Cult of Axolotls (Pacifica)

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The cult of Axolotls is a cult based on the worshipping of the Axolotl, viewed by the followers as an holy creature. The religion originates from Andrendia and has existed since prehistory. Today its confessed by over 8 million people in the country, where its a recognised national religion, and by small groups across Pacifica.


The Axolians, the believers of the Cult, believe that the Axolotl is a sacred and divine being that lead to the beginning of the world and that its existance keeps it in balance.



The cult doesnt have an exact origin, historians date it to prehistory, due to ancient cave drawings of rituals celebrating the axolotls as deities.

Spread across North-Eastern Bailtem

The Cult became the official religion of the Axoland Kingdom and after the Vulcanbonian-Axolandian war spread across all of the North-Eastern Bailtemmic Plain .

Co-existance with Azaelism

After centuries of being the main religion of North-Eastern Bailtem, in 1577, with the overthrowing of the Emperor of the Axolian Empire, the officiality of the Cult in the region ended, being replaced by newly refounded Azaelism. The first Azaelist Emperor, Franco Oloto I, and most of the following ones, respected the Axolians and defended their rights even after tragic happenings like the 1604 Massacre by the hands of the Azaelist religious group of the Azaleo's Squadroons, the Dark Ages of the Andreian Era and the Andreian Civil War.

Nowdays, the relations between the two religions are solid and collaboration between the two is as present as ever before.


The Axolians don't have an exact religious structure. They are divided between themselves in groups, that reunite every week to pray to the Axolotls.

Though, during the rule of the Axolian Empire, the first Emperor proclaimed himself the Grand Leader of the Axolians, a religious title that pointed him at the rule of all Axolians, both politically and religiously. After the end of the Axolian Empire this title was proclaimed null by all Axolians.