History of Rhayna (Pacifica)

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The history of Rhayna, or history of Moellia encompasses the history of the territory of the modern nation-state of the UPRAN, Moellia, as well as that of the Rhayno-Aegean people and the areas they inhabited and ruled historically. The scope of Rhaynan habitation and rule has varied throughout the ages and as a result, the history of Rhayna is similarly elastic in what it includes. Generally, the history of Rhayna is divided into the following periods:

  • Prehistoric Moellia.
    • Palaeolithic Moellia, starting c. 2.6 million years ago and ending in 20,000 BCE. Significant climatic changes occurred in the modern Moellian area, which were definitive for the development of fauna and flora and the settlement and adaptation of Homo sapiens to the region.
    • Mesolithic Moellia, starting in 20,000 BCE and ending around 11,700 BCE. It was a period of long and slow development of primitive human "proto-communities", where the Aegeans that arrived to the region competed for resources in a progressively more arid environment at the end of the Last Glaciation Peak.
    • Neolithic Moellia, starting in 11,700 BCE with the cultivation of crops in the banks of rivers and the herding of the first domesticated animals, and ending around 3,300 BCE with the spread of bronze metallurgy throughout the region. It was the base for the organized Bronze Age communities of Moellia in the Rhaynan Bronze Age.
  • Bronze Age Moellia.
    • Early Yponic Moellia, starting in 3,300 BCE with the spread of bronze metallurgy and an Aegean proto-alphabet, and ending in around 2,400 BCE with the apparition of the first moello-aegean city states.
    • Niclacian chronology
      • Early Niclacian (EN)
      • Late Niclacian (LN)
    • Pavlavian chronology
      • Early Pavlavian (EP)
      • Late Pavlavian (LP)
    • Moric chronology
      • Early Moric (EM)
      • Late Moric (LM)