Kliegmean-Britolasian Non-aggression pact (Pacifica)

The Kliegmean-Britolasian Non-aggression pact was a Non–Aggression Pact concluded on November 29, 1961 between Kliegme and Nicholas and Great Britain. The agreement was preceded by somewhat lengthy negotiations, which began back in May of the same year. The Pact was renegotiated on 2010 after Nicholas McGregor's Government demanded the renegotiation for his government to continue the pact.
After Kliegme secured its independence through the treaty of Myurmyansk, it sought to receive international recognition of its sovereignty. The effort was pushed strongest in Crabry, due to Kliegme being surrounded by two powerful neighbors. On April 20, 1961, the Nicholas and Great British Ministry of Foreign Affairs proposed to their Kliegmean counterpart to conclude a non–aggression pact and a trade treaty for both countries. Mumiea welcomed these proposals and on May 10, 1961, Kliegme and Nicholas and Great Britain began negotiations for a non–aggression pact. Unexpectedly, talks were bogged down over topics such as Kliegme's recognition of Kalinskia or whether the act of sanctions count as aggression.
While mutual relations degraded severely in August due to border conflicts in Romordia, the resignation of [insert name here]'s government and the formation of [insert second guy's name here] government allowed Kliegmean-Britolasian relations to improve. A major contract signed in October by Gazproiz for the supply of Kliegmean Oil to Nicholas and Great Britain also facilitated the pact.
As a result, the Kliegmean-Britolasian Non-aggression pact was signed on November 29, 1961
- The first article of the treaty stated that Both Contracting Parties undertake to maintain peaceful and friendly relations between them and mutually respect the territorial integrity and inviolability of the other Contracting Party.
- Article Two stated that should one of the Contracting Parties become the object of hostilities on the part of one or several third powers, the other Contracting Party will observe neutrality throughout the duration of the conflict.
- In Article Three, each side stated that "it is not bound by any agreement imposing an obligation on it to participate in an attack by a third state".
- Article Four stated that disputes or conflicts between the Contracting parties be settled in a peaceful exchange of opinions, or if necessary, through the establishment of arbitration committees.
Renegotiations for the pact in 2010 added Articles Five and Six to the pact.
- Article Five contained a mutual obligation of non–interference in each other's internal affairs, in particular of refraining from "any action tending to incite or encourage any agitation, propaganda or attempted intervention" and so on.
- Article Six stated that the Contracting Parties must ensure the safety of the Other's citizens during their return to their respective nations if either parties cannot accept foreigner presence on its soil.
Both parties of the treaty have respected it throughout the years. The Non-aggression pact effectively ended all threats to Kliegmean sovereignty in Crabry, and allowed it to trade with Nicholas and Great Britain under trade treaties signed alongside the Non-aggression pact. Even as the infamous Supreme Leader Decree #5100 was signed by Supreme Leader Nicholas McGregor, Kliegmean citizens were evacuated safely back to Kliegme. While not directly due to the pact, Kliegme's policies regarding Nicholas and Great Britain is controversial for being "too passive", especially during the McGregor Government. In 2021, International Observers have criticised Kliegme's inaction during Izaakia's intervention in Nicholas and Great Britain.