"This peace deal is disgraceful! Never in our history have we been so disgraced by a foreign power as we have now!"

The deal also swayed many Unionists to the banner of the Republicans, who were more than willing to continue the war. Members of the military such as Gustaf Sténmann and Heike Stark would also change their loyalties to the Republicans, as many in the military were unhappy with the peace deal. Surprisingly, among the Unionists who joined the Republicans was Colonel Martin Rotmann, one of the leaders of the 1904 Clashonian coup, which was vital to bringing the PUS into power.

The Royalist Clashonians were also dissatisfied with the peace deal. While Weisserstein gained a mandate over the territories, Clashonian royalists feared that Weisserstein would instead turn the General Government territories into clients and serve as a buffer state between Weisserstein and Clashonia. These fears were exacerbated when the Governor-General of Röngau and Vorgrüntal, Major General Johannes Fischbein, wanted to maintain the states as a defensive wall for Weisserstein's southern flank. Williem II in particular was unhappy with the decision, as he wanted to be restored to a unified Clashonia, not a buffer state in North Bannarsia. His refusal to accept the throne forced a regency council headed by Count Johann von Lettow-Ermhau and Ferdinand vén Williemshâsen.

Despite subsequent peace negotiations were meant to occur, after the news of the armistice reached the parts of Clashonia outside of Weissersteiner control it sparked massive riots. The 1922 Clashonian coup d'etat by Republicans and dissolution of the Union State would force all subsequent negotiations to be scrapped.

1922 Clashonian coup d'etat

Partisan activity in Central Clashonia

Following the 1922 coup, Republican sympathizers in Central Clashonia launched a guerrilla campaign against Weissersteiner and Royalist forces stationed in the rear, while the bulk of the Weissersteiner Reichswehr was stationed in the frontlines. This operation was organized by XXXX to divert Weissersteiner attention from the frontlines to help prepare for the Sténmann Offensive the next year.


Sténmann Offensive

General Gustaf Sténmann

With the Republicans now successfully wrestling control over the Clashonian political arena, the new Republican government sought to reclaim territories lost to Weissersteiner forces during Operation Kleiner Schbeck. Denouncing the Armistice of Fryéndon, the new Republic of Clashonia reorganized the military under general Gustaf Sténmann. Now, with a renewed vigor for an offensive, the new National Republican Army organized along the Gésler Line and planned on pushing the Weissersteiners and their monarchist allies out of Clashonia.

On January 12, around 1,680,000 prepared for one of the largest offensives throughout the war. The National Republican Army pushed through the Weissersteiner defenses around the areas around Frybûrge. The 3rd Battle of Frybûrge occurred on January 13, with the Weissersteiner military sustaining 38,000 casualties while the Clashonians sustained 40,000. The battle ended with on January 18, with Weissersteiner forces retreating from the city. The momentum of the assault propelled the National Republican Army to push forward against Weissersteiner defenses until they reach the Läantbirne-Rybon Line, a defensive line formed by the Weissersteiner army and Royalist forces along the White Clarve river on January 22. Defense of the White Clarve was relegated to Major Wilhelm Hardt, who sought to halt the National Republican Army's offensive in order to give Weissersteiner forces along the rear ample breathing room to regroup and resupply.

The first major assault on the defensive line occurred on January 24, where the National Republican Army attempted to capture several key towns along the line. These assaults were repelled by the Weissersteiner Reichswehr by January 26, which forced the Clashonians to regroup and rethink their strategy. Another assault was launched in late January, however it was repelled using Weissersteiner fighters.


Armistice at Šdenke


Treaty of Williemsbode

The Warlord Era

FARK insurgency