
Hello there. I'm Weisserstein (although, you're free to simply call me Weisser or just Weiss), alternatively known as blazepowder. or Blaze Powder online, and I'm a roleplayer in TSPRP. I am active (to varying degrees) in all three roleplay canons.
Nations and Projects
For Pacifica, I roleplay as Weisserstein, an Alman-speaking monarchy located in Central Cordilia, and Jazeera, a Muslim-Arabian Emirate located in Bailtem's Milayakh region. I'm currently focused on lore building for this nation, but I am involved in several diplomatic RPs, among other things. Pacifica is my main canon as of right now and I've spent most of my RP energy here. Some of my current noteworthy projects in this canon include:
- The Elbonian Wars
- The House of Lichtenburg-Hohenzollern
- The Alman Group
- The Weissersteiner Civil War
- The War of 1919
- The United Crabryan Duchy
Besides these projects, I've also been working on and off on certain worldbuilding projects. Something I hope to achieve in the future is creating and establishing a common history for Center-East Cordilia, and hopefully eventually getting the history of Cordilia fully written.
In Aurora, I play as Rocova, which is a small but wealthy mercantile republic with a formidable armada. Originally, Rocova was a collaboration project with another roleplayer, but since they left, I've been the sole player for Rocova. While I haven't gotten into Aurora as much as I have been in Pacifica, I plan on getting more involved in this canon in the foreseeable future.
In A1-0, I play as the Weissersteiner Empire, a Terran-dominated star nation which has historically had tensions with its eastern neighbor, Dovia. Currently, it is a rising star nation and is a key and one of the founding members of the Pan-Terran League. While I haven't gotten into A1-0 as much as I have been in Pacifica, I plan on getting more involved in this canon in the foreseeable future. Some of my current noteworthy projects in this canon include: