History of Pyhdon (Pacifica)

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History of Pyhdon-Fálistríca
Flag of the SSAAE of Pyhdon-Fálistríca
IncludingPyhdon (900BCE-1875CE)

Fálistríca (800BCE-1875CE)

Empire of Pyhdon-Fálistríca(1875-2024)
Leader(s)Historical leaders

The History of Pyhdon-Fálistríca could be deemed as... Turbulent. Here is a run-down. In some sections I have split the History into 2 Sections with a table.

Prehistory and First Civillisation (BCE)

The people who used to inherit what was once the Cove of Frastinia had been considered to have arrived as early as ~20,000 BCE by numerous remains found in the Reræan region at ~20,000 BCE in Eflad and in the State of Fallerilos in Pyhdon-Fálistríca. In Eflad, they are attributed to the wave of migrations from the Rainbow Islands but later scans on the Pyro-Falistric side show that they came from around the direction of the Atlantic Isles (of Gianalta) and the Besernian Colmegrate. We can approximate that they lived as nomads until about the 10th Century BCE, as the earliast found settlements made of stone (the ßweni Æræm) had stone dating back to ~10,426 BCE. Although this is just pure speculation.

The Pre-Sydadysh countries started off with the creation of the Grand Duchy of Pyhdon in 1010 BCE settling around the plain of Aöhnß (where the placement of the city of Aohns now). Their capital was Nuvéeopolis. It's territory spread from the coast to the Sydad Range, and from just north of the Al-Adhan River to the Malheur. The crowning of ᚱᚢᛁᚷᚼᚬ ᚱᚬᛂᛃᛄᚬᚩ ᛁ (Kaiser Krevner I) was documented in the Tale of Kreven, although it wasn't true that he was a flying axolotl, I mean, maybe Andrendia's is, but not mine!

Another nation, the Honorable Sunnislamic Kingdom of Fálistríca was created in 901 BCE, settling just north of the Malheur River. Their capital was called the Honorable Settlement of Malheur-eue-sement (Malheur & Sement) . It's territory spreads across whats on the map. You'll see why this is important next.

Âgues Ërl (Early Ages) 0CE-1000CE

Actually, etymology-wise, the above is not "Early Ages" in Sydiac. It means "The Age of Peace", but that could not describe this age in the slightest. Here is the rundown over both countries


Regnum Vrian (Fight for Regnian Soil)

Blerina Kraftern (Black Armistice)

Kur Ventira (First Enticement)


Rush por Monten (Rush for the Mountains)

Kur Ventira (First Enticement)

Sunnislamic Infiltration

Middle Ages

Industrial Revolution

Perender Wær de Empere

Perender Nuvee