Nasphilitae (Pacifica)
Nasphilitae ⟪nāsfɪlɪtɛ⟫, officially the Grand Duchy of Nasphilitae is a country on the south-east portion of continent Crabry. North, bordered with Phanama; West, bordered with Esfalsa; South, bordered with Jakub. On the East (“Brownfield Coastline”) bordered with the southern portion (“Supra-South”) of South Pacific Ocean.
Nasphiliti economy is presumed to the property of the following: developing, emerging, or “newly (re)industrialised economies”. This dispute is a produce of there existing clear, mere five political economic approaches. Characteristics of the economy are: strict division of labour-sector; high inequality; social/public property in addition to state and private; former monopoly on two specific finance services.
The Nasphiliti political & justice system has been described as "confusing" by foreigners. Nasphilitae is a highly localised, [[Wikipedia:Regionalism|regional], Electoral monarchy, with an Uncodified constitution