Ehre, Freiheit und Respekt (Pacifica)

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Ehre, Freiheit und Respekt
English: Honor, Freedom and Respect
File:Nationalhymne der DDR.svg

National anthem of Gianatla (Pacifica) Gianatla
LyricsAlfred Schrabebeck, 1954 (updated 2011)
MusicAlfred Schrabebeck, 1954
Adopted1954; 71 years ago (1954)
Audio sample
File:Auferstanden aus Ruinen (Instrumental).oga
"Ehre, Freiheit und Respekt" (instrumental)

Ehre, Freiheit und Respekt is the national anthem of the Federal Republic of Gianatla, which was introduced in 1954 after the Great War.
Alfred Schrabebeck was the author and composer of the anthem, which features in its text the main virtues of Gianatla as well as the image the Gianlucians have of themselves, being a people, which has risen out of the ruins and appeal to the world to live in harmony with each other.


After the Great War was over, Gianatla being on the loser side, having belonged to the axis powers, was literally in ashes. When Queen Charlotte I was crowned in July 1954, she immediately instructed the musical department of the Südtor college to create a new national anthem, which should replace the former Königsmarsch (King's March), which was played under the rule of Emperor Gianluca III and during the dictatorship.

The executive board of the college passed the task to young professor Alfred Schrabebeck, born in 1916, who could not compose the piece in the college's building, because it was mostly destroyed, but had to do this at home in the countryside, where he had the piano, he would always refer to as the "most precious thing he has ever owned and will ever own".
Together with a friend he implemented, the piece should be played mainly by string and wind instruments. The text was inspired by several patriotic adventure books, he has read during war times. At the same time, he wanted to instill the feeling of hope and optimism inside the listener. On 3 October 1954 the anthem was played in the royal palace for the first time. After some renditions, Queen Charlotte was asking for, the anthem was officially announced as the national anthem of Gianatla on 1 November 1954. The text got altered a little to fit to the current name of the country after the Incorporation of Atlantis in 2011. Also in 2013 an Atlantic stanza was added to the text, in which the Atlantic lines are sometimes sung in alternating order with the Alman lines of the text, e.g. during sports events.


The anthem itself has three stanzas, however only the first one is usually played for ceremonial purposes.

Alman (Original) Austral

Ehre, Freiheit und Respekt sind
Stolz des Volkes Gianatlas
Drum, Gott, scheine auf das Volke
Mit nie da gewes’nem Glanz
Aus den Katzen die Gianlucas
Aus den Gianlucas Gianatla
Sind wir nun komplett vereint hier
Mögen wir nie wieder seh‘n
Unser Volk geteilt (x2)

Honor, Freedom and Respect are
the pride of the people of Gianatla
So, God, shine on the people
With unprecedented shine.
Out of the Catz the Gianlucas
Out of the Gianlucas Gianatla
We are now entirely united here
And don't want to see anymore
Our people divided (x2)

Glück und Frieden sei beschieden
Gianatla, unserm Vaterland.
Alle Welt sehnt sich nach Frieden,
Reicht den Völkern eure Hand.
Wenn wir brüderlich uns einen,
Schlagen wir des Volkes Feind.
Lasst das Licht des Friedens scheinen,
Dass nie eine Mutter mehr
Ihren Sohn beweint. (x2)

Happiness and peace be granted
To Germany, our fatherland.
All the world longs for peace,
Reach your hand out to the peoples.
If brotherly we unite ourselves,
We shall defeat the people's enemy.
Let the light of peace shine
So that a mother never more
Mourns her son. (x2)

Auferstanden aus Ruinen
Und der Zukunft zugewandt,
Lass uns dir zum Guten dienen,
Gianatla, einig Vaterland.
Alte Not gilt es zu zwingen,
Und wir zwingen sie vereint,
Denn es muss uns doch gelingen,
Dass die Sonne schön wie nie
Über Gianatla scheint. (x2)

Risen from ruins
And facing the future,
Let us serve you for the good,
Gianatla, united fatherland.
Old woes are to be overcome
And we overcome them united.
Because we so must succeed,
[So] that the sun beautiful as never [before]
Over Gianatla shines. (x2)