Rehy (A1-0)

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Motto“Built like a mosaic.”
Founded9543 BBT
LocationSector A1-0
Key worlds
Population11 trillion
Head of stateSceyidy
Major speciesRikeuninerd

Rehy is a spacefaring nation located in the east of Sector A1-0. Rehy is a long standing mutual agreement between Ruka nations. Formed 9543 BBT, the idea of Rehy was instigated by the Screea Defence Defence originally to maintain co-operation among small Scayikra quasi-states, during a period of time when Yeea where displaying increased hostility. A vast majority of nations joined Rehy at 7’153 BBT as an alternative to the Ra Da Kur and Ssca. The most recent nation to join Rehy is Kusu, joining Rehy 1932 BBT.

Rehy’s motto “Built like a mosaic” refers to the number of cultures under the alliance, comparing them to the colourful, interlocked nature of a mosaic. The motto could also refer to the nations complicated subdivisions, as maps, particularly those of pre-intergalactic Rehy, look like mosaics.

Notably Rehy is a direct democracy, having a currencyless economy adhering to syndicalism, while also supporting a powerful military.


Rehy directly translates from Scayi as “collected defence congregation”, simply meaning “Military alliance”. The name dates back to when Rehy was first formed, where it was named so for simplicity.


Formation of Rehy

At 9556 BBT Yeea began harassing fishing unions with mercenries. Screea formed Rehy was formed at 9543 BBT, to kick their butts.

Reik kiki krik (Reik did a dumb)

At 8’989 BBT, Rak Reik proposed the first map displaying Scayikra borders. The proposal caused uproar due to the lack of Scayikra support. Reik responded to this by sending 300 troops to REHY CAPITAL, this action quickly backfired and the troops where withdrawn after 5 days of deployment. Civil unrest in Reik caused by such poor decisions, dubbed by protestors Reik kiki krik (Eng. Reik did a dumb), divided Reik into tree nations. The borders were dissolved after the 3rd Ssca war, and Scayikra returned to its regular quasi-state form.

ScySsca (Ssca dispute)

Rehy’s was involved in the Third Ssca War in 7’153 BBT, however it’s member states where involved in the Ssca dispute before Rehy’s formation. Rehy was involved in 50 years old Cold War before such escalation, and aided in preventing acts of terror.

Rakar nations join

Rakar continent nations, minus Kusu, joined under the Ra da Kur at 7’149 BBT, a year before the union collapsed. Once the Ra da Kur collapsed, all nations remained under Rehy. At 7’036 BBT nation Koo formed Kooa ra da Rakara, wich Rakar nations continue to join today.

Kusu joined

“Yay for the gun loving lonely snow boys, they joined the family.”

First contacts

Home Reclamtion Government

Ecounted via expedition 214

Independent Nrolia

Encounted via expedition 216


“This is geography but space. Cubic lighyears. Were it is. Systems. Megastructures and other stuff (wormholes, nebulas)”


Major worlds of Rehy

Ruka: Homeworld of Rikeuninerd.

Eyeyey: Terraformed. The nomads like to stay here.

Deeroo: Terraformed. Military outpost.

Ra-Scayi: Major mining planet. The one with the giant outposts.

Kikikaka: Terraformed. Tropical paradise.


Rehy is a direct democracy.

Borders and subdivisions

Rehy dosnt have galactic borders in a conventional manner, but instead has varying degrees of known and unknown space. (MAP) Planets are subdivided into local authorities.


“Rehy is highly defensive, and will join in wars if asked to.

Not interested in expanding.

Give the people guns.


Land is Land.

Free healthcare n transport (I mean there’s no currency so???) (if you can’t give ya doctor a fish the government will.)”

List Of Things To Purge (Aka bird Geneva Convention, international law ect)

Thought history numerous superpower put together international laws, prominently is the “List of Things We Don’t Like” created by Rak-Reik. This list would go on to inspire Rehy’s “List of Things To Purge.” Proposed and implemented upon Ssca’s final capitulation, the legislation for it is as follows:



-Cults of personality

-Class oppression

-Imperialism -Eugenics

-Oppressive theocracies

-Forced labour and slavery

The above are a collection of things Rehy opposes and will confront nations on, if met with military aggression upon attempting diplomacy if the aggressor dose not back down Rehy will retaliate. In addition if an aggressor is to instigate a war on Rehy will oppose them unless given an appropriate diplomatic solution. (WIP)


Redyaaa or Scayikra syndicalism is currencyless economic system adhering to syndicalism and a complex resource exchange system. The system originates from Scayikra, Ruka, and has been adopted by all nations under Rehy.

Scayikra unions were formed as a part of society, as individuals from particular areas began working together. Groups of individuals working together gave themselves names to make collaboration, communication and trade easier. The term “redya”, meaning “workers union” eventually emerged, referring to these groups. Over time unions developed subdivisions and person specific roles, streamlining management.

Union structure

Often several unions exist for one industry, large unions are subdivided over communities to make management easier.

They are knitted tightly into communities, and unions quite often define quasi-state territory. Of corse, individual unions have different cultures, but that’s a whole separate story.

They are structured similarly to a military’s organisation, in fact the Defence Defences organisation was based of union structure. Said structure has changed over time.

Pre-Rehy: Scayikraa had smaller city states/quasi-states that didn’t know about each other, hence many unions. There is little difference between union structure.

Post-Rehy: Community to community, there is no difference between union structure, within an industry different unions exist simply so things are easer to manage.

Post-intergalactic: organisation is changed to take into account planets. Planets are often dedicated to a particular industry, typically there is one union per planet, which is subdivided according regions and further cities.



Subdivisions are not controlled by a singular person, but are collectively controlled by the workers. They have people specific roles, such a logistics. No role holds higher importance than another, they are all equally as important: these are workers unions after all.

Resource exchange system

Rehy’s resource exchange system is comparable to a complex ecosystem, with logistics specific workers directing resource exchange between unions.


Scayikra lacks currency simply because they did not develop past bartering. The concept of currency did emerge, however a group of traders known as Yeer attempted to strictly in force it, sparking conflict and a decline in its popularity.


To purchase commodities in Rehy, you barter. (WIP)


“Giant recycling ship because yes. And Rehy love guns, and camouflage. We know about and understand bio-engineering but don't use it. (Ssca where the first to start looking into it, and gave it a bad name). Can warp and terraform.”


“Underground buildings. The recycling plants and military outposts.”


“Theres just Rike. Religion and culture. Nomads.”

See also