Humans (A1-0)

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A male and female human.
Biological Classification
Related speciesNeoTerran
Physical characteristics
Average height1,8 m
Skin colourPinkish, white, brown, black
Eye colourGreen, blue, brown, black, grey
Hair colourBlonde, brown, black, grey, white
Lifespan90 standard years
Maturity18 standard years
Notable abilitiesPlanetary adaptability
Sociocultural characteristics
Place of originUnknown
Pacifica, Terra, Earth (speculated)
Star nation Drakari Celestial Imperium
 Ryccian Empire
Template:Country data Galactya
Template:Country data COE
Total population~36,1191 trillion (currently accounted for in Sector A1-0)
Key worldsDaonlathas, Terra Nova
Traditional religions
Marital customsMonogamous

Humans are the most dominant species of Sector A1-0. Though their true origins remain unknown, they have formed many large star nations and inhabit densely populated worlds. Their interstellar diaspora has lead them to diverge into multiple communities and sometimes even subspecies. It is often said by other species that no true human exists as there are hundreds of human races all over the Sector.

Biology and appearance


The original homeworld of the humans has been lost to time with no accurate historical records persisting to date. Some speculators have pointed out that humans might in fact have an extra-galactic origin, but evidence remains inconclusive. There are also many conflicting theories on the ancestral homeworld as some call it Terra while others prefer the term Earth or Pacifica. What is believed to be true is that there was a massive scattering of sorts as unique genetic differences can be found in isolated nations.

Despite of their ambiguous origin, humans have become a dominant species within Sector A1-0. Be it as a member species or founder species of many star nations, they continue to shape the history through political, military & socio-economic developments. While the species holds the most diverse beliefs of any species, a sizable portion of the Sector's human population show xenophobic tendencies. However, historians have pointed out that this is due to astropolitical developments rather than inherent to human nature.

Society and culture

Naming conventions

Humans in Sector A1-0

Humans in the Pan-terran League

The Pan-Terran League is the largest political & socio-economic bloc of humans in Sector A1-0. The organisation aims to form a large defensive, political & socio-economic alliance to promote human culture. To that end, members prefer the term 'Terran' over human and are known for increased xenophobia across their populations although the organisation itself doesn't discriminate openly against non-Terran star nations. This is fuelled by a history of war, which consequently also motivated the star nations to band together to ensure the species or 'Mankind's' survival. The PTL is largely seen to be a prominent expansionist political force. In spite of this, the alliance is open to promote any form of Terran collaboration or culture even with non-member states as can be seen in many friendly treaties with them.

Humans in the COE (and the Galactyan Empire)

Humans make up one of the countless clades of the Commonwealth Of Empires. After first arriving in the Galactyan Empire in the 200s BBT following the first contact with the Drakari Celestial Imperium as immigrants, the humans quickly settled in the new nation, whose pan-sophontic metaethics facilitated integration. As with most species that had immigrated into the Empire, humans started to genetically and toposophically diversificate, becoming one of the Empire's Clades, known as NeoHumans. As of the current day, humans can be found in all kinds of shapes, forms and kinds of existence: while a large baseline population still exists, most of the NeoHuman population is diversified into tweaks, rianths, xenosplices, cyborgs, bioborgs, virtuals and vecs. Notably, there are also human low and high transapients, with more than 10 Godlings being ascended humans. Humans in the Empire, and later the Commonwealth, both integrated into hundreds of different cultures and religions, as well as importing and creating new ones. Religions such as Buddhism, Sikhism and Christianity all have large followings both between NeoHumans and other clades. Additionally, humans have specially close relations with the other provolved species (such as Dolphin, Octopus, Chimp, Dog and Cat provolves) of Terran origin, that had "arrived" much sooner in the Empire, thousands of years ago, after a large database of Terran genomes was found in an abandoned shipwreck.

Derogatory terms

Some derogatory terms used by non-humans include 'pink-skins', 'apes' & 'monkeys'.