Sector A1-0 (A1-0)

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Location of Sector A1-0 within the Lampshade Galaxy. The sector occupies an area of about 4,400x3,400x1000 ly³.

Sector A1-0 is a sector of the 3SGS subdivision system, located in the Alpha quadrant of the Lampshade Galaxy. It is approximatively 4,400 light years in length, 3400 light years in width and 1000 light years in height, and it is inhabited by hundreds of starfaring civilizations.


Sector A1-0 occupies a total volume of 14.960.000.000 cubic lightyears, containing nearly 63.5 million star systems and 102 million planets. Natural space phenomena called badlands are present throughout the Sector: they are mysterious nebulous areas that warp spacetime in exotic ways and thefore preventing space travel to occur through them, though some civilisations claim to have the ability to traverse them in a limited capacity.


As a 3SGS (Standard Sector System of Galactic Subdivision) Sector, the "A" signifies that the sector belongs to the A-series of sectors that are located between the galactic bulge and the 50% divide that divides the galaxy into two circular portions with an equal amount of stars. "1" is the designation of the ring, and "0" defines the specific segment of the ring. The sector has no official alternative name to its 3SGS designation, although many civilizations have their own names for this volume of space.


Political map of A1-0. High resolution version.



Sector A1-0 is the home of hundreds of naturally evolved sapient species on thousands of worlds. Current estimations put the total number of sapient individuals at 600 trillion dispersed over the many star nations. However, it should be mentioned that Humans and their derived species are seemingly omnipresent throughout the entire Sector. With many star nations being founded by Humans and/or their off-shoot, it is yet unclear where the species originated from and whether their homeworld is located somewhere in the Sector.

See also

OOC: Useful wiki links for A1-0