List of airports (Pacifica)

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This is a list of airports in Pacifica, grouped by type and sorted by location.

Map of ICAO region codes.


This list contains the following information:

  • City served – The city generally associated with the airport. This is not always the actual location since some airports are located in smaller towns outside of the city they serve. It is not meant to be a complete list of cities served, which can be found in or added to each airport's TSPedia article.
  • IATA – The airport code assigned by the International Air Transport Association (IATA).
  • ICAO – The location indicator assigned by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).
  • Airport name – The official airport name. Those shown in bold indicate the airport has scheduled passenger service on commercial airlines.
  • Role – One of four IATA airport categories.
    • P-s: Commercial service – primary are publicly owned airports that receive scheduled passenger service and have more than 10,000 passenger boardings (enplanements) each year. Each primary airport is sub-classified by IATA as one of the following four "hub" types (s):
      • L: Large hub: At least 15,500,000 annual enplanements.
      • M: Medium hub: 1,500,000-15,500,000 annual enplanements
      • S: Small hub: 100,000-1,500,000 annual enplanements
      • N: Nonhub: More than 10,000 annual enplanements, less than 100,000.
    • CS: Commercial service – nonprimary are publicly owned airports that receive scheduled passenger service and have at least 2,500 passenger boardings each year.
    • R: Reliever airports are designated by IATA to relieve congestion at a large commercial service airport and to provide more general aviation access to the overall community.
    • GA: General aviation airports are the largest single group of airports in the global airport system.
  • Enplanements – The number of enplanements (commercial passenger boardings) that occurs at the airport annually.
Country served City served IATA ICAO Airport name Role Enplanements
Commercial service – primary airports
 Besern Brient BTF NBFR Brient-Nordfeld Airport P-L 65,096,322
Treisag TSR NBSR Treisag-Curoling Airport 40,002,300
Obraviastadt ORB NBRI Obravia-Brandingfeld Airport 42,043,222
 Holy Free Havanen HVN NHHH Havanen International Airport
Lordinia LDN NHLD Lordinia National International Airport P-M
Torielen HOL AHHA Holsani Central Airport
Rove ROV NHRV Rove International Airport P-L
Ruste RUS NHRS Trinal II Ruste Airport P-M
New Gracemaria NGF NHNG Niwa Airport P-S
 Ikoania Gralois GUN EIOU Gralois Undying National Airport P-XL
[[The Union of Pyhdon-Fálistríca and the Kshahar Sa’lani Intrallentris Costelvarduro]] Aal-Adhan Cherkhyre

(AAC/NAAC megacode)

PYA NPYA Aeroport de Centr'Un P-L
PYB NPYB Aeroport de Cent-Deux
PYC NPYC Aeroport de Cent-Trois
PYD NPYD Aeroport de Cent-Quatre
PYE NPYE Aeroport de Centinq
PYF NPYF Aeroport de Cent-Six
PYG NPYG Aeroport de Cent-Sept
PYH NPYH Aeroport de Centuit
PYI NPYI Aeroport de Centuf
PYJ NPYJ Aeroport de Cent-Dix
PYK NPYK Aeroport de Cent-Onze
PYL NPYL Aeroport de Cent-Douze
PYM NPYM Aeroport de Cent-Treize
PYN NPYN Aeroport de Cenqua-Torse
PYO NPYO Aeroport de Centqui-nze
PYP NPYP Aeroport de Centsei-ze
PYQ NPYQ Aeroport de Cendix-sept

(MHM/NMHM megacode)

PYR NPYR Aeroport de Malheureuesement
PYS NPYS Sadris Aeroport d'Ouest
PYT NPYT Kurencen
Nuvee Cherkhyre PYU NPYU Aeroport de Per'un
Aohns PYV NPYV Aeroport de Aohnvai
Ozjie PYW NPYW Ozjie Aero Kreant
Lam Sharon PYX NPYX Sharon Port
Bharian PYY NPYY Bharenian
Astro PYZ NPYZ Astro-noren
Ladilo Vestiño PZD NPZD Ladilo Vestiño Airport & Spaceport

(DRS/NDRS megacode)

PZB NPZB Valaianacis Airport
PZC NPZC Saliacn Airport
 Izaakia New Mako-Izaakston NMI KNMI New Mako-Izaakston International Airport P-L 84,000,000
New Mako WNM KWNW West New Mako Airport P-M 13,000,000
Izaakston EIA KEIA East of Izaakston Airport P-M 9,000,000
New Mako/ Izaakston/ Blancopolis SBI KSBI Stella Blanc International Airport P-L 43,000,000
Polar City POL KPOL Polar City International Airport P-M 3,000,000
Manta City MAN KMAN Manta City International Airport P-M 7,000,000
St Ottery STO KSTO St Ottery Airport P-S 700,000
La Citadelle LCA BLCA La Citadelle International Airport P-L 45,000,000
Port Vent PVA BPVA Port Vent Airport P-S 1,300,000
Gommorah SOD BSOD Sodom International Airport P-M 4,000,000
Oceania OCA BOCA Oceania Airstrip P-M 11,000,000
Port Astride PAA BPAA Astride Airport P-S 900,000
Port Deception POD BPOD Deception Point Airport P-L 18,000,000
Olicana OCX BOCX Olicana International Airport P-M 14,000,000
Hopstown HTC BHTC Hopstown X Airport P-L 26,000,000
Vinland VIN BVIN Vinland International P-M 12,000,000
Surfers Parasise SPX BSPX Surfers Paradise Airport P-S 1,400,000
Chateau Liberte CLA BCLA Chateau Liberte International Airstrip P-S 1,200,000
Commercial service – nonprimary airports
Reliever airports
General aviation airports