War crimes in the Nicholas and Great British Civil War (Pacifica)

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During the Nicholas and Great British Civil War (1975-81), the Romordian National Front had committed multiple war crimes, such as deliberate attacks against Nicholas and Great British civilian targets, including on hospitals and medical facilities; indiscriminate attacks on densely-populated areas; abduction, torture and murder of civilians; sexual violence; destruction of cultural heritage; and the killing and torture of Nicholas and Great British prisoners of war.

The Nicholasian Movement for Emancipation, the Nicholas and Great British Armed Forces, the Kalinskian Armed Forces and the Kalinskian Legion also committed war crimes during the war.

The Aberstopian Armed Forces have been accused of mistreating POWs and the torture and murder of civilians. However, investigations were inconclusive.


Many cases of arbitrary detention and enforced disappearance of Nicholas and Great British civilians by West Romordian rebels were reported. 16 of these civilians were later found dead.

Attacks on civilians

The World Forum human rights monitoring mission in Nicholas and Great Britain said West Romordian rebels made indiscriminate attacks and strikes on civilian assets such as houses, hospitals and schools.

West Romordian rebels were found to have rounded up Nicholas and Great British men in their occupied territory and executed them.

West Romordian rebels tortured and executed Nicholas and Great British civilians.

West Romordian rebels were found to have attacked, and in some cases killed, Nicholas and Great British civilians "for fun."

There were many reports of sexual violence on Nicholas and Great British civilians by West Romordian rebels.

West Romordian rebels shot at cars attempting to flee the Nicholas and Great British territory occupied by the rebels.

West Romordian and Nicholasian rebels were reported to have used human shields.

West Romordian rebels murdered Nicholas and Great British children.

Aberstopian soldiers were accused to have tortured and executed Nicholas and Great British and Kalinskian civilians. This was later dismissed after an eye witness used as evidence for this admitted that the eye witness accounts were fake. However, the current Nicholas and Great British government and Kalinskian government still affirm that Aberstopian soldiers committed these war crimes.


West Romordian rebels looted Nicholas and Great British homes in their occupied territory.

West Romordian rebels looted Nicholas and Great British museums in their occupied territory.

Forced conscription

Towards the end of the war, many Nicholas and Great British civilians in areas occupied by Nicholasian rebel forces were forced to join the Nicholasian Movement for Emancipation. Civilians were forcefully taken to assembly points where they were recruited and immediately sent to the front line.

Mistreatment of prisoners of war

West Romordian and Nicholasian rebels were found to have mistreated and executed Nicholas and Great British prisoners of war.

Nicholas and Great British armed forces were reported to have mistreated prisoners of war.

Both the Kalinskian armed forces and the Kalinskian legion were found to have mistreated prisoners of war.

Aberstopian armed forces were accused to have mistreated prisoners of war. However, investigations were inconclusive and some evidence suggests that accounts of torture from Nicholas and Great British prisoners of war were fake. However, the current government of Nicholas and Great Britain still affirms this.