List of cities in Sedunn (Pacifica)
The following is a list of cities in Sedunn and their toponymy. Since 1971 a city (Sedunnic: tavv) is legally defined as an urban area having more than 50,000 inhabitants, while an urban area with a smaller population is designated either a town (Sedunnic: ed) if there is local representation by the state, or a village (Sedunnic: moll) if not. While the legal definition still applies, it has no longer any practical consequences for the urban areas. As of 2019 there are 54 cities in Sedunn with a combined population of 13 million, which is about 28% of the total population.
Historically there were several other classifications of urban areas, which is sometimes reflected in their names. For example only certain cities were allowed to trade with other cities. Most names are also old, and there are for example now cities that previously only were designated a town or village, e.g. Syvmoll with a population of over 140,000 (2019).
Alphabetical list
Name | Population (2019) | Region | In historical records since | Toponymy (click for list) |
Aeffer | 53,574 | Limravad | c. 2200 BC | Aeff (personal name) + er |
Akta'red | 64,189 | Derē-Jytann | 807 | akta (old Sedunnic: back, behind, protected) + red |
Alvoks | 71,256 | Hierann | 1208 | aleu (to see, to watch) + voks (domination, mastery, rule) |
Arlied | 122,654 | Bell-Limmvasd | 555 | arlī (cliff) + ed |
Berar | 73,211 | Rumm | 3 | Ber (unknown) + arlī (cliff) |
Botna | 52,410 | Hierann | 1881 | botna (a mill) |
Daktvem | 82,041 | Rumm | 1414 | dakt (old Sedunnic: a certain type of sand) + vem |
Dammre | 99,410 | Derē-Jytann | 56 BC | damm (head) + re |
Derrnshuk | 148,541 | Rumm | 1004 | Derrns (personal name) + huk |
Dullivv | 59,654 | Grā | 1623 | dull (river) + ivv |
Durivv | 723,478 | Epptryn | 1399 | Durē (former/alternative name of the Sedunnic people) + ivv |
Ei're | 60,985 | Bell-Semyll | c. 1048 BC | ei (old Sedunnic: to scorch, to burn) + re |
Eressivv | 130,018 | Bell-Semyll | 782 BC | eress (old Sedunnic: open, accessible) + ivv |
Essela | 67,088 | Setrusop | 100 BC | essel (olive) + a |
Famibnes | 54,366 | Yveg | 207 BC | famib (gate, entrance) + nes |
Flered | 1,480,748 | Ekredd | 501 | flē (sand) + red |
Flikamm | 61,078 | Rumm | 899 | Flī/Flē (old Sedunnic: lime) + kamm |
Fomma | 66,087 | Yveg | c. 500 BC | fomm (old Sedunnic: mouth river mouth) + a |
Fysstred | 66,578 | Hierann | 1104 BC | fess (dialectal: valley) + red |
Gammed | 64,888 | Levē-Jytann | 654 | gamm (old Sedunnic: ibex) + ed |
Gafsred | 122,980 | Remetullnesslē | 450 BC | gafs (gafass, old Sedunnic: rocky, barrem) + red |
Goends | 570,331 | Dybdfess | 1503 | gō (metal) + ends |
Golunn | 88,922 | Ekredd | c. 1900 BC | gol (goel, old Sedunnic: praise, worship) + unn |
Grovne | 4,407,637 | Setrusop | 649 BC | grō (important) + ne (old Sedunnic: bridge) |
Hetvem | 52,663 | Epptryn | 56 | het (to stand, to raise) + vem |
Hiaivv | 63,166 | Levē-Jytann | 1385 | hiaj (old Sedunnic: slope) + ivv |
Hollvre | 122,412 | Epptryn | 258 BC | Holl/Hull (personal name) + vre |
Hullvem | 57,846 | Bell-Semyll | 1855 | Hull (personal name) + vem |
Ilosred | 274,487 | Rumm | 1322 | Ilos (old Sedunnic: hot or exposed) + red |
Ivvfle | 62,402 | Grā | 201 BC | ivv + fle |
Kasarenn | 128,880 | Annhotem | 653 BC | kasā (old Sedunnic: secluded) + enn |
Kodull | 160,209 | Hierann | c. 3200 BC | kō (low) + dull (river) |
Lityre | 211,504 | Dybdfess | 706 BC | lit (outer) + ȳ (hȳ, dialectal: thin, narrow) + re |
Loennvem | 81,873 | Ekredd | 5th–4th millennia BC | Loenn (name of the bay of the Mediterranean Sea) + vem |
Lomared | 371,886 | Annhotem | 202 | lomā (upstream) + red |
Lotne | 84,687 | Derē-Jytann | 406 | lot (old Sedunnic: wave or hill) + ne |
Maksob | 55,365 | Grā | 908 | mak (fishery) + sob |
Mensenst | 55,453 | Remetullnesslē | 1407 | mens (old Sedunnic: old) + enst |
Mukshodd | 52,308 | Yveg | 1463 | Muks (personal name) + hodd |
Savvered | 314,552 | Skē-Semyll | c. 575 BC | savvē (old Sedunnic: flatland) + red |
Siedded | 54,377 | Levē-Jytann | 390 | siedd (waterfall) + ed |
Skevem | 63,148 | Remetullnesslē | 1255 | skē (south) + vem |
Spovem | 68,214 | Derē-Jytann | 1616 | spō (key) + vem |
Stavaed | 100,993 | Bell-Limmvasd | 424 BC | Stavā (local/old name of river) + ed |
Syvmoll | 143,026 | Skē-Semyll | 1109 | syv ("straight", a straight part of the Taksd river) + moll |
Tarvem | 284,784 | Remetullnesslē | 801 | tar (white, bright) + vem |
Tavenst | 236,077 | Grā | 785 | tav (fort, fortress) + enst |
Troma | 265,123 | Levē-Jytann | 744 | troma (old Sedunnic: passage way, bridge, shallow) |
Udrevv | 69,123 | Limravad | 1514 | ud (final, last) + revv (dock) |
Ullenst | 277,546 | Limravad | 4th century BC | ull (old Sedunnic: yellow, tinted) + enst |
Urmoll | 294,014 | Derē-Jytann | 541 | ijor (old Sedunnic: granite) + moll |
Vijlenn | 116,022 | Bell-Limmvasd | c. 1000 BC | vij (old Sedunnic: colourful, vibrant, chaotic) + lenn (cave) |
Ybe'fle | 72,951 | Remetullnesslē | c. 407 BC | ybe (fold/bend) + fle |
Ylinenst | 68,987 | Epptryn | 244 | ylin (old Sedunnic: opposite, next) + enst |