Daonlathas (A1-0)

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Astrographical information
Star nation Ryccian Empire
SectorSector A1-0
Orbital position3
ClassificationTerrestrial Lapidian Oxidic Telluric Rhean Hydronian Gaian Tundral Conlectic Aquatic Grandterrene NeoMacrobiotic
Planet typeCapital world (Ecumenopolis)
Orbital characteristics
Orbital period730 days
Mean diameter13844 km
Mean radius6.922 km
Equatorial radiuskm
Polar radiuskm
Surface area602.106.137 km2
Water surface5 %
Mass24 kg
Surface gravity9,81 m/s2
Escape velocity11.287 km/s
Rotation period24 hours, 59 minutes, 49 seconds
Temperature20°C (mean)
Atmospheric surface pressure109.325 kPa
Atmospheric compositionOxygen-Nitrogen
Socio-cultural characteristics
Official languagesAustral, Others
National languagesAustral, Others
Ethnic group(s)Ryccian
Government Official NameRyccian Empire
GovernmentConstitutional Monarchy
• Emperor
Emperor Alexander
Year of colonization6200 BBT
Population estimate~2.2 trillion
GDP (nominal)~€9.9 quadrillion estimate
• Per capita
CurrencyImperial Credit (€) (National Currency)

Daonlathas is the capital planet and city of the  Ryccian Empire.

Daonlathas is the presumed homeworld of the Human species, and a city-wide planet. It is one of the Core worlds, home to the Imperial Senate and the Imperial Palace, as well as most, if not all government offices. The only building of importance related to the government and that is not located on the capital is the Imperial Congress, which resides in the Core world of Anobel.


Daonlathas is the presumed homeworld of the Human species. However, this is false. It was the first planet settled by the Ryccian Humans, and at ancient periods of history this planet was even named New Ryccia, later Ryccia.

Long forgotten, now-unknown specimen enslaved the Ryccian settlers for two centuries, but a slave revolt and an invasion of their own planet weakened them and made them victims of genocide, respectively.

Daonlathas was named because of the historical Daonlathas City, which was also the capital of Ryccia in its own days. The planet grew to such an ecunemopolitan state that the entire city-planet was named after the capital afterwards. Since then, it has never officially lost its status as the capital planet and city.

Geography and Infrastructure

Daonlathas is covered in an ecumenopolitan urban agglomeration. However, the planet itself experiences a temperate climate, with the tropical equator and arctic poles being the exception. The now-melted arctic poles and some lakes have remained untouched, as that is the main freshwater source of the planet. However, due to its size, Daonlathas practices water recycling and it imports water as well.

Planetary Behavior

Daonlathas has a rotation of 24 hours and 59 minutes with 49 seconds, a rotation similar to Earth’s but not the same, forcing humans who settled here to adapt and sync with the planet’s day-night cycle. A standard calendar day lasts 25 hours, with seasons being relatively the same as Earth’s except for Winter.

However, the orbit is nowhere close to a terrestial one, with the planet taking 730 days to complete a full orbit around its sun, Pacifica. This leads to longer seasons except luckily Winter, which only lasts more or less the same time as a terrestial season. In ancient times, the various seasons and short winters led to bountiful harvests, as farmers had more time to grow crops in a Daonlathas year. This led to Daonlathas having a feast celebration on Winter, simply called the Harvest (kind of like Thanksgiving), which is still celebrated today by Daonlathaites and by other planets in Ryccia, most notably in the Core worlds.

Despite Daonlathas’s orbit, a standard year is still 365 days, but no one seems to know why. It has been so since Ryccia had started. Some Ryccian historians have theorized that this was to measure human lifespan in a way that it did not seem “short”. Others believe it was to limit the long year, maybe to celebrate New Year’s earlier or to make a year seem shorter. The real reason was that the original settlers inherited the calendar year from Pacifica (Planet), but gradually forgot where they came from.

The atmosphere of the planet is mostly Earth-like, with slightly more oxygen than on said planet. Daonlathas is ~1.11× bigger than Earth itself, making it a Super Earth by a slim margin.


Daonlathas has 4 satellites: Aridna, Magna, Maxima, and Minima. Only three can be easily seen from the sky, with Aridna being as big as a Death Star (~131 km in diameter) and farther from the planet to be accurately seen, and only one can be seen as a Moon-like satellite (Magna), with the other two seeming like smaller balls of light in the sky.

None of them are habitable, with only Magna barely retaining an argon-based atmosphere (it will not drift away, but it is very thin), although they each do retain military bases as part of the capital garrison and starfleet.