Gooríalla (A1-0)

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Astrographical information
Star nationW̰oṉā̰ṃbi
RegionW̰oṉā̰ṃbi Core
SectorSector A1-0
Orbital position1
Mean diameterX km
Socio-cultural characteristics
Ethnic group(s)Yara-mah-yahoo
Population estimate~21 trillion

The homeworld of the Yara-mah-yahoo, Gooríalla, is a vibrant, warm, and wet planet rich in lush vegetation and dense ecosystems. With its humid climate and abundant rainfall, Gooríalla sustains a vast array of flora and fauna, creating a biodiverse environment that has shaped the Yara-mah-yahoo culture and lifestyle. The thick forests, sprawling wetlands, and tropical landscapes have influenced everything from Yara-mah-yahoo architecture, which often harmonizes with the natural surroundings, to their resourceful and communal way of life deeply connected to the land and its cycles.

The Star Nation capital is located in the city of Sklick'thyrn, located in the southern half of Gooríalla.

Landscape of Gooríalla
City of Sklick'thyrn, capital city of the W̰oṉā̰ṃbi Star Nation